Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population

Educational programs. Healthy options only. Removing all pop and junk food from schools. Encouraging sports and exercise. Funding and expanding PE classes
None of that is really a Presidential election matter.

I’d rather the candidates stay in bounds and address more significant matters.
"Macho stuff".
Football, rugby hockey and wrestling is just “macho stuff” now? Teenage boys need to blow off some steam and doing so while learning good sportsmanship and responsibility seems better then some of the other ways they might do it

Besides, Girls play those sports on girls teams too
Football, rugby hockey and wrestling is just “macho stuff” now? Teenage boys need to blow off some steam and doing so while learning good sportsmanship and responsibility seems better then some of the other ways they might do it

Besides, Girls play those sports on girls teams too
Basketball and cross country are team sports. Football and such are fine for those that want them. As a parent I chose not for my sons to play. They didn't have any self control issues that lesser teenagers did.
Basketball and cross country are team sports. Football and such are fine for those that want them. As a parent I chose not for my sons to play. They didn't have any self control issues that lesser teenagers did.
Did they want to play football and you prevented them?
They expressed some interest. But I forbid it. They weren't going to make their livelihoods playing sports. As a parent I had the final say. I also forbid them from doing anything else but college upon graduation.
They expressed some interest. But I forbid it. They weren't going to make their livelihoods playing sports. As a parent I had the final say. I also forbid them from doing anything else but college upon graduation.
I know a lot of guys who entered a trade right out of high school and are making six figures with zero higher education

And a lot of guys the same age who spent 4+ years obtaining a liberal arts or business degree and are little more than glorified office drones making half that

I myself took a one year vocational course in practical nursing and am making substantially more than most college graduates my age that I know
Both of my sons are engineers. Work minimal hours from their houses. Making really good money. College was a good route for them.
Both of my sons are engineers. Work minimal hours from their houses. Making really good money. College was a good route for them.
Ok good

But forbidding them to play “macho” sports and forcing them to go to college whether they wanted to or not seems pretty controlling to me
Take a look at this wonderful, delicious and healthy spread I got at a restaurant in Cambodia. Quail eggs in the second picture a very strong source of protein and other health benefits.

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But go to the USA in every major city especially the inner cities… you got a Kentucky fried chicken and McDonald’s on every street corner

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 2 in 5 adults are obese, and nearly 1 in 5 children are obese. Furthermore, 19 states in America have obesity rates over 35 percent, increased from 16 states just last year. A decade ago, no states had obesity rates above 35 percent! Obesity is linked to a number of health ailments, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and a number of cancers such as breast and colorectal. If that wasn’t enough, the annual medical cost of obesity was nearly 173 billion dollars in 2019 alone.

You're absolutely right. Food is the one thing in which other countries are better than the US. Soft drinks in America are undrinkable. But go to Canada and Europe, and they have less than half the sugar.

The only fast food I consider edible is Chipotle and CAVA. That is real food prepared quick. I don't like paying $12, but if I'm in another city and need something, I feel good after I eat it.
Ok good

But forbidding them to play “macho” sports and forcing them to go to college whether they wanted to or not seems pretty controlling to me
Maybe....but I understood the difference between not getting further education vs getting it. One can't become an engineer without it. They're both thankful for my guidance.
They could have started working in the factory or paper mill right out of school. I wanted a better life for them than being a factory slave for some scum foreman.
Maybe....but I understood the difference between not getting further education vs getting it. One can't become an engineer without it. They're both thankful for my guidance.
The fact that you keep using words like “forbade” over and over to describe your guidance makes it seem like you should be grateful they’re not resentful
The fact that you keep using words like “forbade” over and over to describe your guidance makes it seem like you should be grateful they’re not resentful
Well if they would have fought really hard I would have considered. But they never did. They are both married and each had one child. Very similar lives
Take a look at this wonderful, delicious and healthy spread I got at a restaurant in Cambodia. Quail eggs in the second picture a very strong source of protein and other health benefits.

View attachment 915141

View attachment 915143

But go to the USA in every major city especially the inner cities… you got a Kentucky fried chicken and McDonald’s on every street corner

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 2 in 5 adults are obese, and nearly 1 in 5 children are obese. Furthermore, 19 states in America have obesity rates over 35 percent, increased from 16 states just last year. A decade ago, no states had obesity rates above 35 percent! Obesity is linked to a number of health ailments, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and a number of cancers such as breast and colorectal. If that wasn’t enough, the annual medical cost of obesity was nearly 173 billion dollars in 2019 alone.

The fast foods, especially McDonald's cater to blacks. Their ads at least during sporting events feature mostly black actors, and the slogan "I'm lovin' it" is clearly blackese.

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