Fox News meteorologist demanding answers after losing both mother in-law and father in-law to Covid in New York nursing homes

Here's a little tidbit of information. People die in nursing homes everyday. Very few people who come in through the front door leave through that same door.

The fact that you outsourced the care of your family to strangers kind of robs you of the right to question how they died.

Sounds like someone who is clueless about having to care for people who cannot care for themselves. No surprise of course. Ignorance and stupidity judging others when you don't have a clue what their circumstances are is very liberal.

Actually, I spent two years of my nursing training working in aged / chronic care facilities. Some rather nice, some that were nightmares.

If that were actually true you would have never been stupid enough to judge others.

I watch the families of the patients and can roughly put them into three categories. Family that would regularly abuse the staff because they felt guilty for putting the family member in a home and abusing staff made them feel like they still care. The second category are family trying to get their hooks into grandma's property and are continually shoving documents in her face to sign or, worse yet, families who have full on cage fights in the facility over who gets grandpa's Buick.

The third category are family members who are non-existent.

The lesson I learned is that i would consider being staked out in the sun and left for the crows to be more humane than being placed in aged care.

Really. So how would someone who has to work take care of a parent with dementia who needs to be watched 24/7?

How do you take care of someone who cannot go to the bathroom by themselves?

Your callousness and absolute ignorance of basic situations with people who require this care pretending its an easy fix only proves you have never had to make that decision yourself.
You know, you guys keep bitching about how Cuomo has handled this virus pandemic.

Hate to tell you, but the tri state area (NY, NJ and CT) are seeing their curve decline and people are starting to get better.

In other places? The cases and the death toll is still rising. You say Cumo has messed up, but if that is so, why are cases in NYC and the tri state area declining while other states are still rising at a high rate of speed?
You’re full of shit as usual. NY still has a much higher rates of new cases and deaths than other states. Same population as FL, yet NY still has twice as many new cases and deaths per day.
Because we built this country and won its wars.

That's a joke. Here are Democrats.




As you know too, the far-left reviles our military. If it was up to you, spending for our military would be permanently cut by at least 75%.

When given a choice between liberty and oppression, leftists will choose oppression. Every time.
Here's a little tidbit of information. People die in nursing homes everyday. Very few people who come in through the front door leave through that same door.

The fact that you outsourced the care of your family to strangers kind of robs you of the right to question how they died.

So misguided. They should have been quarantined from COVID, not had people with COVID introduced to their facility.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

My argument isn't that putting infected persons into a nursing home without containment was the right thing to do. My argument isn't even about which side screwed up/saved the planet better ... the Republicans or the Democrats.

My argument is, when we abrogate our medical decisions to the government (or anyone else), things will go horribly wrong.

Health care decisions are personal, not based on polls, statistics, or political posturing.
When the government's making your health care decisions for you, it's not personal. The bottom line is all that matters. The government wants to know how much it's going to cost to keep you alive. If the answer is above $X, you're going to die.

This is socialized medicine in action, folks. Don't like it? Stop insisting we need it.
^^^ scared rabbit lives in fear ^^^
I don't live ruled by emotion. I am not a leftist.

Meanwhile, you want the government to hold your hand and make all your decisions cradle to grave.

Leftists are all little girls who want Big Daddy Government to take care of them.

If you had any self-awareness at all, you'd be ashamed of yourself.
Did you refuse your stimulus check?
Why would I turn down my own tax money? That's retarded.

Oh, wait -- you're one of those morons who believes all money belongs to the government, which, in its benevolence, lets us keep some of what we earned.

Well, for those of us who actually earn money by being productive. You ought to try it sometime.
When Democrats take money it’s socialism.
When Republicans take money, it was there’s to begin with.

Unless, of course, the Democrats have jobs. Then it's theirs, too.

Do you really not understand this?
Everybody pays taxes.

As you know, and know well, not everyone pays Federal Income Taxes. Why lie?
Because he's a leftist. They lie. All the time.
Andrew Cuomo has an 80% approval rating.
I bet that was a mail-in poll...fraudulent!
US Military members submit mail-in ballots. Are you saying they are fraudulent?
Depends on if they're counted or if they wind up in a landfill.
Do you have evidence of that or are you talking out your ass?
Of course I have evidence.
So instead of fixing the problem, the skidmark does this.

ANY VETERAN should not vote for this guy.
Paywall. Forget it. Plus, it's WaPo. I doubt it's accurate.
Andrew Cuomo has an 80% approval rating.
I bet that was a mail-in poll...fraudulent!
US Military members submit mail-in ballots. Are you saying they are fraudulent?
Depends on if they're counted or if they wind up in a landfill.
Do you have evidence of that or are you talking out your ass?
Of course I have evidence.
So instead of fixing the problem, the skidmark does this.

ANY VETERAN should not vote for this guy.
Paywall. Forget it. Plus, it's WaPo. I doubt it's accurate.
Here's more!

Andrew Cuomo has an 80% approval rating.
I bet that was a mail-in poll...fraudulent!
US Military members submit mail-in ballots. Are you saying they are fraudulent?
Depends on if they're counted or if they wind up in a landfill.
Do you have evidence of that or are you talking out your ass?
Of course I have evidence.
So instead of fixing the problem, the skidmark does this.

ANY VETERAN should not vote for this guy.
Paywall. Forget it. Plus, it's WaPo. I doubt it's accurate.
Yes, better to get your news from the Gateway Pundit, who has bureaus in his basement, his garage, and his mud room.
Andrew Cuomo has an 80% approval rating.
I bet that was a mail-in poll...fraudulent!
US Military members submit mail-in ballots. Are you saying they are fraudulent?
Depends on if they're counted or if they wind up in a landfill.
Do you have evidence of that or are you talking out your ass?
Of course I have evidence.
So instead of fixing the problem, the skidmark does this.

ANY VETERAN should not vote for this guy.
Paywall. Forget it. Plus, it's WaPo. I doubt it's accurate.
Here's more!

Then Trump was wrong.
Andrew Cuomo has an 80% approval rating.
I bet that was a mail-in poll...fraudulent!
US Military members submit mail-in ballots. Are you saying they are fraudulent?
Depends on if they're counted or if they wind up in a landfill.
Do you have evidence of that or are you talking out your ass?
Of course I have evidence.
So instead of fixing the problem, the skidmark does this.

ANY VETERAN should not vote for this guy.
Paywall. Forget it. Plus, it's WaPo. I doubt it's accurate.
Yes, better to get your news from the Gateway Pundit, who has bureaus in his basement, his garage, and his mud room.
Gosh, you sure do get angry when people disagree with your programming.
Here's a little tidbit of information. People die in nursing homes everyday. Very few people who come in through the front door leave through that same door.

The fact that you outsourced the care of your family to strangers kind of robs you of the right to question how they died.
Are you serious? People put their loved ones in nursing homes because they no longer have the ability to care for them. You make it sound like they're abandoning them which is a crock! Of course families have the right to question how their parents and grandparents died! That post makes you look like a heartless asshole, Fncceo!
I'm not sure what the problem is.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who is of the opinion that old people, i.e. those most at risk, should volunteer to die to save the economy.

And didn't President Trump ask Dr. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert and a key member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, whether U.S. officials could allow the coronavirus pandemic to “wash over” the country,

But don't worry, Trump and Mike Pence, between them get 14 tests a week. So everything should be OK.

The way we SHOULD have handled this pandemic was to tell the elderly and the infirm to self isolate and then allow the virus to run it's course among the healthy. The amount of deaths among healthy people from Covid 19 is so low as to almost not exist! Fauci got this wrong from the start. We killed our economy because idiots like yourself allowed the "experts" to scare you into going along with their program!
Here's a little tidbit of information. People die in nursing homes everyday. Very few people who come in through the front door leave through that same door.

The fact that you outsourced the care of your family to strangers kind of robs you of the right to question how they died.
I remember back before Christmas I lived across from a real nice old folks place. About 1-2 times per week the ambulance would come blaring in with sirens and a couple law dogs in tail. They'd almost always leave lights off on exit. PROOF that Covid was here last September !

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