I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way.

Wrong bubba.
21% of the public are at least one of LGBQ, and each has friends, neighbors or acquaintances who accept their choice. So at least 50 % of the public, know and accept these people and their rights…..you’re a minority of bigots .
Wanna take a bet and leave 30 days if Trump wins? You wont do it cause you lack integrity and balls
What facts? Getting rid of the Dept of Education is subjective and the "facts" you listed are horseshit!

The us survived more than 200 years without this albatross around the taxpayers necks.

List of the Pros of Abolish the Department of Education​

1. Student scores in the United States are not improving under the Department of Education.
The United States has not seen a glimpse of the top 20 in any of the subjects tested in recent years when comparing the assessment results from over 500,000 students in over 65 different countries. Looking at the standards for reading, science, and math, the U.S. falls notably below most Asian countries and significantly under the United Kingdom. Performance levels are remaining the same, but there is no advancement. While other countries are advancing in these areas, the U.S. remains stagnant. By abolishing the Department of Education, it might be possible to get some fresh ideas into our local educational systems.

4. The cost of the Department of Education is phenomenal.
Since its creation, the Department of Education in the United States has spent over $1.4 trillion. This funding, which primarily comes from taxpayer dollars, has had zero impact on test scores. It has come to the point in the United States where teachers must teach to the test in their classrooms to ensure that they can keep their job and their kids can go to a school that is close to their home.

Over the past 40 years, results have stayed flat or declined in most categories, which shows just how wasteful this system happens to be. All the country does is spend more without seeing a return on that investment, which is why there are growing calls to get rid of it.

I could provide more, but... fuck you.

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They are very much like the islamic fundamentalists. Some of the crap Vance says just isn’t weird, it’s thoroughly unpatriotic.
The whole "women must have babies" thing is their hyteria over the Great Replacement Theory. They're going to end non-white immigration, and ban birth control and abortion, to repopulate the country with white babies. I'm guessing that interracial marriage will be next on the list.

But what free white woman from any first world country would ever leave the free western democracy where she currently has rights, options, and reproductive health care, and move to the USA to have her periods tracked, and risk her life getting pregnant?

As Margaet Atwood now says "The Handmaid's Tale" wasn't a "how-to" manual. I'm a huge Atwood fan and read all of her books. I read that one when it first came out when Reagan was in office and thought "What a great read, but there is no way religious nuts are going to take over the US government". In 1985, at the height of the Greed is Good era, it seemed impossible.
I think the republican goal is to do to America what the islamic revolution of 1979 did to Iran. At least in a way. The religious right wants to do this to america as they want to tell you how to act, what to read and what you can do in your life. This will greatly reduce the freedom you have in society.

Want to watch porn? Well, that is too bad!
Want to wear a dress as a man? Well, that is too bad!
Want to get married as a gay person? Well that is too bad!
Want to use ivf to start a family? Well, that is too bad! God decided to fuck you so suck it up bucko.
Want to get away from an abusive wife or husband? Well, that is too bad. Take it up the ass.
Want to have sex and use birth control or abortion? Well, that is a sin! We'll throw you in prison for using any of these methods.
Want to be a transwoman and work? WEll, that is too bad! YOu get to go to jail for being indecent.
Want to be gay? Well, they pass laws making it illegal soon enough! Look at what these pieces of shit are doing in Africa! Laws to ban homosexuality and the death penalty. wtf?

If these republicans have their way American women won't be able to wear skimpy clothing without being fucking fined or imprisoned like the old days.

The maga republicans really want to go back to the 19th century where one worked until they died, a woman was a baby making a machine and there were very little freedoms to live otherwise.


You're going to die.

The us survived more than 200 years without this albatross around the taxpayers necks.

List of the Pros of Abolish the Department of Education​

1. Student scores in the United States are not improving under the Department of Education.
The United States has not seen a glimpse of the top 20 in any of the subjects tested in recent years when comparing the assessment results from over 500,000 students in over 65 different countries. Looking at the standards for reading, science, and math, the U.S. falls notably below most Asian countries and significantly under the United Kingdom. Performance levels are remaining the same, but there is no advancement. While other countries are advancing in these areas, the U.S. remains stagnant. By abolishing the Department of Education, it might be possible to get some fresh ideas into our local educational systems.

4. The cost of the Department of Education is phenomenal.
Since its creation, the Department of Education in the United States has spent over $1.4 trillion. This funding, which primarily comes from taxpayer dollars, has had zero impact on test scores. It has come to the point in the United States where teachers must teach to the test in their classrooms to ensure that they can keep their job and their kids can go to a school that is close to their home.

Over the past 40 years, results have stayed flat or declined in most categories, which shows just how wasteful this system happens to be. All the country does is spend more without seeing a return on that investment, which is why there are growing calls to get rid of it.

I could provide more, but... fuck you.


Finally someone posts actual policy issues. Thank you.

1. Student scores have not increased.
Perhaps if the states had spent all of the time and money invested in fighting with the Department of Education over cirriculum, school lunches, and everything the feds proposed, they would have had a better outcome. If federal money was spent to in the classrooms on computers and texts for everyone, and teacher wages, there wouldn't be such a low return for all of the money spent.

4. The cost of the Department of Education is phenomenal
The far right wing of the Republican Party has been trying to sabotage public education since Reagan was in office. They want parents to pay for their children's education. They're prepared to give vouchers, but a good education is no longer free.

A well educated work force is what made the American worker the most productive in the world and grew the American middle class. You're currently #20 in the world for best educated work forces, and sliding down the rankings as education becomes more fragmented and more expensive.

Improving education in the USA.
The USA is one of 2 first world countries which spends more money educating the chidlren of the rich, over the children of the poor. Countries such as Norway, spend more taxpayer dollars educating the children of the poor, than the children of the rich.

You're the ONLY country in the world which is hobbling your university graduates with student debt. College Education is free in many European Countries.

Your current system isn't working because the Republican Party doesn't want it to work and won't life a finger to change the status quo. They want to burn it down, and rebuild it so that poor kids will have ever fewer skills or opportunities to better their economic situation.

Until you build a better education system which benefits all of the nation, your country will continue to decline in more than just test scores.
Finally someone posts actual policy issues. Thank you.

1. Student scores have not increased.
Perhaps if the states had spent all of the time and money invested in fighting with the Department of Education over cirriculum, school lunches, and everything the feds proposed, they would have had a better outcome. If federal money was spent to in the classrooms on computers and texts for everyone, and teacher wages, there wouldn't be such a low return for all of the money spent.

4. The cost of the Department of Education is phenomenal
The far right wing of the Republican Party has been trying to sabotage public education since Reagan was in office. They want parents to pay for their children's education. They're prepared to give vouchers, but a good education is no longer free.

A well educated work force is what made the American worker the most productive in the world and grew the American middle class. You're currently #20 in the world for best educated work forces, and sliding down the rankings as education becomes more fragmented and more expensive.

Improving education in the USA.
The USA is one of 2 first world countries which spends more money educating the chidlren of the rich, over the children of the poor. Countries such as Norway, spend more taxpayer dollars educating the children of the poor, than the children of the rich.

You're the ONLY country in the world which is hobbling your university graduates with student debt. College Education is free in many European Countries.

Your current system isn't working because the Republican Party doesn't want it to work and won't life a finger to change the status quo. They want to burn it down, and rebuild it so that poor kids will have ever fewer skills or opportunities to better their economic situation.

Until you build a better education system which benefits all of the nation, your country will continue to decline in more than just test scores.

It's been a total waste of money from day one and nothing has improved in the 44 years it has existed. Plus constitutionally there is no federal authority for it. But with you commies it's all about control.


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