I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way.

Maybe the OP can remind the USMB why she loves W Bush...

George W. Bush and Michelle Obama share a sweet moment at McCain’s ...

Michelle Obama's Legacy: The First Lady Through the Years's Legacy: The First Lady Through the Years

What a lovely group of Zionist Jews.
Doesn't mean they aren't a lovely group of Zionist Jews.

If you get excited by the thought of Big Mike holding you, that is your problem, not mine...
If you get excited by the thought of Big Mike holding you, that is your problem, not mine...
Your imagination is running wild.

I just think they are a lovely group of Zionist Jews.

Sorry that hurts your feelings.
I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way. The religious right wants to do this to america as they want to tell you how to act, what to read and what you can do in your life. This will greatly reduce the freedom you have in society.

Want to watch porn? Well, that is too bad!
Want to wear a dress as a man? Well, that is too bad!
Want to get married as a gay person? Well that is too bad!
Want to use ivf to start a family? Well, that is too bad! God decided to fuck you so suck it up bucko.
Want to get away from an abusive wife or husband? Well, that is too bad. Take it up the ass.
Want to have sex and use birth control or abortion? Well, that is a sin! We'll throw you in prison for using any of these methods.
Want to be a transwoman and work? WEll, that is too bad! YOu get to go to jail for being indecent.
Want to be gay? Well, they pass laws making it illegal soon enough! Look at what these pieces of shit are doing in Africa! Laws to ban homosexuality and the death penalty. wtf?

If these republicans have their way American women won't be able to wear skimpy clothing without being fucking fined or imprisoned like the old days.

The maga republicans really want to go back to the 19th century where one worked until they died, a woman was a baby making a machine and there were very little freedoms to live otherwise.
Do you mind that people know you're a liar?
It's been a total waste of money from day one and nothing has improved in the 44 years it has existed. Plus constitutionally there is no federal authority for it. But with you commies it's all about control.

As soon as you use the word “commies” in your post, you prove without a doubt that you’re an idiot.

Communism died in 1989. There have been no communists anywhere in the world for decades.

Get back to us when you join the 21st Century.
As soon as you use the word “commies” in your post, you prove without a doubt that you’re an idiot.

Communism died in 1989. There have been no communists anywhere in the world for decades.

Get back to us when you join the 21st Century.

Poor little foreign commie bitch, I can think of bunch of commie dictators that would say you're full of shit. And your little shithole in the world is inching closer and closer, but I'm very sure you love it that way. Eh comrade?

There are some in the GQP who clearly want a theocracy, and there are many who are too lost and weak and dense to see they're enabling one. And many in the party are CINOs at best.

How can the theocrats possibly look at world history and NOT SEE what a horrible idea this is?

Oh yeah. They don't do history.
Poor little foreign commie bitch, I can think of bunch of commie dictators that would say you're full of shit. And your little shithole in the world is inching closer and closer, but I'm very sure you love it that way. Eh comrade?


You don't have the vaguest idea of what communism is, any more than you understand capitalism. You just hate who you're told to hate without a thought in your head.

I live in one of the best run nations in the world, with the highest standard of living in the first world.

Your nation fell out of the Top 10 years ago, and it's falling further behind the rest of the first world every time Republicans crash your economy, which has become a "feature" not a bug of Republican Presidencies.

There is NO COMMUNISM anywhere in the world. There are dictatorships who call themselves "communist", but there is no nation where the people are in control of the economy. China, Cuba and North Korea are all leftist authoritarian dictatorships.

Start living in REALITY Texas. Take your ignorance and your insults and go watch a Trump Rally, and get your 4 minutes of Hate.
Poor little foreign commie bitch, I can think of bunch of commie dictators that would say you're full of shit. And your little shithole in the world is inching closer and closer, but I'm very sure you love it that way. Eh comrade?

Nah. As soon as you whine about every one else being commies, you become an idiot.
You don't have the vaguest idea of what communism is, any more than you understand capitalism. You just hate who you're told to hate without a thought in your head.

I live in one of the best run nations in the world, with the highest standard of living in the first world.

Your nation fell out of the Top 10 years ago, and it's falling further behind the rest of the first world every time Republicans crash your economy, which has become a "feature" not a bug of Republican Presidencies.

There is NO COMMUNISM anywhere in the world. There are dictatorships who call themselves "communist", but there is no nation where the people are in control of the economy. China, Cuba and North Korea are all leftist authoritarian dictatorships.

Start living in REALITY Texas. Take your ignorance and your insults and go watch a Trump Rally, and get your 4 minutes of Hate.

Yeah, your shithole is a grand place to be, ROFLMFAO Word something wrong, you're on your way to jail. Also no communist country has ever followed your fucked up text book definition. Of course you love tyranny. Ya commie bitch.

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