Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

I don't have a problem with this.

The thing is, the established media, even a shitshow like Fox News, can be held accountable for spreading misinformation. They can be held liable in civil court, they can have the FCC Licenses revoked, etc.

Social Media is largely held immune from this sort of thing, "Why, I had no idea that Naziboi1488 was going to post a racist meme that gets people killed!"

Now, if one of those bomb threats turned out to be real, and someone was hurt because of the FALSE rumors that she spread about eating cats, shouldn't she be held liable?

Social Media is largely held immune from this sort of thing, "Why, I had no idea that Naziboi1488 was going to post a racist meme that gets people killed!"

I disagree, social media are very studious about deleting posts they deem to be misinformation, so they apparently have the capability to filter content they don’t agree with. If they allow someone to make a post and they don’t delete it, then doesn’t that mean they agree with it?

Now, if one of those bomb threats turned out to be real, and someone was hurt because of the FALSE rumors that she spread about eating cats, shouldn't she be held liable?

No, because she can’t control what some person is going to do because of her statement. If we start down the road, then anything that one side doesn’t like can be deemed “inciteful” and thus subject to censorship, and now you have lost freedom of speech.

Had she called for bomb threats, that would be different.

Also, it was shown that these bomb threats came from foreign agitators in other countries, not from Americans.

The thing is, the established media, even a shitshow like Fox News, can be held accountable for spreading misinformation. They can be held liable in civil court, they can have the FCC Licenses revoked, etc.

Can they? What about when all the lefty news media ran reports of the Trump Russian prostitutes peeing on the bed? Did anyone ever face penalty for thsg disinformarion? Did social media ever delete any of those posts? Did any of them ever make a retraction of the story, or issue an apology? I think what you meant to say is that RIGHT wing media can be held accountable. Left wing media never is.
I disagree, social media are very studious about deleting posts they deem to be misinformation, so they apparently have the capability to filter content they don’t agree with. If they allow someone to make a post and they don’t delete it, then doesn’t that mean they agree with it?

No, because she can’t control what some person is going to do because of her statement. If we start down the road, then anything that one side doesn’t like can be deemed “inciteful” and thus subject to censorship, and now you have lost freedom of speech.

Had she called for bomb threats, that would be different.

Also, it was shown that these bomb threats came from foreign agitators in other countries, not from Americans.

Can they? What about when all the lefty news media ran reports of the Trump Russian prostitutes peeing on the bed? Did anyone ever face penalty for thsg disinformarion? Did social media ever delete any of those posts? Did any of them ever make a retraction of the story, or issue an apology? I think what you meant to say is that RIGHT wing media can be held accountable. Left wing media never is.
“Bomb threats from foreign agitators@?

Opinions are one thing. Lies that get people hurt or killed are another.

Words don't kill, people do, and the people who hurt and/or kill someone based on words need locked up and the key thrown away, and the blame for the acts they committed placed solely on them. I would take that stance regardless of which 'side' is saying what, the two 'men' who attempted to kill Trump are the only ones to blame for their behavior. It would be the same for the people that foolishly were ushered into the capitol on 1/6, they are the only ones responsible for their behavior, period.
Words don't kill, people do, and the people who hurt and/or kill someone based on words need locked up and the key thrown away, and the blame for the acts they committed placed solely on them. I would take that stance regardless of which 'side' is saying what, the two 'men' who attempted to kill Trump are the only ones to blame for their behavior. It would be the same for the people that foolishly were ushered into the capitol on 1/6, they are the only ones responsible for their behavior, period.

Because I have read a lot of history and never have I seen claims that Hitler personally killed anyone.

His WORDS however resulted in the deaths of tens of millions.
Words don't kill, people do, and the people who hurt and/or kill someone based on words need locked up and the key thrown away, and the blame for the acts they committed placed solely on them. I would take that stance regardless of which 'side' is saying what, the two 'men' who attempted to kill Trump are the only ones to blame for their behavior. It would be the same for the people that foolishly were ushered into the capitol on 1/6, they are the only ones responsible for their behavior, period.

Bush lied and that got a lot of people killed. That's on him.
I disagree, social media are very studious about deleting posts they deem to be misinformation, so they apparently have the capability to filter content they don’t agree with. If they allow someone to make a post and they don’t delete it, then doesn’t that mean they agree with it?
No, they aren't.

Facebook admits it has a moderation problem, that they are barely keeping up with the truly awful stuff.
Then it should be easy to find a link to these “foreign agitators “.

But like the cat eating… it’s bullshit

I thought you are 'Joe on top of the News Guy'.

Heard there is no feral cat problem in Springfield, Ohio now.

I'll teach you how to do a keyword search on Google, if need be.,
No, that's on all of us for going along with him. Bush had a 90% approval rate at one point.

Oh, yeah, and Bin Laden for attacking us and giving him an excuse.
And Saddam for being an all around shitball and giving us an excuse.
Lol. I bet you actually believe the government’s 9/11 story. Yeah 19 hijackers who couldn’t fly a prop plane took over with box cutters…lol. They were devout Muslims who liked to snort cocain and play with strippers did it at OBL direction from a cave in Afghanistan. You believe that, you’ll believe anything.

No, that's on all of us for going along with him. Bush had a 90% approval rate at one point.

Oh, yeah, and Bin Laden for attacking us and giving him an excuse.
And Saddam for being an all around shitball and giving us an excuse.

None of that was an excuse for what we did..
Mostly caused by your heroes on the left.

Get Trump...Get Trump.

Not really.

Let's review.

Plague- Trump is the one who poorly prepared for it, even with months of warnings, lied to the American people about how dangerous it was, got into dick-measuring contests with Fauci and the governors, well, and of course, fucked up the rollout of the vaccine.

Riots- Never would have happened without the plague. Never would have happened had Trump not scrapped all the police reform efforts made by Obama and Holder. Blacks finally got fed up and who could blame them, really. (Ironically, I think the riots helped Trump, because White People are Awful.)

Recession- clearly impacted by the other two, but Trump did a bunch of other things that didn't help. The US was sinking into recession before Covid Hit. Partially because his idiotic trade war with China completely jug-fucked supply chains.

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