Breaking: Police have found explosives in a parked car near Trump’s rally today in New York City

Well, the Old Weird Guy may be seeking to soldify his base with the cry "the dems are trying to kill me." That will certainly work in red states. But from what I see in the polls and what I think is the mood of the country, we don't want inflation, unemployment or dramaqueens. Biden's polls were actually good when he was seen as boring analog Joe. After the dems succeeded in finding inflation, which hadn't been seen in over 40 years, that changed.
He is constantly scamming people

His a POS as opposed to being POTUS
It can't get any worse than what the magic negro said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” Barack Obama, 13 June 2008.

You people are extremist and violent.


deleon reflection 2.png
Keep lying to yourself about that if it makes you feel better.
Trump incites violence everywhere he goes.

Heck, when He Trump fired from office in 2020 the nation stopped tearing itself apart in the streets. Joe and Kamala took over and rather than act in-kind, they stepped back and allowed the system and Lady Justice to do what they do. Heck, Joe even stepped back from interfering in his own son's legal woes. Trump would never have done that. Trump would've made it all about him.
Trump incites violence everywhere he goes.

Heck, when He Trump fired from office in 2020 the nation stopped tearing itself apart in the streets. Joe and Kamala took over and rather than act in-kind, they stepped back and allowed the system and Lady Justice to do what they do. Heck, Joe even stepped back from interfering in his own son's legal woes. Trump would never have done that. Trump would've made it all about him.

Trump incites progs to violence by just being Trump, not the same thing dillhole.

Nah, they just did their dirty work behind the scenes, aided by a milquetoast MSM.

It's amazing how easily morons like you lie even to yourselves.
Wow lady, you're sure a confused individual, you can't even comprehend that grid. And you're ignorant of events.

A. Trump tariffs didn't go into affect until 2018.

B. Much of the legislation for 2017 belonged to the Obama admin. Ever heard of a fiscal year? Yeah, the gov. signs shit in October 2016, for most of 2017.

C. Funny how you suggest down is really up. Look at the net results for 2019 and 2020.

D. If the tariffs are so bad, why didn't your Demonicrats remove them? Instead, they raised many of them.

E. The greatest number of imports since 2018 occurred on Biden's watch. If you had a useful brain, you'd know that meant the USA collected the most tariffs, which is govt. revenue.

F. Exports were reduced on Biden's watch, 2023. Way to go Biden (cough!).

I guess you didn't read my post. I even gave the date in 2018 when the tariffs went on.

The results from 2020 are meaningless because of the pandemic. World trade was completely disrupted until 2022 as a result. 2021 was the getting the world vaccinated and back to work, and 2022 was sorting out all of the supply chains and restocking the shelves. All three of those years are abnormalities. 2023 is when things started normalizing.

For example, Trumps total exports worldwide, in 2020 were LOWER than Obama's total exports in 2016. but under Biden, exports grew by $300 billion in each of 2021 and are currently the highest in history. Numbers for this year are comparable to last year. This is after US exports declined in nearly every year Trump was in office.

THAT'S what Trump's tariff's and tearing up your trade deals cost the American economy. And you want to do it all over again. How stupid are you.
I think in this instance you're right. This a preplanned mass casualty event to kill Trump supporters lined up with hopes of cancelling future rallies.
Or reduce the number of Trump voters who will chance it and go to a rally. Then the Dems will say “look how nobody wants to go to a Trump rally! He has no support.”
Trump incites progs to violence by just being Trump, not the same thing dillhole.

Nah, they just did their dirty work behind the scenes, aided by a milquetoast MSM.

It's amazing how easily morons like you lie even to yourselves.

Nothing to back up those "feelings" eh, marty.

Trump's incitement to violence only works on the mentally ill and gullible - people who believed his lies from day one. Like the January 6 insurrectionists - The True Believers.

Those who were willing to violence FOR him, are now willing to do violence TO him. All political violence in 2023, was fomented by and carried out by right wing extremists.

Nothing to back up those "feelings" eh, marty.

Trump's incitement to violence only works on the mentally ill and gullible - people who believed his lies from day one. Like the January 6 insurrectionists - The True Believers.

Those who were willing to violence FOR him, are now willing to do violence TO him. All political violence in 2023, was fomented by and carried out by right wing extremists.

The weak and gullible on the left.

Sorry, but all the violence we are seeing now is caused by lefties going nanners because Trump has the audacity to be winning the election and not dying.
Every. Freaking. Post.

Every accusation by a Republican is a confession.

The Charlie Manson defense is actually "I wanted to Start a race war and lord over the darkies"

Get your stories straight.

That wasn’t Charlie Manson’s story at all. That was the prosecutor’s story.

Manson’s story was “I wasn’t there. I didn’t do anything. It’s all on the perpetrators. I didn’t tell them to do this.”

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