What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

It's not a question of being suicidal, but rather defending your country, by whatever means necessary, even if it means dying in the process. I know that's a real sentiment because I served in the US Army for 8 years, and was deployed in Haiti and Bosnia and I was ready to fight and die for my country. Putin and many Russians are ready to fight and die for their country as well. Human beings are often willing to fight to the death, to protect their honor, integrity, resources, country..etc.

Also out of hatred for the enemy due to a perceived injustice or violation of one's humanity and dignity. To see your enemy suffer and die, dragging them into the grave with you, that's a real human response to being abused, raped, violated.

Biting the bastard's pecker off, even though you know he's going to kill you with that gun pointed at your head. You're so enraged that you're willing to risk getting shot in the head by the piece of shit that is raping you, biting his member off, and feeling those few seconds of satisfaction as you hear his blood-curdling screams, shouting in pain. The pleasure that you feel, witnessing that scumbag rapist, realize his dick has separated from his crotch, and you're there looking up with a wicked grin on your face, is priceless.

Believe me Lesh, the Russians will pull NATO, you, Anton, Todd, and myself, along with all of the people we love and care about into the grave with them. The amount of satisfaction that Russia and the third world in general will feel, seeing Americans suffer, is indescribable. They will fight us, to the death, make no mistake about that.

What is there to regain....if it isn't occupied?

Do you seriously not get how insane you sound?
I sound insane because I'm correcting you, who claims all of the Kurst region is under Ukrainian occupation? It's not, because Russia has a significant % of it right now and will have all of it within a few weeks, maybe a couple of months at the most. Russia is gaining ground every single day.

Hopefully it will extend itself beyond Eastern Ukraine to Odesa and kick every Anton misorussophobe out of the region, into Poland where they belong. Russia shouldn't stop with the Donbas, it should take every square mile of Ukraine, the place where so many invasions of Russia have begun throughout history, including Germany's Operation Barbarossa. Force Anton into Poland. Bye Bye Anton, enjoy your new home in Poland. That's what you get for being a shit-neighbor, trying to turn your country into a NATO base. A Western bastion against Russia.
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I sound insane because I'm correcting you, who claims all of the Kurst region is under Ukrainian occupation? It's not, because Russia has a significant % of it right now and will have all of it within a few weeks

No you sound insane because sane people understand that territory of a country controlled by foreign military is called OCCUPIED TERRITORY.

Ukranian millitary controls a chunk of Kursk region, which is internationally recognized Russian territory. THEREFORE Ukraine is occuping some Russian territories.

This is not up for debate. These are words with specific meanings. These are the facts and the rest is just your stupid nonsense because you don't happen to like how they sound .
Anton misorussophobe out of the region


Dummy I'm ethnically Russian and a citizen of America where I live.

"Russophobes" are those that insist that hundreds of thousands of Russians need to go get killed, millions need to have their lives ruined, so their deluted czar can grab some lands.
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No you sound insane because sane people udnerstand that ant territory controlled by foreign military is called OCCUPIED TERRITORY.

Ukranian millitary controls a chunk of Kursk region, which is internationally recognized Russian territory. THEREFORE Ukraine is occuping some Russian territories.

This is not up for debate. These are words with specific meanings. The rest is just your stupid nonsense.
You keep claiming that Putin is bluffing, but he's not, he's actually done everything he said he was going to do and you're an idiot for thinking he won't continue being a man of his word. You admitted that he said, he MAY use tactical nukes vs Ukraine. Do you know what the meaning of MAY is?


—used to indicate possibility or probability
you may be right
things you may need

—sometimes used interchangeably with can
one of those slipups that may happen from time to time—Jessica Mitford

—sometimes used where might would be expected
you may think from a little distance that the country was solid woods

May as in MAYBE = Not 100% certain that it will occur. Putin reserves the right to use nukes vs Ukraine if it invades its territory. Russia doesn't have to use nukes, hence Putin isn't bluffing, he spoke with precision, accurately.

The situation that I was referring to is this:

A completely different context to Ukraine "occupying" Kursk. Must I clarify this for you again Anton?
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Moron I'm ethnically Russian and a citizen of America where I live.

Russophobes are those that insist that hundreds of thousands of Russians need to go get killed, millions need to have their lives ruined, so their deluted czar can grab some lands.

You want America's elites to be the "Czars" of Russia. You want to balkanize and rape Russia, as your capitalist-imperialist buddies did in the 1990s, after the dissolution of the USSR. Putin saved Russia. You're a MISORUSSOPHOBE, an irrational hater-fearmonger of Russia, insisting that NATO, a Cold War dinosaur, that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, doctrinally and historically, deploy its forces on Russia's border.

A situation that didn't even exist during the Cold War, and you now want to saber-rattle with NATO on Russia's border. We wouldn't allow Russia, China or any other foreign power, do that to us in Mexico or Canada, or anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, but you being Anton the misorussophobe ASSHOLE, insists on doing to Russia what we wouldn't allow Russia to do to us. You're a HYPOCRITE PIECE OF SHIT.
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You keep claiming that Putin is bluffing, but he's not, he's actually done everything he said he was going to do and you're an idiot for thinking he won't continue being a man of his word. You admitted that he said, he MAY use tactical nukes vs Ukraine. Do you know what the meaning of MAY is?


—used to indicate possibility or probability
you may be right
things you may need

—sometimes used interchangeably with can
one of those slipups that may happen from time to time—Jessica Mitford

—sometimes used where mightwould be expected
you may think from a little distance that the country was solid woods

May as in MAYBE = Not 100% certain that it will occur. Putin reserves the right to use nukes vs Ukraine if it invades its territory. Russia doesn't have to use nukes, hence Putin isn't bluffing, he spoke with precision, accurately.

The situation that I was referring to is this:

A completely different context to Ukraine occupying Kursk. Musk I clarify this for you again Anton?

You keep claiming that Putin is bluffing, but he's not, he's actually done everything he said he was going to do

Didn't he say he was going to beat Ukraine in a few weeks?
Occupation involves more than just a few troops, present, creating havoc, you embecile.

Nope, no it doesn't.

The Hague Convention of 1907 codified these customary laws, specifically within "Laws and Customs of War on Land" (Hague IV); October 18, 1907: "Section III Military Authority over the territory of the hostile State".[10] The first two articles of that section state:

Art. 42.
Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

Part of Russia's territory is under authority of the Ukranian army, that part is therefore occupied.
Nope, no it doesn't.

The Hague Convention of 1907 codified these customary laws, specifically within "Laws and Customs of War on Land" (Hague IV); October 18, 1907: "Section III Military Authority over the territory of the hostile State".[10] The first two articles of that section state:

Part of Russia's territory is under authority of the Ukranian army, that part is therefore occupied.
You're quick to cite recognized, international authorities and institutions when it comes to Ukraine and Russia, but not when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians. Interesting. The point is that, your claim that Putin is lying or bluffing because as soon as Ukraine took control of that territory, Russia didn't use nukes, is quite disingenuous. More, the situation I was referring to, has nothing to do with Kursk, but rather, namely, the use of Western-supplied long-range missiles, to strike deep into Russia. That is seen by Putin and many other members of the Russian leadership, as NATO directly waging war vs Russia rather than indirectly via proxy i.e. Ukraine.

If a warehouse in Poland or Estonia, Lithuania is storing Western long-range missiles that are going to be used by Ukraine to attack Russia, that warehouse will be attacked by the Russian airforce or through some other means (Spetsnaz, planting explosives..etc). That's a direct hot war with NATO, which could become nuclear. A nuclear war.
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But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
Putin might argue his SMO in Ukraine was based on history.
Three years before Putin was born, the US was using Ukraine as a launching pad to overthrow the USSR:


"In late 1949, a series of unmarked flights began launching from central Europe. Gargantuan C-47s, flown by Hungarian or Czech pilots, barreled toward Turkey, and then turned north over the Black Sea, evading radar by flying barely above the ground.

"As the planes flew over Lviv a string of parachutes opened, a handful of commandos tumbling into the sky over Soviet Ukraine.

"On the ground, they linked up with Ukrainian resistance fighters trying to beat back Soviet expansionism.

"Operation Red Sox, as it was known, was one of the first covert missions of the still new Cold War."

"The American-trained commandos would feed intelligence back to their handlers using new radio and communications equipment, stoking nascent nationalist movements in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and the Baltics."

Operation Red Sox failed; however, forty years later the USSR collapsed and Americans turned their attention to "decolonizing" the Russian Federation; it is that history of meddling that gave Putin no choice in 2022 about how to defend his western border.

Decolonize this: Freeing Russia from the Washington Foreign Policy Blob
Putin might argue his SMO in Ukraine was based on history.
Three years before Putin was born, the US was using Ukraine as a launching pad to overthrow the USSR:


"In late 1949, a series of unmarked flights began launching from central Europe. Gargantuan C-47s, flown by Hungarian or Czech pilots, barreled toward Turkey, and then turned north over the Black Sea, evading radar by flying barely above the ground.

"As the planes flew over Lviv a string of parachutes opened, a handful of commandos tumbling into the sky over Soviet Ukraine.

"On the ground, they linked up with Ukrainian resistance fighters trying to beat back Soviet expansionism.

"Operation Red Sox, as it was known, was one of the first covert missions of the still new Cold War."

"The American-trained commandos would feed intelligence back to their handlers using new radio and communications equipment, stoking nascent nationalist movements in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and the Baltics."

Operation Red Sox failed; however, forty years later the USSR collapsed and Americans turned their attention to "decolonizing" the Russian Federation; it is that history of meddling that gave Putin no choice in 2022 about how to defend his western border.

Decolonize this: Freeing Russia from the Washington Foreign Policy Blob
Western elites would love to balkanize Russia, splitting it up into several republics they can rape. Have their war with.
You're quick to cite recognized, international authorities and institutions when it comes to Ukraine and Russia, but not when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians. Interesting. The point is that, your claim that Putin is lying or bluffing because as soon as Ukraine took control of that territory, Russia didn't use nukes, is quite disingenuous. More, the situation I was referring to, has nothing to do with Kursk, but rather, namely, the use of Western-supplied long-range missiles, to strike deep into Russia. That is seen by Putin and many other members of the Russian leadership, as NATO directly waging war vs Russia rather than indirectly via proxy i.e. Ukraine.

If a warehouse in Poland or Estonia, Lithuania is storing Western long-range missiles that are going to be used by Ukraine to attack Russia, that warehouse will be attacked by the Russian airforce or through some other means (Spetsnaz, planting explosives..etc). That's a direct hot war with NATO, which could become nuclear. A nuclear war.

So you think Putin is suicidal.

Because any retaliation would hit Moscow and any dacha that Putin has ever been associated with.

He’d be dead or the President of a smoking hole in the ground

He knows that even if you don’t and the people around him do as well
Western elites would love to balkanize Russia, splitting it up into several republics they can rape. Have their war with.
BlackRock is well on its way to impoverishing what's left of Ukraine once the conflict freezes over:

Ukraine just days away from sovereign default: report

"Ukraine has fewer than four weeks to strike a deal with its creditors or risk a default that could seriously harm the economic recovery of the war-ravaged country.

"Two years ago, Ukraine's private foreign bondholders had agreed to suspend debt wartime repayments—a let-off worth around 15 percent of the country's annual GDP. However, that agreement expires on August 1."

Imho, any economic system that allows investors to profit from war and debt guarantees war will never end until war ends civilization.
BlackRock is well on its way to impoverishing what's left of Ukraine once the conflict freezes over:

Ukraine just days away from sovereign default: report

"Ukraine has fewer than four weeks to strike a deal with its creditors or risk a default that could seriously harm the economic recovery of the war-ravaged country.

"Two years ago, Ukraine's private foreign bondholders had agreed to suspend debt wartime repayments—a let-off worth around 15 percent of the country's annual GDP. However, that agreement expires on August 1."

Imho, any economic system that allows investors to profit from war and debt guarantees war will never end until war ends civilization.
Another Kremlin stooge heard from.

This one has been gone since the last election

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