I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way.

Texas white boys are in the minority. They arex#cared #shitless. You can read it in his posts. It’s just a matter of time before it’s blue, commie blue to them. They will wet their pants the morning after…..or move to Oklahoma
Oklahoma? Now that's bad!
The Trump tax cuts cost us $2 trillion.

Only if you think everything you have belongs to the government, and any portion you use for yourself deprives them. What kind of fucked up thinking is that?

I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way. The religious right wants to do this to america as they want to tell you how to act, what to read and what you can do in your life. This will greatly reduce the freedom you have in society.

Want to watch porn? Well, that is too bad!
Want to wear a dress as a man? Well, that is too bad!
Want to get married as a gay person? Well that is too bad!
Want to use ivf to start a family? Well, that is too bad! God decided to fuck you so suck it up bucko.
Want to get away from an abusive wife or husband? Well, that is too bad. Take it up the ass.
Want to have sex and use birth control or abortion? Well, that is a sin! We'll throw you in prison for using any of these methods.
Want to be a transwoman and work? WEll, that is too bad! YOu get to go to jail for being indecent.
Want to be gay? Well, they pass laws making it illegal soon enough! Look at what these pieces of shit are doing in Africa! Laws to ban homosexuality and the death penalty. wtf?

If these republicans have their way American women won't be able to wear skimpy clothing without being fucking fined or imprisoned like the old days.

The maga republicans really want to go back to the 19th century where one worked until they died, a woman was a baby making a machine and there were very little freedoms to live otherwise.
Remind me again how many of those things happened when Trump was in office, Jessica?
Would you like to debate actual policies that will affect the country...or would you rather continue to post inflammatory crap about things that never actually happened and never will?
Remind me again how many of those things happened when Trump was in office, Jessica?
Would you like to debate actual policies that will affect the country...or would you rather continue to post inflammatory crap about things that never actually happened and never will?
What policies does Trump have ? Deny elections and climate change, blame immigrants and support trickle down on a massive scale,m
What policies does Trump have ? Deny elections and climate change, blame immigrants and support trickle down on a massive scale,m
Let's start with the border then, Dagosa. Were the Trump policies more effective at securing the border than the Biden/Harris polices have been?
Let's start with the border then, Dagosa. Were the Trump policies more effective at securing the border than the Biden/Harris polices have been?
Let’s start with the border. The gop has for decades refused vote on comprehensive immigration reform while they under fund security then refuse to hold employers responsible for hiring illegals…
Let’s start with the border. The gop has for decades refused vote on comprehensive immigration reform while they under fund security then refuse to hold employers responsible for hiring illegals…
With all due respect, Dagosa...Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neil had a deal worked out where Reagan gave immigration reforms to Democrats in return for strengthening the border...Reagan lived up to his end of that bargain...O'Neil welshed on the deal.

When Barack Obama was first in office Democrats controlled the Oval Office, the Senate and the House. Why wasn't comprehensive immigration reform passed then?
Let’s start with the border. The gop has for decades refused vote on comprehensive immigration reform while they under fund security then refuse to hold employers responsible for hiring illegals…
Under fund security? I believe DHS received 20% MORE under Biden than they did under Trump! What under funding are you referring to?
I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way. The religious right wants to do this to america as they want to tell you how to act, what to read and what you can do in your life. This will greatly reduce the freedom you have in society.

Want to watch porn? Well, that is too bad!
Want to wear a dress as a man? Well, that is too bad!
Want to get married as a gay person? Well that is too bad!
Want to use ivf to start a family? Well, that is too bad! God decided to fuck you so suck it up bucko.
Want to get away from an abusive wife or husband? Well, that is too bad. Take it up the ass.
Want to have sex and use birth control or abortion? Well, that is a sin! We'll throw you in prison for using any of these methods.
Want to be a transwoman and work? WEll, that is too bad! YOu get to go to jail for being indecent.
Want to be gay? Well, they pass laws making it illegal soon enough! Look at what these pieces of shit are doing in Africa! Laws to ban homosexuality and the death penalty. wtf?

If these republicans have their way American women won't be able to wear skimpy clothing without being fucking fined or imprisoned like the old days.

The maga republicans really want to go back to the 19th century where one worked until they died, a woman was a baby making a machine and there were very little freedoms to live otherwise.
Sounds good. No porn, no men wearing dresses in public, no open displays of homosexuality, no gay pride parades, no children being consigned to a lifetime of dangerous hormone treatments and surgeries, no 14 year old girls getting their breasts cut off to turn them into "boys", no willy-nilly abortions. Society is family oriented, hetero-centric, more traditional. That would be a good place to live. Where do I sign-up?
Under fund security? I believe DHS received 20% MORE under Biden than they did under Trump! What under funding are you referring to?
The bill republicans in the house refused to vote in.
The vast majority of illegals op are sponsored illegals that Americans keep hiring. Dint be foolish. We treat them like cheap,labor.
The bill republicans in the house refused to vote in.
The vast majority of illegals op are sponsored illegals that Americans keep hiring. Dint be foolish. We treat them like cheap,labor.
Was the Biden Administration NOT already giving DHS 20% more than they were receiving under Trump?
Here is the gop at work.
The bill that Democrats wanted passed didn't really have anything in it to "secure" the border, Dagosa...it primarily would have made processing illegals faster. Do you think doing THAT would have slowed down further immigration or increased it?
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