FOX. news ignoring Russian investigation.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I went to their web site and found nothing. Now we know why FOX has dropped to number 3 in prime time news ratings.
They're ignoring it because it's bullshit and most people are sick of the ridiculous squeals of the poor tortured left
only, and ONLY because you posted that, I checked out Fox...

and saw 2 articles, and one video, concerning the investigation
They've certainly been covering it. I don't know why because it's all bullshit
They're ignoring it because it's bullshit and most people are sick of the ridiculous squeals of the poor tortured left

Uh no, actually its not.

The one thing we know for sure is that Russia DID interfere with our election. THAT IS FACT.

Why don't RWNJ Pootarian traitors care about US elections?

Why don't you want to know the rest?

They're ignoring it because it's bullshit and most people are sick of the ridiculous squeals of the poor tortured left

Uh no, actually its not.

The one thing we know for sure is that Russia DID interfere with our election. THAT IS FACT.

Why don't RWNJ Pootarian traitors care about US elections?

Why don't you want to know the rest?


You poor things.
I give you a message board pat on the head.
You're gonna need more than that when all this horsecrap is done with and Trump is still prez.
Thorozine maybe. We can put it in blue states water like flouride
They're ignoring it because it's bullshit and most people are sick of the ridiculous squeals of the poor tortured left
^ Here. Read that again. And again. And again. Then shut up. If they weren't able to crucify Trump when it really mattered, during the campaign, while Clinton and Jarrett were planing their next move, then they won't find anything now.
Comey said so. <(lovin' the irony there.)
But as soon as they are done with Trump, they should keep right on going to the next job. Collusion among Obama/Clintons/Putin/America's uranium mines.
They're ignoring it because it's bullshit and most people are sick of the ridiculous squeals of the poor tortured left

Uh no, actually its not.

The one thing we know for sure is that Russia DID interfere with our election. THAT IS FACT.

Why don't RWNJ Pootarian traitors care about US elections?

Why don't you want to know the rest?


That's funny. The DOJ told obummer they were doing it. Why did he tell them to ignore it? Comey wanted to tell Congress and obummer told him not to. Seems to me the only obstruction of justice that will be discovered is obummers.
Comrade Trump's day if reconing is coming. He will bury the GOP whem the obstruction charges come down on him and his defenders.
Faux News is fake propaganda with a little weather sprinkled in to make it appear legitimate.
There is very little coverage on anything except hating on the democrats , how great Trump is, and what a joke the investigations are... I pop around the news channels throughout the day and pop into Fox once in a while...
Faux News is fake propaganda with a little weather sprinkled in to make it appear legitimate.

FOX news mat as well be Russian Bots pushing out Comrade Trump. Propaganda. Voters are getting tired of it and that is why FOX is sinking in ratings.

Maybe they should bring back Ailes frpm the dead to sexually harass so women?

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