I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way.

The us survived more than 200 years without this albatross around the taxpayers necks.

List of the Pros of Abolish the Department of Education​

1. Student scores in the United States are not improving under the Department of Education.
The United States has not seen a glimpse of the top 20 in any of the subjects tested in recent years when comparing the assessment results from over 500,000 students in over 65 different countries. Looking at the standards for reading, science, and math, the U.S. falls notably below most Asian countries and significantly under the United Kingdom. Performance levels are remaining the same, but there is no advancement. While other countries are advancing in these areas, the U.S. remains stagnant. By abolishing the Department of Education, it might be possible to get some fresh ideas into our local educational systems.

4. The cost of the Department of Education is phenomenal.
Since its creation, the Department of Education in the United States has spent over $1.4 trillion. This funding, which primarily comes from taxpayer dollars, has had zero impact on test scores. It has come to the point in the United States where teachers must teach to the test in their classrooms to ensure that they can keep their job and their kids can go to a school that is close to their home.

Over the past 40 years, results have stayed flat or declined in most categories, which shows just how wasteful this system happens to be. All the country does is spend more without seeing a return on that investment, which is why there are growing calls to get rid of it.

I could provide more, but... fuck you.

MAGA's want a stupid republic! That's all this is.
It's a proven fact you want a dumb country!

Wrong again oh ignorant one, I want resources spent where they will do the most good, not laundered through a butt load of bureaucrats. I'm smart enough to know that when the feds get involved in anything, it becomes more expensive and less efficient. The dept of ed has proven that in spades.


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