Make no mistake, this is what trump winning looks like.

Is that what you are calling a fact? lol
It is a fact.

The people who administer U.S. elections – from poll workers and ballot counters to county clerks and secretaries of state – have endured a year of terroristic threats from supporters of former President Donald Trump, inspired by his false assertions of widespread fraud in the 2020 vote. The result, as Reuters chronicled in this agenda-setting series of reports, has been a campaign of intimidation that is stressing the foundation of American democracy.
Yes, I condemn the threats. I’m not sure why you think Trump himself has anything to do with it but…

I guess I will have to start another thread to hear the excuses for Democrats having zero interest in securing our elections.
Trump’s own administration called 2020 the most secure in history. Election fraud is and continues to be the “big lie.”

As far as Trump’s involvement, he has been complicit in his this wave of intimidation:

It is a fact.

The people who administer U.S. elections – from poll workers and ballot counters to county clerks and secretaries of state – have endured a year of terroristic threats from supporters of former President Donald Trump, inspired by his false assertions of widespread fraud in the 2020 vote. The result, as Reuters chronicled in this agenda-setting series of reports, has been a campaign of intimidation that is stressing the foundation of American democracy.
What exactly in this story is a fact?
What exactly in this story is a fact?
The people who administer U.S. elections – from poll workers and ballot counters to county clerks and secretaries of state – have endured a year of terroristic threats from supporters of former President Donald Trump, inspired by his false assertions of widespread fraud in the 2020 vote. The result, as Reuters chronicled in this agenda-setting series of reports, has been a campaign of intimidation that is stressing the foundation of American democracy.
The people who administer U.S. elections – from poll workers and ballot counters to county clerks and secretaries of state – have endured a year of terroristic threats from supporters of former President Donald Trump, inspired by his false assertions of widespread fraud in the 2020 vote. The result, as Reuters chronicled in this agenda-setting series of reports, has been a campaign of intimidation that is stressing the foundation of American democracy.
So what exactly in that is a fact?
The people who administer U.S. elections – from poll workers and ballot counters to county clerks and secretaries of state – have endured a year of terroristic threats from supporters of former President Donald Trump, inspired by his false assertions of widespread fraud in the 2020 vote. The result, as Reuters chronicled in this agenda-setting series of reports, has been a campaign of intimidation that is stressing the foundation of American democracy.
🥨 🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨
Trump’s own administration called 2020 the most secure in history. Election fraud is and continues to be the “big lie.”

You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that changing the rules in 2020 didn’t open the door to more fraud and an even more naive not to believe that the flood of illegal immigrants being let into the country aren’t voting when all they have to do is check a box that “pinky swears” that they are citizens. It is amazing what Democrats will believe.
FBI investigating threatening letters sent to election officials in several states

The FBI warned election offices to be on the lookout after threatening letters containing suspicious substances were sent to the offices of multiple secretaries of state throughout the country.

A senior law enforcement official confirmed that election officials in at least six states received packages Monday but said that so far none of the packages have been found to contain any actual hazardous material.

Secretaries of state, attorney generals’ offices and state election offices in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Tennessee, Wyoming and Oklahoma were targeted. The return address identified the sender as the “U.S.T.E.A.” — “US Traitor Elimination Army.”

The Kansas secretary of state’s office was evacuated Monday, as were offices in Iowa and Oklahoma.

The FBI said in a statement it was "working with our partners to determine how many letters were sent, the individual or individuals responsible for the letters, and the motive behind the letters. As this is an ongoing matter we will not be commenting further on the investigation, but the public can be assured safety is our top priority.”

I do not recall this type of thing happening before trump began calling the integrity of elections in to question. Nor do I recall seeing stories about election officials quitting their jobs. These days so as to avoid the wrath of trump's mob. Begging the question, where is his condemnation of threats made against election workers?

The most detailed look yet at the 'exodus' of local voting officials

It's been clear for some time that the work environment in these jobs was becoming unsustainable. Threats and harassment have become commonplace since the flurry of voting lies that followed Donald Trump's loss in 2020, while at the same time, the actual job duties required have been steadily growing more complex.

He doesn't condemn the intimidation because his goal is to have non-partisan election workers replaced with his sycophants. His goal is to corrupt the system brick by brick.

Bullshit, you're nothing but a pack of corrupt, piece of shit liars with absolutely no shame and no moral compass.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that changing the rules in 2020 didn’t open the door to more fraud and an even more naive not to believe that the flood of illegal immigrants being let into the country aren’t voting when all they have to do is check a box that “pinky swears” that they are citizens. It is amazing what Democrats will believe.
A special kind of stupid is believing in election fraud despite numerous law suits and Trump’s own administration debunking all the lies of election fraud.
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You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that changing the rules in 2020 didn’t open the door to more fraud and an even more naive not to believe that the flood of illegal immigrants being let into the country aren’t voting when all they have to do is check a box that “pinky swears” that they are citizens. It is amazing what Democrats will believe.

They're not stupid, well at least the ones running the show, they know exactly what they are doing. It's the dredge of society that's stupid enough to believe them, i.e. all the mutant leftists on this board.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that changing the rules in 2020 didn’t open the door to more fraud and an even more naive not to believe that the flood of illegal immigrants being let into the country aren’t voting when all they have to do is check a box that “pinky swears” that they are citizens. It is amazing what Democrats will believe.
Republican election officials across the nation have stated that despite all your bogus claims that the election was secure and fair.

Courts have ruled that way as well . Trump however has fueled your lies and because of that, threats are being made to militate election officials across the country
A special kind of stupid is believing in election fraud despite numerous law suits and Trump’s own administration debunking all the lies of election fraud,
"Evil commies" like the two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption and COULD NOT, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

Oh, and the evil commie conservative judges and lawyers who penned the comprehensive report that addresses the various accusations, below.

Yes, I condemn the threats. I’m not sure why you think Trump himself has anything to do with it but…
Possibly because they started after he began his Big Lie campaign and he has never condemned the threats.
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