I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way.

You're not very adept at following conversations are ya?

And you're welcome to bring a TX sized vacuum and suck up those commie shitholes along with DFW and empty it anywhere in the NE you'd like.

"TX sized vacuum" -

That just shows how stupid some people from Texas are!

Guess what, dingbat - Vacuums in Texas are the same as everywhere else.

So, take your "TX sized vacuum" and shove it up your TX sized...
Texas is getting bluer due to abortion rights…..You’re not there yet…YOU are the commie who wants the govt to tell women how to live. You are the fascist state who wants to control the lives of free peoples.

Women are free to do any damn thing they want, we just expect them to take responsibility for their choices. Just like a man that sires a child, they better get the wallet open. If it's the woman given all the choice to kill their child, then the man should be able to have a financial abortion if the woman what to keep it. Fair is fair.

Women are free to do any damn thing they want, we just expect them to take responsibility for their choices. Just like a man that sires a child, they better get the wallet open. If it's the woman given all the choice to kill their child, then the man should be able to have a financial abortion if the woman what to keep it. Fair is fair.

They are responsible. They are getting abortions….
"TX sized vacuum" -

That just shows how stupid some people from Texas are!

Guess what, dingbat - Vacuums in Texas are the same as everywhere else.

So, take your "TX sized vacuum" and shove it up your TX sized...
Tiger laughing.jpg

Its a simple bet and like I thought you don't have the balls to bet

You are coward chicken shit degenerate FAGGOT
Are you cruising again ? Sounds like you’re trolling looking for the gay life. You’re embarrassing. Just go to a gay bar and stop post that shit here.
I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way. The religious right wants to do this to america as they want to tell you how to act, what to read and what you can do in your life. This will greatly reduce the freedom you have in society.

Want to watch porn? Well, that is too bad!
Want to wear a dress as a man? Well, that is too bad!
Want to get married as a gay person? Well that is too bad!
Want to use ivf to start a family? Well, that is too bad! God decided to fuck you so suck it up bucko.
Want to get away from an abusive wife or husband? Well, that is too bad. Take it up the ass.
Want to have sex and use birth control or abortion? Well, that is a sin! We'll throw you in prison for using any of these methods.
Want to be a transwoman and work? WEll, that is too bad! YOu get to go to jail for being indecent.
Want to be gay? Well, they pass laws making it illegal soon enough! Look at what these pieces of shit are doing in Africa! Laws to ban homosexuality and the death penalty. wtf?

If these republicans have their way American women won't be able to wear skimpy clothing without being fucking fined or imprisoned like the old days.

The maga republicans really want to go back to the 19th century where one worked until they died, a woman was a baby making a machine and there were very little freedoms to live otherwise.

At the current trajectory, Western society is set to collapse due to the plummeting birthrate. Conservative leaning families and individuals who want that are the only thing keeping the birthrate up. You insufferable cat ladies aren't contributing. Your emotional and deranged rant about your woke activities and lifestyles being taken away is all BS.
Trying to move those goal posts again, eh commie? FOAD

Your fascist state control women’s healthcare
speaks for itself. Hitler’s Nazi party pulled this shit years ago. You’re in the appropriate company. Trump, Putin, Hitler……
Women are free to do any damn thing they want, we just expect them to take responsibility for their choices. Just like a man that sires a child, they better get the wallet open. If it's the woman given all the choice to kill their child, then the man should be able to have a financial abortion if the woman what to keep it. Fair is fair.

Trying to move those goal posts again, eh commie? FOAD

You’re a fraud and it’s obvious. Answer this one question.
Are there any cases where an abortion should be legal ? List them. Let’s see you prove you are a fraud.
Your fascist state control women’s healthcare
speaks for itself. Hitler’s Nazi party pulled this shit years ago. You’re in the appropriate company. Trump, Putin, Hitler……

What did you fail to understand about Fuck Off And DIE?

BTW, learn the damn language ya foreign commie asshole.


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