Fox" "News" Dick H. Morris Tries To Scare Jews With Holocaust Propaganda

That's the same BS excuse we used to wipe out Native Americans.

We didn't wipe out the Native American. There are quite a number of them living peacefully throughout our sorry society.

lol Yeah fom a 100% of America in land and poulation to .01% and few "reservations" in the desert.

I'm not going to let you forget the Indians who thought it wiser to intermarry. As a (good) consequence, I'm certain half or more of the American population carry native American genes.

And they are loved as are the native Americans who stayed in reservations.

By the way, Ollie is right. Heisting this thread to diss America over native Americans--that speech belongs on its own thread. Please start one or join an existing one if you can find it around here. Let's follow Ollie's example and get back to the topic of Palestinians who are ever sending out homicide bombers to harm Israeli citizens not to mention putting their children at every missile site from which they lob Iran's missiles at Israel as proxy agents.
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Fact is that our forefathers screwed over the American Indian tribes. Really bad screwed them. At times almost genocide.

How does that give the so called Palestinians the right to kill children because they disagree with their religion?

It is Israel who is killing children. Palestinians have a right to defend their homeland and their people.

They don't have a homeland. There has never been a country called Palestine.

March 31,
1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said:

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

Read more: Palestinian people do not exist Palestinian people do not exist

Palistine and Palestinians have existed since at least the days of Canannites, wether you want to call it a country or not,they are not bound by your definition of country.
We didn't wipe out the Native American. There are quite a number of them living peacefully throughout our sorry society.

lol Yeah fom a 100% of America in land and poulation to .01% and few "reservations" in the desert.

I'm not going to let you forget the Indians who thought it wiser to intermarry. As a (good) consequence, I'm certain half or more of the American population carry native American genes.

And they are loved as are the native Americans who stayed in reservations.

Of course they are loved we have all their land.
Dick Toe Sucker Morris has been wrong about EVERYTHING since Obama decided to run for president.
Seriously, this idiot is used for his opinion by fox and he is wrong about everything. EVERYTHING.

Did Clinton win despite help from Morris? He coulnd't have been the brains of that outfit.

Too obvious for ya?
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lol Yeah fom a 100% of America in land and poulation to .01% and few "reservations" in the desert.

I'm not going to let you forget the Indians who thought it wiser to intermarry. As a (good) consequence, I'm certain half or more of the American population carry native American genes.

And they are loved as are the native Americans who stayed in reservations.

Of course they are loved we have all their land.

That's what you think. Some of us have prime business locations, prime gentleman's farms, and prime ranches. I have all three in this land of the free.

And I love and adore all my ancestors on both sides of the pond. :tongue:
Dick Toe Sucker Morris has been wrong about EVERYTHING since Obama decided to run for president.

Seriously, this idiot is used for his opinion by fox and he is wrong about everything. EVERYTHING.

You watch a lot of fox news there Zona? Didn't think so. Dick Morris might be a weasel, but if you ever listened to him, you would know he makes very accurate predictions!

uh, yeah....
Dick Morris' Prediction That Trump Would Run Proves Again That He's A Terrible Political Forecaster
Dick Morris' Prediction That Trump Would Run Proves Again That He's A Terrible Political Forecaster | Media Matters for America

Something about Hillary going against Obama in

YouTube - ‪Dick Morris: Hillary To Challenge Obama In 2012‬‏

As we've noted time and time again, Fox News contributor and columnist Dick Morris has an abysmal track record of analyzing, well, pretty much anything.
Dick Morris, Wrong Again

Dick Morris Is Wrong Again (Oil Drilling Edition)
Dick Morris Is Wrong Again (Oil Drilling Edition)

Rasmussen today has Kerry leading 47-44! Morris is wrong again. ... Dick Morris has never been right.

Democratic Underground - Rasmussen today has Kerry leading 47-44! Morris is wrong again. - Democratic Underground

Dick Morris gets it wrong on America’s foreign aid

Dick Morris gets it wrong on America

Can you help me out...and show a prediction he got right since the 2008 elections.....seriously. He is wrong about everything.
Fact is that our forefathers screwed over the American Indian tribes. Really bad screwed them. At times almost genocide.

How does that give the so called Palestinians the right to kill children because they disagree with their religion?

It is Israel who is killing children. Palestinians have a right to defend their homeland and their people.

You seriously think that the Palestinians have a right to strap bombs to their children to kill innocent people when all they have to do is live on their land in peace and they won't have problems?

You are seriously screwed up in the head.
Fact is that our forefathers screwed over the American Indian tribes. Really bad screwed them. At times almost genocide.

How does that give the so called Palestinians the right to kill children because they disagree with their religion?

It is Israel who is killing children. Palestinians have a right to defend their homeland and their people.

You seriously think that the Palestinians have a right to strap bombs to their children to kill innocent people when all they have to do is live on their land in peace and they won't have problems?

You are seriously screwed up in the head.

no less right than Isreral has to lauch American made bombs into school yards to keep stolen land.
So the fact that Obama has been supportng this "Arab Spring" where main proponents are calling for the death of jews is just attempts to scare the jews. Completely ignore the fact that our administration is in bed with these people.

I suppose the fact that The Nazis have begun organizing in Egypt now is something we should just pretend isnt happening either.

Or the fact that Obama is proposing Israel give away all their defenses. Is that good or bad for the Israelis?

Why is it you guys dont take people for their word?

"Denial" aint a river in Egypt :lol: The Arab Spring was going to happen regardless of whether the President "supported" it or not :cuckoo:
So the fact that Obama has been supportng this "Arab Spring" where main proponents are calling for the death of jews is just attempts to scare the jews. Completely ignore the fact that our administration is in bed with these people.

I suppose the fact that The Nazis have begun organizing in Egypt now is something we should just pretend isnt happening either.

Or the fact that Obama is proposing Israel give away all their defenses. Is that good or bad for the Israelis?

Why is it you guys dont take people for their word?

"Denial" aint a river in Egypt :lol: The Arab Spring was going to happen regardless of whether the President "supported" it or not :cuckoo:

It was a flashpoint that started in Tunis.

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