FOX news edits trump interview, removing Ukraine comment


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

trump said he would have given parts of Ukraine to Russia. FOX news edited it out. They are continuing their war on truth.
FOX News is rightfully being sued for that by Dominion, but a leopard doesn't change its spots. This is what they do.

trump said he would have given parts of Ukraine to Russia. FOX news edited it out. They are continuing their war on truth.
Whoopty doo. He said at worst it would had been a deal where they take the Russian speaking areas. Which would actually make sense, since those areas want to be free from Kiev.
Whoopty doo. He said at worst it would had been a deal where they take the Russian speaking areas. Which would actually make sense, since those areas want to be free from Kiev.
Fox is a rightwing fake news channel, utterly dishonest and reprehensible – Fox is either lying or ignoring the truth.

The right’s war on facts and the truth continues.

trump said he would have given parts of Ukraine to Russia. FOX news edited it out. They are continuing their war on truth.
Trump doesnt like their money laundering for Poopeypants. Pissing money away to the Ukraine instead of to our own country is a felony.

trump said he would have given parts of Ukraine to Russia. FOX news edited it out. They are continuing their war on truth.
No wonder Fox has such high ratings. All you wackos watch it all day long.

trump said he would have given parts of Ukraine to Russia. FOX news edited it out. They are continuing their war on truth.
Trump is still indicating he would betray NATO and surrender to the war criminal.

The pro-Putin Cry Baby Loser has reaffirmed his expectation that his "savvy genius" will succeed in subjugating democracy by his brutal ravaging of a sovereign nation.

Just as the Loser swallowed the little thug's lies over the consensus of the U.S. intelligence services, he opposes NATO's resolve and spews his spineless defeatism:

Screen Shot 2023-04-02 at 8.12.51 PM.png

"But ultimately, he is gonna take over all of Ukraine!"
April 2, 2023

trump said he would have given parts of Ukraine to Russia. FOX news edited it out. They are continuing their war on truth.
Really focused on the important stuff, I see. A news show edited something out of an interview, OH NOOOOOESS!! Certainly your beloved CNN and MSNBC NEVER does that!!

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