"Trump Is Toast": Surprising Joe Rogan Comment Stirs Uproar Among Observers.

It’s almost like they pay as much as they can in order to whine

Or they’re lying
Correct, we are lying, everything is so cheap. Like doritos, these doritos did not double in price and to say so is a lie. Democrats dictate so
I don't decide my voting based on Rogan, Swift or any number of celebrities throwing their useless opinions at me.

Hilarious watching people quote someone they can't stand for cheap partisan bullshit talking points they can't come up with on their own.
I listened to Rogan. Rogan buy no means endorsed Kamala. Yes, Rogan criticized Trump. Yet, what Rogan said about Kamala and Biden, the Democrats, was scathing, accurate, brilliant.

The democrats have become a tyrannical monster. All they got to run on is destroy Trump and as I can see they are looking under every rock and coming up empty.

They must take one or two words and run on two words a person said while ignoring everything else the person said.

The democrats must pray that nobody listens to Rogan, if everyone listens to Rogan, the democrats are toast.

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