FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Why are the right wingers blaming President Obama for a Romney weakness? I thought Romney was supposed to be so smart?

The absence of this plan can be seen in Romney’s initial response to a Washington Post article back in June that outlined Bain Capital’s role in outsourcing American jobs, bankrupting companies, and destroying pensions.

Romney argued at the time that he wasn’t with the company when that happened. “Governor Romney left Bain to lead the Salt Lake City Olympics in February 1999,” the campaign argued.

Yet the campaign and Romney himself made this defense knowing full well that there were documents – signed by Romney himself – that stated he was the sole shareholder, Chairman, CEO and President of Bain Capital in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

This political mishandling of Bain set the current trap that the Obama campaign has sprung – and the Romney campaign has no one to blame but itself.

Come November, we may look back on this past week and find this was the week Romney lost the election, or the week that finally woke up his campaign to the reality that they need a better strategy to deal with these attacks.

But his current strategy of stonewalling doesn’t pass the smell test.

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News
It's not Mitt's fault that obummer and democrats are assholes.

You really are stupid. On some level you must know that, which explains your bitterness.

No, she's so stupid that she doesn't even realize how stupid she is. Her bitterness comes from having a cactus stuck up her ass, and her government funded health care being unwilling to pay for a proctologist, and being too much of a free loaded to pay for one herself.
It's not Mitt's fault that obummer and democrats are assholes.

You really are stupid. On some level you must know that, which explains your bitterness.

No, she's so stupid that she doesn't even realize how stupid she is. Her bitterness comes from having a cactus stuck up her ass, and her government funded health care being unwilling to pay for a proctologist, and being too much of a free loaded to pay for one herself.

since when has someone who paid into medicare since it's inception become a freeloader? go ahead tell us,, penis breath, we'll wait.
You really are stupid. On some level you must know that, which explains your bitterness.

No, she's so stupid that she doesn't even realize how stupid she is. Her bitterness comes from having a cactus stuck up her ass, and her government funded health care being unwilling to pay for a proctologist, and being too much of a free loaded to pay for one herself.

since when has someone who paid into medicare since it's inception become a freeloader? go ahead tell us,, penis breath, we'll wait.

Paying in for a week, then riding the government dollar ever since is still free loading.
You really are stupid. On some level you must know that, which explains your bitterness.

No, she's so stupid that she doesn't even realize how stupid she is. Her bitterness comes from having a cactus stuck up her ass, and her government funded health care being unwilling to pay for a proctologist, and being too much of a free loaded to pay for one herself.

since when has someone who paid into medicare since it's inception become a freeloader? go ahead tell us,, penis breath, we'll wait.

Penis Breath?

LOL....Willow...why don't you just cut n' paste "Oh Yeah! Well, you're ugly!" for all your some time.
So she receives aid does this mean she must vote Democrat now? Is it a requirement? Or is it only liberal people deserve help? Yeah I see how it is
No, she's so stupid that she doesn't even realize how stupid she is. Her bitterness comes from having a cactus stuck up her ass, and her government funded health care being unwilling to pay for a proctologist, and being too much of a free loaded to pay for one herself.

since when has someone who paid into medicare since it's inception become a freeloader? go ahead tell us,, penis breath, we'll wait.

Penis Breath?

LOL....Willow...why don't you just cut n' paste "Oh Yeah! Well, you're ugly!" for all your some time.

he has penis breath, and it's not my fault.
FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Why are the right wingers blaming President Obama for a Romney weakness? I thought Romney was supposed to be so smart?

The absence of this plan can be seen in Romney’s initial response to a Washington Post article back in June that outlined Bain Capital’s role in outsourcing American jobs, bankrupting companies, and destroying pensions.

Romney argued at the time that he wasn’t with the company when that happened. “Governor Romney left Bain to lead the Salt Lake City Olympics in February 1999,” the campaign argued.

Yet the campaign and Romney himself made this defense knowing full well that there were documents – signed by Romney himself – that stated he was the sole shareholder, Chairman, CEO and President of Bain Capital in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

This political mishandling of Bain set the current trap that the Obama campaign has sprung – and the Romney campaign has no one to blame but itself.

Come November, we may look back on this past week and find this was the week Romney lost the election, or the week that finally woke up his campaign to the reality that they need a better strategy to deal with these attacks.

But his current strategy of stonewalling doesn’t pass the smell test.

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

That op ed piece is written by a Democrat strategist. :lmao:

It means jack shit. I love moments like this. Here ya go sparky!

Joe Trippi is a Fox News contributor and political strategist who has worked for Ted Kennedy, Walter Mondale and Gary Hart and turned Howard Dean into an unlikely presidential front runner in 2004. For more visit

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News
So she receives aid does this mean she must vote Democrat now? Is it a requirement? Or is it only liberal people deserve help? Yeah I see how it is

I don't receive aid. I've paid into the system my whole life. I didn't get a choice either. It was fucking mandatory so the whiny assed libs cann stuff that in their cabbages.
So she receives aid does this mean she must vote Democrat now? Is it a requirement? Or is it only liberal people deserve help? Yeah I see how it is

She can vote for whomever she wants. But every time she wants to trash talk the lazy leeches in the economy who don't contribute anything and just sit back and take, take, take, we'll all remind ourselves that she's looking in the mirror.
So she receives aid does this mean she must vote Democrat now? Is it a requirement? Or is it only liberal people deserve help? Yeah I see how it is

I don't receive aid. I've paid into the system my whole life. I didn't get a choice either. It was fucking mandatory so the whiny assed libs cann stuff that in their cabbages.

AKA "I live on welfare, but it doesn't count for me because I'm an obedient right winger"
So she receives aid does this mean she must vote Democrat now? Is it a requirement? Or is it only liberal people deserve help? Yeah I see how it is

I don't receive aid. I've paid into the system my whole life. I didn't get a choice either. It was fucking mandatory so the whiny assed libs cann stuff that in their cabbages.

AKA "I live on welfare, but it doesn't count for me because I'm an obedient right winger"

well, I guess it would mean that to someone who has his head up his ass 24/7 but hey, that's on ewe.
FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Why are the right wingers blaming President Obama for a Romney weakness? I thought Romney was supposed to be so smart?

The absence of this plan can be seen in Romney’s initial response to a Washington Post article back in June that outlined Bain Capital’s role in outsourcing American jobs, bankrupting companies, and destroying pensions.

Romney argued at the time that he wasn’t with the company when that happened. “Governor Romney left Bain to lead the Salt Lake City Olympics in February 1999,” the campaign argued.

Yet the campaign and Romney himself made this defense knowing full well that there were documents – signed by Romney himself – that stated he was the sole shareholder, Chairman, CEO and President of Bain Capital in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

This political mishandling of Bain set the current trap that the Obama campaign has sprung – and the Romney campaign has no one to blame but itself.

Come November, we may look back on this past week and find this was the week Romney lost the election, or the week that finally woke up his campaign to the reality that they need a better strategy to deal with these attacks.

But his current strategy of stonewalling doesn’t pass the smell test.

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

It's not a trap. It is a stupid deflection to get the heat off of Obama's massive failure as President.

Obama has obtained donations from Bain executives also.

You liberals act like the little boy king is squeaky clean when it comes to sleazy politics. You overlook the FACT that he is a product of the sleazy Illinois political machine and has the backing of good communists and unrepentant terrorists, racist preachers, Muslims all over the world and the majority of the black race. He is trying to buy the Latino vote with amnesty and free citizenship.

He is still a goddamned Marxist! Anti-capitalist, anti-American goddamned Marxist!

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