I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Maybe just pay attention to the entirety of ANY trump 'speech'.

Negative, accusing, blame, taking no responsibility, put downs, blaming, more blaming, no policy talk, crazy stories no one wants to hear, attacking, and concluding 1 hour later with rinse and repeat.

The con man is a warped worn out record. BORING.
You retards ALWAYS take what Trump says either verbatim or out of context twisting his words into your own contrived nightmares.
You terminal TDS foamer psychopaths are out of you minds clouded with seething HATRED, and you don't really know why. You are THOUGHTLESS specters, NPC''s for your wretched party and hate ANYONE that goes against your MARXIST agenda.
You FREAKS are the PROBLEM, not Trump, not MAGA, and not the NORMAL People that love our country and Constitution.
nfbw 240918 Visdkw02923

i. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240918 {post•2923}

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon. 240515 {post•224}. NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Trump used his freedom of speech to tell the world he activated a criminal plan to overturn the election he lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN. nfbw 240515

ii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240918 {post•2923}

What did Trump mean here;

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT​

I take it to mean Trump had a means to not proceed with the Constitutional process known as the peaceful transfer of power to the winner of the election if Mike Pence dies what he has been told to do by the loser.

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nfbw 240918 Visdkw02923

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon. 240515 {post•224}. NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Trump used his freedom of speech to tell the world he activated a criminal plan to overturn the election he lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN. nfbw 240515

iii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240918 {post•2923}

What did Trump mean here;

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT​

I take it to mean Trump had a means to not proceed with the Constitutional process known as the peaceful transfer of power to the winner of the election if Mike Pence dies what he has been told to do by the loser.

nfbw 240918 Visdkw02923
There SHOULD HAVE BEEN a Congressional Audit because there was MASSIVE FRAUD in that election.
There SHOULD HAVE BEEN a Congressional Audit because there was MASSIVE FRAUD in that election.

See post #2887
I hate what Trump has done to America.
what has he done? No wars, you hate that? really?
cheap gas? really you want to spend more on gasoline
cheap groceries? you like spending more? wow. I don't understand wanting to spend more for the same products.
Energy independent? really? you'd rather be dependent on the global elites? hahahahahahahaha

Now, tell me what it is he did you don't like.
cheap gas? really you want to spend more on gasoline
What was the trump policy that made gas cheap?

1). Was it COVID?
2). Was it Low Demand?

3). Was it some policy trump that you cannot name?
There actually wasn't, bedwetting inbred. That's why every state certified their results. That's why every lawsuit failed. That's why every count confirmed the results. That's why every audit confirmed the results. That why every fairytale of fraud was debunked. That's why both of Trump's investigations turned up nothing. That's why the DoJ investigation turned up nothing. That's why Trump tried to steal the election. That's why Trump attorneys are being indicted. That's why a bedwetting inbred cuck like you can't prove there was widespread fraud.
There actually was inbred. You Sure are a worthless empty headed piece of shit Vote counting stopped at 3:00 a.m. FBI and CIA camped in social media for censorship purposes. Judges refusing to look at any evidence. A worthless brain dead dumbass like you just goes with the Democrat flow and has believed every hoax ever perpetrated by any leftist. You are. So. Damn. Stupid
yaaaaaaaaaaaaa................ that's it .................... :auiqs.jpg:
it's why he's been shot at once another threat taken out in Wisconsin during RNC and then this week the guy at the golf course. Yeah, two of the threats were Blackrock Ads, nothing to see there. Oh, and this new one was in Ukraine!!!!! stay brainwashed little fella.

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About​

It's not really that complicated: it's all about money and power and the democrats do not want to lose either one. There are too many people who like the status quo under democrat rule, they get rich at the taxpayers expense.



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