Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population

Michele Obama tried very hard to focus on healthier foods for at least school children and Republicans mocked and denigrated her for it.... :(

My kids were in elementary school during these years. I was one to emphasize healthy eating for them without being nutso about it....but the lunches were terrible for kids. Inedible.

They're much better now. Kids at school have a salad and veggie bar and everything is fresh
Never heard that phrase before but, yeah, if you thought you were gonna spend your summer playing Nintendo back in those days, most moms were quick to kick you out the house

I don’t know why parents today are so bad at that. We were fine and it’s no more dangerous out there today then it was back then

We had a child start school this year and the parent told us "behavior is fine as long as child is not disappointed. Please do not allow my child to be disappointed"

........right. Got news mom......
Some advice on this issue, if I may humbly add: cut out sugar, entirely if possible. I cannot stress enough how important this is to keeping weight off. Intermittent fasting, not ideal for kids so just make it so that your child doesnt snack after dinner. If you make dinner the last meal of the night they will be fasting for 12+ hours before breakfast. Cut out refined carbs. As noted here, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Inflation may creates the conditions that exercize downward pressure on ones healthy food budget, however, a decrease in caloric intake with healthier foods would be a great outcome.
Some advice on this issue, if I may humbly add: cut out sugar, entirely if possible. I cannot stress enough how important this is to keeping weight off. Intermittent fasting, not ideal for kids so just make it so that your child doesnt snack after dinner. If you make dinner the last meal of the night they will be fasting for 12+ hours before breakfast. Cut out refined carbs. As noted here, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Inflation may creates the conditions that exercize downward pressure on ones healthy food budget, however, a decrease in caloric intake with healthier foods would be a great outcome.
Make sure your kids walk to school and back if under a mile or so. It's likely the only exercise they will get.
How about you get them involved in sports?
Why? The coaches will have most of them sitting on the bench while they pursue their egoist agenda by playing only the best players. Or like in my grandson's case go in for one or two plays then spend the rest of the game on the bench. Walking is the king of physical exercise, and twice a day for five days is a great regimen for growing kids that might not otherwise engage in physical activity at all. And it's a great opportunity for friends walking together to bond whereas they might not get a similar period of time otherwise (been there, done that).
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Kids sitting on the bench still practice with the rest of the team. They should be training harder to become better and therefore not sit on the bench.
Kids sitting on the bench still practice with the rest of the team. They should be training harder to become better and therefore not sit on the bench.
We're talking about school kids of all ages here. I don't think team sports are generally available in the lower grades. And, kids can't be compelled to go out for sports. Many simply aren't athletic or have no interest. I was cured of football when a kid I knew lost his front teeth on the first day of practice (this was before faceguards however). This was the junior high team, the kid was in 7th grade.

Walking has many benefits besides the well-known health benefits.

No equipment needed.
No fitness club memberships.
Walk anytime, night or day.
Low intensity.
Your choice of locations.
No need for a coach.
Can be done alone.
No time or distance limits.
Walk indoors or outdoors.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall.

What's not to like?
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