What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Oh I see, Kursk is not really Russian territory. It is not "proper" whatever the fuck that means.

It is whatever it needs to be for Rushists like you to laughably deny Putin's obvious bluffs.

Ukraine will use long range missiles against Russian millitary targets in Russia and it will join NATO. Russia isn't going to do shit about it except what it's already doing and it's just a question of how long it will keep up this madness before Putin is escorted off while Swan Lake ballet plays on state TV.
Again, you reveal your inability to comprehend what you read. Russia-proper is the Russian territory that the UN or the international community recognizes. More, Ukraine doesn't exclusively target the Russian military, but civilians as well. Your beloved Ukrainian regime is a thug-terrorist, abducting Ukrainian men off the streets of Kyiv, to go fight Russia for the Western Military Industrial Complex ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) and Zelensky.

Did Putin's decade+ "bluff" to wage war with Ukraine ever materialize?

You're a delusional Western-imperialist-tool, thinking Ukraine will ever join NATO, without there being a direct, REAL WAR, between NATO and Russia (WW3).
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Again, you reveal your inability to comprehend what you read. Russia-proper is the Russian territory that the UN or the international community recognizes.

Did Putin's decade+ "bluff" to wage war with Ukraine ever materialize?

You're a delusional Western-imperialist-tool, thinking Ukraine will ever join NATO, without first fighting a direct war with Russia (WW3).
Save you Putin propaganda troll
The fact remains that you are a Kremlin troll probably getting paid by the word by Putin
The only fact here is that you're a pathetic little girl who can't handle her worldview being challenged. Even if your silly, baseless accusation was true, it wouldn't by default refute or invalidate anything I say. Arguments stand or fall on their own merits, not on whether the person arguing them is being paid or sponsored by anyone. You need to develop the ability to think critically because you're clearly, at the moment, showing serious signs of cerebral-poop syndrome.
The only fact here is that you're a pathetic little girl who can't handle her worldview being challenged. Even if your silly, baseless accusation was true, it wouldn't by default refute or invalidate anything I say. Arguments stand or fall on their own merits, not on whether the person arguing them is being paid or sponsored by anyone. You need to develop the ability to think critically because you're clearly, at the moment, showing serious signs of cerebral-poop syndrome.
Kremlin trolls get pissy when called out
Again, you reveal your inability to comprehend what you read. Russia-proper is the Russian territory that the UN or the international community recognizes.

Which includes Kursk region that is now under occupation by Ukranian forces.

Which MEANS that Putin bluffed when he said he may use nuclear weapons if Russian territorial integrity is threatended

The only fact here is that you're a pathetic little girl who can't handle her worldview being challenged. Even if your silly, baseless accusation was true, it wouldn't by default refute or invalidate anything I say. Arguments stand or fall on their own merits, not on whether the person arguing them is being paid or sponsored by anyone. You need to develop the ability to think critically because you're clearly, at the moment, showing serious signs of cerebral-poop syndrome.

Lets note glaring non-denial.

It's not just in this post. MrTruth here consistently does not deny that he is hailing from Putin Vision university.
Which includes Kursk region that is now under occupation by Ukranian forces.

Which MEANS that Putin bluffed when he said he may use nuclear weapons if Russian territorial integrity is threatended

First of all, all of Kurst isn't occupied by Ukraine and Russia is regaining that territory as we speak, so there's no reason to use nukes. You even admit that Putin said nuclear weapons MAY be used if Ukraine invades what Russia considers its territory. However, I'm not referring to that, I'm referring to the new threat of Ukraine using Western-supplied, long-range missiles, to attack deep into Russia. As in what I previously identified as "Russia-proper", the territory of Russia recognized by the international community, i.e. UN. Here let me help you again:

Putin states that NATO will be at war with Rusia directly, without Ukraine as its proxy, if it allows Ukraine to fire its long-range missiles deep into Russia-proper.
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First of all, all of Kurst isn't occupied by Ukraine and Russia is regaining that territory as we speak, so there's no reason to use nukes. You even admit that Putin said nuclear weapons MAY be used if Ukraine invades what Russia considers its territory. However, I'm not referring to that, I'm referring to the new threat of Ukraine using Western-supplied, long-range missiles, to attack deep into Russia. As in what I previously identified as "Russia-proper", the territory of Russia recognized by the international community, i.e. UN. Here let me help you again:

Deep in Russia… is where Russian attacks are coming from.

Fuck em
Deep in Russia… is where Russian attacks are coming from.

Fuck em
It will be fuck you too though, not just "fuck Russia", that's what you refuse to grasp. It's fuck-Lesh too, not just fuck Russia. WW3, means all of us, are fucked.
Russia's winning, taking territory every day. The Ukrainian offensive failed miserably. The Ukrainians are now firing artillery shells and missiles into civilian areas in the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson without any military targets and they're planning with the UK, under the approval of Washington to start firing long-range British-made missiles deep into Russia. Putin said that if that happens, Russia will be at war with NATO directly, without a proxy:

The Anton-Todd foreign policy doctrine toward Russia leads to WW3.

Russia's winning, taking territory every day.

How's their Black Sea fleet doing?

A lot more submarines than they used to have, eh comrade?
You really think Putin is suicidal?
It's not a question of being suicidal, but rather defending your country, by whatever means necessary, even if it means dying in the process. I know that's a real sentiment because I served in the US Army for 8 years, and was deployed in Haiti and Bosnia and I was ready to fight and die for my country. Putin and many Russians are ready to fight and die for their country as well. Human beings are often willing to fight to the death, to protect their honor, integrity, resources, country..etc.

Also out of hatred for the enemy due to a perceived injustice or violation of one's humanity and dignity. To see your enemy suffer and die, dragging them into the grave with you, that's a real human response to being abused, raped, violated.

Biting the bastard's pecker off, even though you know he's going to kill you with that gun pointed at your head. You're so enraged that you're willing to risk getting shot in the head by the piece of shit that is raping you, biting his member off, and feeling those few seconds of satisfaction as you hear his blood-curdling screams, shouting in pain. The pleasure that you feel, witnessing that scumbag rapist, realize his dick has separated from his crotch, and you're there looking up with a wicked grin on your face, is priceless.

Believe me Lesh, the Russians will pull NATO, you, Anton, Todd, and myself, along with all of the people we love and care about into the grave with them. The amount of satisfaction that Russia and the third world in general will feel, seeing Americans suffer, is indescribable. They will fight us, to the death, make no mistake about that.
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Did Putin's decade+ "bluff" to wage war with Ukraine ever materialize?

Cool story, but here is Putin lying shamelessly about having no interest in invading Ukraine:

And here is Putin lying in 2014 that little green men in Crimea are just some locals...only to admit a few months later that it was in fact Russian soldiers he ordered to take over Crimea:


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