Fox News called out by President Obama, they have a hissy fit.

Practically every host cohost regular on Foxnews is nothing more than the equivalent of a GOP product placement.
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.
Practically every host cohost regular on Foxnews is nothing more than the equivalent of a GOP product placement.
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

Then stop crying about the liberal media.
Practically every host cohost regular on Foxnews is nothing more than the equivalent of a GOP product placement.
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.
The reference was comical, yeesh, you progs are a dense as you are whiny.

Does comical still mean funny?

Nice try, not so tough guy. Now I can imagine all the prog posters on here bleating out "Four legs good, two legs better!!!" over and over again.

Wrong book dumbass
Did he just reference "Animal Farm" instead of "1984" :rofl:

Intentionally. All Orwell, same thing. Attempted gotcha, fail.
No, not the same thing....and I don't believe for a moment you did that intentionally. You're like the cat that falls flat on its face then tries to coolly walk away like "I meant to do that, I meant to do that."

Practically every host cohost regular on Foxnews is nothing more than the equivalent of a GOP product placement.
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
Does comical still mean funny?

Nice try, not so tough guy. Now I can imagine all the prog posters on here bleating out "Four legs good, two legs better!!!" over and over again.

Wrong book dumbass
Did he just reference "Animal Farm" instead of "1984" :rofl:

Intentionally. All Orwell, same thing. Attempted gotcha, fail.
No, not the same thing....and I don't believe for a moment you did that intentionally. You're like the cat that falls flat on its face then tries to coolly walk away like "I meant to do that, I meant to do that."


I was going with an Orwellian theme, and both are Orwell, and both have the same connotations. I have read both books recently, as I still have my copies from high school. Is it really a stretch to go from the 2 minute hate in 1984 to the bleating of the sheep in Animal Farm? Both are references to mindless conditioning, a reflex progressives seem to have whenever it comes to Fox News.

Orwell was a socialist who saw socialism in his day being used as a tool of totalitarians. You progressives own this stuff, its your bread and butter, from Thoughtcrime to selective history.
a conservative yammering about selective history! damn funny that!

If that's all you got as a response, generalized retorts of no real content, I suggest the Hello Kitty Message board is more your speed.

But keep bleating "Fox news bad, unga bunga", its charming.
smells like butt hurt to me!

The only butthurt is on your side, because you have no real reply when called out on your Orwellian mindset when it comes to Fox.

you have a rich fantasy.
Practically every host cohost regular on Foxnews is nothing more than the equivalent of a GOP product placement.
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
they are what?
Nice try, not so tough guy. Now I can imagine all the prog posters on here bleating out "Four legs good, two legs better!!!" over and over again.

Wrong book dumbass
Did he just reference "Animal Farm" instead of "1984" :rofl:

Intentionally. All Orwell, same thing. Attempted gotcha, fail.
No, not the same thing....and I don't believe for a moment you did that intentionally. You're like the cat that falls flat on its face then tries to coolly walk away like "I meant to do that, I meant to do that."


I was going with an Orwellian theme, and both are Orwell, and both have the same connotations. I have read both books recently, as I still have my copies from high school. Is it really a stretch to go from the 2 minute hate in 1984 to the bleating of the sheep in Animal Farm? Both are references to mindless conditioning, a reflex progressives seem to have whenever it comes to Fox News.
“He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.”
Albert Einstein

“We all know that any emotional bias -- irrespective of truth or falsity -- can be implanted by suggestion in the emotions of the young, hence the inherited traditions of an orthodox community are absolutely without evidential value.... If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences. With such an honest and inflexible openness to evidence, they could not fail to receive any real truth which might be manifesting itself around them. The fact that religionists do not follow this honourable course, but cheat at their game by invoking juvenile quasi-hypnosis, is enough to destroy their pretensions in my eyes even if their absurdity were not manifest in every other direction.”
H.P. Lovecraft, Against Religion: The Atheist Writings of H.P. Lovecraft
Practically every host cohost regular on Foxnews is nothing more than the equivalent of a GOP product placement.
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.

Is any news organization to the left of Fox automatically liberal?
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.

Is any news organization to the left of Fox automatically liberal?
TRANSLATION: How do those conservatives DARE to announce an opinion that disagrees with mine?

No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
they are what?

If you read the whole conversation you would know.
No the translation is quit pretending that Foxnews is anything other than a set of tools for the GOP.

So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
they are what?

If you read the whole conversation you would know.
I did , as always you make no sense.
Wrong book dumbass
Did he just reference "Animal Farm" instead of "1984" :rofl:

Intentionally. All Orwell, same thing. Attempted gotcha, fail.
No, not the same thing....and I don't believe for a moment you did that intentionally. You're like the cat that falls flat on its face then tries to coolly walk away like "I meant to do that, I meant to do that."


I was going with an Orwellian theme, and both are Orwell, and both have the same connotations. I have read both books recently, as I still have my copies from high school. Is it really a stretch to go from the 2 minute hate in 1984 to the bleating of the sheep in Animal Farm? Both are references to mindless conditioning, a reflex progressives seem to have whenever it comes to Fox News.
“He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.”
Albert Einstein

“We all know that any emotional bias -- irrespective of truth or falsity -- can be implanted by suggestion in the emotions of the young, hence the inherited traditions of an orthodox community are absolutely without evidential value.... If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences. With such an honest and inflexible openness to evidence, they could not fail to receive any real truth which might be manifesting itself around them. The fact that religionists do not follow this honourable course, but cheat at their game by invoking juvenile quasi-hypnosis, is enough to destroy their pretensions in my eyes even if their absurdity were not manifest in every other direction.”
H.P. Lovecraft, Against Religion: The Atheist Writings of H.P. Lovecraft

Yay, you can use the quote function? and your point?
So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
they are what?

If you read the whole conversation you would know.
I did , as always you make no sense.

Don;t blame peach for your lack of cognitive ability, or to dumb it down for you so you can understand, "don't be hatin yo."
All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
they are what?

If you read the whole conversation you would know.
I did , as always you make no sense.

Don;t blame peach for your lack of cognitive ability, or to dumb it down for you so you can understand, "don't be hatin yo."
two yammering posts in a row.
So what?
All of the others are for the Liberals
You're having a fit because there is one for Conservatives?
Get over it because it isn't going anywhere.

All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
they are what?

If you read the whole conversation you would know.
I did , as always you make no sense.

What part did you not understand?
It's very clear to everyone else.
Nice try, not so tough guy. Now I can imagine all the prog posters on here bleating out "Four legs good, two legs better!!!" over and over again.

Wrong book dumbass
Did he just reference "Animal Farm" instead of "1984" :rofl:

Intentionally. All Orwell, same thing. Attempted gotcha, fail.
No, not the same thing....and I don't believe for a moment you did that intentionally. You're like the cat that falls flat on its face then tries to coolly walk away like "I meant to do that, I meant to do that."


I was going with an Orwellian theme, and both are Orwell, and both have the same connotations. I have read both books recently, as I still have my copies from high school. Is it really a stretch to go from the 2 minute hate in 1984 to the bleating of the sheep in Animal Farm? Both are references to mindless conditioning, a reflex progressives seem to have whenever it comes to Fox News.
You were "going for an Orwellian theme". :haha:
All of what others? Radio? The internet? You're an idiot. Still an idiot.

You are the idiot if you don't know that they are.
they are what?

If you read the whole conversation you would know.
I did , as always you make no sense.

What part did you not understand?
It's very clear to everyone else.
who is everyone?
Wrong book dumbass
Did he just reference "Animal Farm" instead of "1984" :rofl:

Intentionally. All Orwell, same thing. Attempted gotcha, fail.
No, not the same thing....and I don't believe for a moment you did that intentionally. You're like the cat that falls flat on its face then tries to coolly walk away like "I meant to do that, I meant to do that."


I was going with an Orwellian theme, and both are Orwell, and both have the same connotations. I have read both books recently, as I still have my copies from high school. Is it really a stretch to go from the 2 minute hate in 1984 to the bleating of the sheep in Animal Farm? Both are references to mindless conditioning, a reflex progressives seem to have whenever it comes to Fox News.
You were "going for an Orwellian theme". :haha:
I could have sworn it was a falwellian theme, with a touch of robersonism.

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