“Todays assassination attempt of Trump comes amid baseless claims about Haitian immigrates”” - NBC News

(Insert eye roll here)

Routh wrote in a social media post in June 2020: "While you were my choice in 2106 (sic), I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving.

"I will be glad when you gone."

Routh wrote in a social media post in June 2020: "While you were my choice in 2106 (sic), I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving.

"I will be glad when you gone."

(Insert eye roll here)
No, he’s lying his ass off and you guys love him for it. Honesty and integrity have no place in your party.
If his constituents send him emails, and sign affidavits as to their facts, what is he supposed to do?
Believe the guys who brought the Haitians in, or his constituents?

Ryan reminds me of Ted Kozinski

The second attempt by someone to make it easier for a Dem to get the white house, and somehow NBC believes it's because Trump repeated the story about Haitians migrants that were flooded in the country eating pets....wow....
Trump belongs in jail, not in the ground, and if Harris prevails in November, it’s more possible that is where he will end up. Meanwhile, the US government, the FBI, the Secret Service and the rest of the “law enforcement community” must try to ensure the reviving US penchant for political assassination does not accelerate. There are real, justified fears now for the safety not only of Trump and Vance but also for Harris, Biden and Walz – all prominent potential copycat targets in a society sick with gun violence, schism and hate.

This is the wider threat highlighted by the Florida golf course drama. Russian, Iranian and North Korean hackers can do their worst. Online social media disinformation is a huge problem. So, too, is vote suppression, as is local and state-level election interference by Trump’s misguided backers. But more worrying, more frightening than all of that, is the prospect of the US’s system of representative government, still despite everything a shining example to the world, being brought to its knees by gun-toting crazies, coup plotters and the violent use of force.
Trying to kill Trump amounts to much the same as trying to kill democracy. Like a rat in a trap or a toad in a hole, it’s best to keep him alive and kicking – until he is politically put down.

Here he is with one of pelosis big donors.

View attachment 1013152
Trump belongs in jail, not in the ground, and if Harris prevails in November, it’s more possible that is where he will end up. Meanwhile, the US government, the FBI, the Secret Service and the rest of the “law enforcement community” must try to ensure the reviving US penchant for political assassination does not accelerate. There are real, justified fears now for the safety not only of Trump and Vance but also for Harris, Biden and Walz – all prominent potential copycat targets in a society sick with gun violence, schism and hate.

This is the wider threat highlighted by the Florida golf course drama. Russian, Iranian and North Korean hackers can do their worst. Online social media disinformation is a huge problem. So, too, is vote suppression, as is local and state-level election interference by Trump’s misguided backers. But more worrying, more frightening than all of that, is the prospect of the US’s system of representative government, still despite everything a shining example to the world, being brought to its knees by gun-toting crazies, coup plotters and the violent use of force.
Trying to kill Trump amounts to much the same as trying to kill democracy. Like a rat in a trap or a toad in a hole, it’s best to keep him alive and kicking – until he is politically put down.

Nobody is trying to assassinate Harris or Xiden....their brownshirts only go over the Demafacsist political rivals.
Trump belongs in jail, not in the ground, and if Harris prevails in November, it’s more possible that is where he will end up. Meanwhile, the US government, the FBI, the Secret Service and the rest of the “law enforcement community” must try to ensure the reviving US penchant for political assassination does not accelerate. There are real, justified fears now for the safety not only of Trump and Vance but also for Harris, Biden and Walz – all prominent potential copycat targets in a society sick with gun violence, schism and hate.

This is the wider threat highlighted by the Florida golf course drama. Russian, Iranian and North Korean hackers can do their worst. Online social media disinformation is a huge problem. So, too, is vote suppression, as is local and state-level election interference by Trump’s misguided backers. But more worrying, more frightening than all of that, is the prospect of the US’s system of representative government, still despite everything a shining example to the world, being brought to its knees by gun-toting crazies, coup plotters and the violent use of force.
Trying to kill Trump amounts to much the same as trying to kill democracy. Like a rat in a trap or a toad in a hole, it’s best to keep him alive and kicking – until he is politically put down.

Your cartoon avatar will NEVER come true.
BTW, only mods post in all red, dummy.
Trump belongs in jail, not in the ground, and if Harris prevails in November, it’s more possible that is where he will end up. Meanwhile, the US government, the FBI, the Secret Service and the rest of the “law enforcement community” must try to ensure the reviving US penchant for political assassination does not accelerate. There are real, justified fears now for the safety not only of Trump and Vance but also for Harris, Biden and Walz – all prominent potential copycat targets in a society sick with gun violence, schism and hate.

This is the wider threat highlighted by the Florida golf course drama. Russian, Iranian and North Korean hackers can do their worst. Online social media disinformation is a huge problem. So, too, is vote suppression, as is local and state-level election interference by Trump’s misguided backers. But more worrying, more frightening than all of that, is the prospect of the US’s system of representative government, still despite everything a shining example to the world, being brought to its knees by gun-toting crazies, coup plotters and the violent use of force.
Trying to kill Trump amounts to much the same as trying to kill democracy. Like a rat in a trap or a toad in a hole, it’s best to keep him alive and kicking – until he is politically put down.

Crawl back to your safe place the adults will handle it
If his constituents send him emails, and sign affidavits as to their facts, what is he supposed to do?
Believe the guys who brought the Haitians in, or his constituents?
Investigate on his own. And if he’s wrong (as it has been proven he was) drop it or apologize. Which he hasn’t.
Imagine in the aftermath of an attempted assassination of Obama that Fox News talked about Obama needing to tone down the rhetoric.

Why does NBC not call out the Democrats who make the baseless claim that white people are privileged, that there are 100 genders, that a young child can get a sex change operation???? For the Democrats who don’t mind or don’t care about this well they are the biggest hypocrites in the world. They are knowingly trolling or they’re so brainwashed that they have been led to believe it’s not a baseless claim to say that white people are privileged or a child can get a sex exchange Operation.

There is no harsh rhetoric by Trump, there are no baseless claims about Haitian immigrants. What JD Vance and Trump are doing is simply reiterating the reports by various Americans and even Haitian people themselves who talk about Haitians using voodoo to allow them to eat cats or dogs. Horrible job by Democrats on this… it’s unimaginable what’s going on in this country the constant trolling and lying by Democrats.

You really are mentally ill.
Trump plays Golf every fucking Sunday...

It is not like he goes to church..
But, he doesn't play at that golf course every Sunday. And, there are many Christians who go to Church on Sunday that play golf before or afterwards. How do you know he doesn't go to Church? No, this again is an inside job. Probably paid for by Hillary and the Democrat Party and Media.

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