Fox news : Everyone I spoke to at occupy DC said they were voting for Ron Paul?

I think they meant they aren't voting for 0bama. I don't think a whole lot of those camping out are conservatives. ;)

Yea thats what it is. Even though the reporter specificly said Ron Paul and libertarian outlook. Lets just replace that with 'not voting for obama'.

You do know that this fantasy you live in is going to crumble one day, dont you?

Whoa back up. I happen to like some of Ron Paul's ideas, it appears you missed the "they're not conservative" stuff. Meaning they wouldn't vote for a conservative republican, ever. :disbelief:

Rand should have made a run, I believe he'd have a chance. Ron Paul is a little off the wall on some stuff. Yes, the Federal Reserve needs a through audit.
You dont think you merely repete what your told to think

You want to elaborate on your statement about Ron Paul supporting the problems we have now?

Cause I think your a partisan liar.

Deregulation caused this mess you fool.

Its what Paul is all about

Yeap, he is also all about people accepting the consequences of thier decisions, including corporations and investors. He believes that the government has no business bailing out anyone and that those banks should go bankrupt, and the people who supported the frauds they committed should lose their investment money.

There is no greater lesson for anyone to learn then watching other people fail. There is no need for laws to regulate the market when the market can regulate itself. Bailing out banks just encourages more of the same behavior, where letting them fall encourages responsable corporate behavior, and sends a message to investors that profits based on irresponsable behavior will likely result in monetary losses.

What we dont need is more laws and regulation. It has killed the survivability of small business. I am one of the victems of to much regulation, so dont even pretend to know what your talking about.

Its time for people to stop being so reliant on the government and instead rely on the rule of law, and ourselves.

And dont go insulting Ron Paul unless you know what your talking about.
I think they meant they aren't voting for 0bama. I don't think a whole lot of those camping out are conservatives. ;)

Yea thats what it is. Even though the reporter specificly said Ron Paul and libertarian outlook. Lets just replace that with 'not voting for obama'.

You do know that this fantasy you live in is going to crumble one day, dont you?

Whoa back up. I happen to like some of Ron Paul's ideas, it appears you missed the "they're not conservative" stuff. Meaning they wouldn't vote for a conservative republican, ever. :disbelief:

Rand should have made a run, I believe he'd have a chance. Ron Paul is a little off the wall on some stuff. Yes, the Federal Reserve needs a through audit.

Rand is not ready yet, and I applaud him not stepping on his fathers toes. I see hiim running in 2016.
You want to elaborate on your statement about Ron Paul supporting the problems we have now?

Cause I think your a partisan liar.

Deregulation caused this mess you fool.

Its what Paul is all about

Yeap, he is also all about people accepting the consequences of thier decisions, including corporations and investors. He believes that the government has no business bailing out anyone and that those banks should go bankrupt, and the people who supported the frauds they committed should lose their investment money.

There is no greater lesson for anyone to learn then watching other people fail. There is no need for laws to regulate the market when the market can regulate itself . Bailing out banks just encourages more of the same behavior, where letting them fall encourages responsable corporate behavior, and sends a message to investors that profits based on irresponsable behavior will likely result in monetary losses.

What we dont need is more laws and regulation. It has killed the survivability of small business. I am one of the victems of to much regulation, so dont even pretend to know what your talking about.

Its time for people to stop being so reliant on the government and instead rely on the rule of law, and ourselves.

And dont go insulting Ron Paul unless you know what your talking about.

Deregulation caused this mess you fool
Doesn't matter what that group says. I bet the offer of a cheeseburger and a dubbie would secure their vote for whomever they ask.
Thats fine.

i hope people vote for Paul if thats who they believe in.

Paul wants to aid the very people who created this mess but people can vote for whoever they want to.

The idea of this whole thing is to send a message to the monied interests that the people are done jsut sitting back and watching their country be bought out from under neath them.

53% of republicans think taxes on the rich should be raised.

The republican party is not interested in what the republican voter wants.

They are doing the bidding of the people like the Koch brothers instead of the majority of their own voters.

That whoudl tell you how much they value voters in this country

You want to elaborate on that statement? Cause I think your partisan liar.

I will go get the link and you will appologise right?

i know you woint because you dont care about truth

Just when are you going to deal with the fact that the republican party is NOT willing to even do what the majority of the republican want?

How can they keep getting elected by going against what evern their OWN voters want?

Because the voters are NOT their bosses.

The corporations are.

Ron Paul is just another republican who donest want to represent the people of America, he just wants his historically failed ideas to win the day and doesnt care what the American people want.
Doesn't matter what that group says. I bet the offer of a cheeseburger and a dubbie would secure their vote for whomever they ask.

You will not be able to insult away the reality these people are bringing to you.

You are in for a really interesting ride.
Doesn't matter what that group says. I bet the offer of a cheeseburger and a dubbie would secure their vote for whomever they ask.

You will not be able to insult away the reality these people are bringing to you.

You are in for a really interesting ride.

I take it that lifestyle is up your alley. No wonder you have troubles with matters of truth.
Thats fine.

i hope people vote for Paul if thats who they believe in.

Paul wants to aid the very people who created this mess but people can vote for whoever they want to.

The idea of this whole thing is to send a message to the monied interests that the people are done jsut sitting back and watching their country be bought out from under neath them.

53% of republicans think taxes on the rich should be raised.

The republican party is not interested in what the republican voter wants.

They are doing the bidding of the people like the Koch brothers instead of the majority of their own voters.

That whoudl tell you how much they value voters in this country

You want to elaborate on that statement? Cause I think your partisan liar.

Ron Paul wants to get rid of most regulations and regulatory departments like the EPA.

She was spot on about that.
I LOVE all of this talk about Ron Paul. The man is an absolute NUT job! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the man is a republican version of Dennis Kusinich. Occassionally, just occassionally, the man has a brilliant flash of an idea, and then he goes and spoils it by actually opening his mouth even more. This is the guy that thinks that Iranian nukes are just fine. Given what we know about how Iran would LOVE to blow something up in this country and is actively pursuing that agenda, doesn't his idea that we should let them scare anyone here?

A nightmare would be Ron Paul actually getting more power than he has now...
Deregulation caused this mess you fool.

Its what Paul is all about

Yeap, he is also all about people accepting the consequences of thier decisions, including corporations and investors. He believes that the government has no business bailing out anyone and that those banks should go bankrupt, and the people who supported the frauds they committed should lose their investment money.

There is no greater lesson for anyone to learn then watching other people fail. There is no need for laws to regulate the market when the market can regulate itself . Bailing out banks just encourages more of the same behavior, where letting them fall encourages responsable corporate behavior, and sends a message to investors that profits based on irresponsable behavior will likely result in monetary losses.

What we dont need is more laws and regulation. It has killed the survivability of small business. I am one of the victems of to much regulation, so dont even pretend to know what your talking about.

Its time for people to stop being so reliant on the government and instead rely on the rule of law, and ourselves.

And dont go insulting Ron Paul unless you know what your talking about.

Deregulation caused this mess you fool

Hey dipshit. Did you even read the first word? Fucking ignorant liberal. To stupid to learn anything, but just smart enough to think you know what your talking about.

Do us all a favor and just move to god damned cuba.
Deregulation caused this mess.

To pretend it didnt is how you guys opperate

Yeap, he is also all about people accepting the consequences of thier decisions, including corporations and investors. He believes that the government has no business bailing out anyone and that those banks should go bankrupt, and the people who supported the frauds they committed should lose their investment money.

There is no greater lesson for anyone to learn then watching other people fail. There is no need for laws to regulate the market when the market can regulate itself . Bailing out banks just encourages more of the same behavior, where letting them fall encourages responsable corporate behavior, and sends a message to investors that profits based on irresponsable behavior will likely result in monetary losses.

What we dont need is more laws and regulation. It has killed the survivability of small business. I am one of the victems of to much regulation, so dont even pretend to know what your talking about.

Its time for people to stop being so reliant on the government and instead rely on the rule of law, and ourselves.

And dont go insulting Ron Paul unless you know what your talking about.

There it is agian you stupid ignoranus libby. Your lucky I dont add in my signature how fucking stupid you are just like half the other members of this board.
note they ran away and did not appologise

You confuse "running away" with ignoring you.

Are you sure you don't have a Democratic teletype that spews talking points for your posts?

Igmoring facts is you stock and trade

No way could she have a democratic teletype...........her spelling is much too bad for that. :lol:

I think.... oh, nevermind. Union teachers?

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