Make no mistake, this is what trump winning looks like.

What exactly in this story is a fact?
Late on the night of April 24, the wife of Georgia’s top election official got a chilling text message: “You and your family will be killed very slowly.”

A week earlier, Tricia Raffensperger, wife of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, had received another anonymous text: “We plan for the death of you and your family every day.”

That followed an April 5 text warning. A family member, the texter told her, was “going to have a very unfortunate incident.”

Those messages, which have not been previously reported, illustrate the continuing barrage of threats and intimidation against election officials and their families months after former U.S. President Donald Trump’s November election defeat. While reports of threats against Georgia officials emerged in the heated weeks after the voting, Reuters interviews with more than a dozen election workers and top officials – and a review of disturbing texts, voicemails and emails that they and their families received – reveal the previously hidden breadth and severity of the menacing tactics.


DEATH THREATS: Tricia Raffensperger - wife of Georgia’s top election official - provided Reuters with screen shots of menacing text messages she received recently.
Trump’s relentless false claims that the vote was “rigged” against him sparked a campaign to terrorize election officials nationwide – from senior officials such as Raffensperger to the lowest-level local election workers. The intimidation has been particularly severe in Georgia, where Raffensperger and other Republican election officials refuted Trump’s stolen-election claims. The ongoing harassment could have far-reaching implications for future elections by making the already difficult task of recruiting staff and poll workers much harder, election officials say.

Late on the night of April 24, the wife of Georgia’s top election official got a chilling text message: “You and your family will be killed very slowly.”

A week earlier, Tricia Raffensperger, wife of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, had received another anonymous text: “We plan for the death of you and your family every day.”

That followed an April 5 text warning. A family member, the texter told her, was “going to have a very unfortunate incident.”

Those messages, which have not been previously reported, illustrate the continuing barrage of threats and intimidation against election officials and their families months after former U.S. President Donald Trump’s November election defeat. While reports of threats against Georgia officials emerged in the heated weeks after the voting, Reuters interviews with more than a dozen election workers and top officials – and a review of disturbing texts, voicemails and emails that they and their families received – reveal the previously hidden breadth and severity of the menacing tactics.


DEATH THREATS: Tricia Raffensperger - wife of Georgia’s top election official - provided Reuters with screen shots of menacing text messages she received recently.
Trump’s relentless false claims that the vote was “rigged” against him sparked a campaign to terrorize election officials nationwide – from senior officials such as Raffensperger to the lowest-level local election workers. The intimidation has been particularly severe in Georgia, where Raffensperger and other Republican election officials refuted Trump’s stolen-election claims. The ongoing harassment could have far-reaching implications for future elections by making the already difficult task of recruiting staff and poll workers much harder, election officials say.

Paranoid Marxists say the darndest things.
Have you noticed, as I have, that you add nothing of value to any conversation?
I'm deeply depressed you find no merit in my posts. perhaps if I would start blaming Trump for everything going on in the world, whether he's behind it or not, (like you and your ilk do), you'd change your opinion.
perhaps if Trump didn't scare the crap out of you, I wouldn't need to ask you why you blame him for your bunions, or your athletes foot.

I will admit you do have a case for blaming your diaper rash on him.
A special kind of stupid is believing in election fraud despite numerous law suits and Trump’s own administration debunking all the lies of election fraud.
They find being detached from reality very liberating.
perhaps if I would start blaming Trump for everything going on in the world
I don't. No one does. His supporters have made numerous threats against election workers. Something he has yet to condemn. You don't seem to be able to deal with that fact. So you exaggerate what is being pointed out as a way to dismiss the truth. It's a defense mechanism.
Trump’s baseless voter-fraud accusations have had dark consequences for U.S. election leaders and workers, especially in contested states such as Georgia, Arizona and Michigan. Some have faced protests at their homes or been followed in their cars. Many have received death threats.

Some, like Raffensperger, are senior officials who publicly refused to bow to Trump’s demands to alter the election outcome. In Georgia, people went into hiding in at least three cases, including the Raffenspergers. Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, told Reuters she continues to receive death threats. Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson – a Democrat who faced armed protesters outside her home in December – is also still getting threats, her spokesperson said, declining to elaborate.
I don't. No one does. His supporters have made numerous threats against election workers. Something he has yet to condemn. You don't seem to be able to deal with that fact. So you exaggerate what is being pointed out as a way to dismiss the truth. It's a defense mechanism.
His supporters have made numerous threats against election workers.
is Trump behind it?


Not sure?

then it's a fucking conspiracy.
Before the Orange Menace came on the scene such things were unimaginable. No one makes Putin smile more than trump.
If Trump can’t win legitimately, rig the vote and intimidate the vote counters. That has been Trump’s strategy since Trump’s defeat in 2020. Trump and his minions of sore losers are a danger to our democratic institutions. It is just sad that innocent and hard working true American patriots working at the polls have to deal with these Trumpist miscreants.
Your post has nothing to do with the topic at hand and is a deflection. The issue is Trumpist intimidation and threats to poll workers. Why don’t you condemn these actions instead of making excuses for them?

Because they never actually happened, prolly.
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