Fox News poll: 51% favor Trump's impeachment & removal from office

FoxNews poll showing 51% back removing Trump is wrong. Survey sample includes 48% Dems and 40% Republicans and precedes impeachment question with lots of questions about Trump's integrity

There is nothing wrong with the poll. It reflects similar findings from other polls as well.
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.
Fox News is gone

Fox News = CNN light (going to heavy) :mad-61:

A good sign that FOX NEWS is no longer blindly supporting Donald Trump. Next to change their behavior will be several Republican Senators key to convicting and removing Trump from office.

A good sign? lol.......... a good sign, like this was a good sign ??????:laughing0301:

you people never learn, do you:04:.....


Polling has a much longer history than just November 2016. You're going to learn that the hard way.
Polls are designd to always get the answer one wants.

So which answer did they want? The one 51% gave, or the one 43% gave?

Ya know, FFI, it's not like I enjoy being right all the time. I don't. It's both a blessing and a curse. Sigh.

It Now Appears Fox News' Trump Poll Was Setup in Such a Way That Trump Could Never Win
You just posted a link to someone who repeated your opinion. And he's an fool, because the poll wasnt "rigged". Those are just the demographics of the people who responded, as discovered by asking them what their affiliation was during the call.

Do you think repeating your opinion proves it correct? How odd.
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Many senators may be using Trump selling out of the Kurds to pivot/turn on him.
McConnell, Flip-Flop Graham, Rubio, etc.
Even Pat Robertson said we/he would be losing the Holy Mandate if we left them to be slaughtered.

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office
USA TODAY - Published 7:18 p.m. - Oct. 9, 2019

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office

A new poll released Wednesday by Fox News shows that just more than half of all registered voters support President Trump's impeachment and removal from office.

Those surveyed said 51% to 43% that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Four percent said he should be impeached but not removed from office, and 40% said he should not be impeached at all....​



The first polls on impeachment in late September just two weeks ago were at 47% for impeachment. Last week it was 49%. Now this poll shows 51%. Support for removing the Turd from office is rising.

Now Trump has betrayed the Kurds, something that 99% of congress, both House and Senate condemn.

Impeachment by the House Of Representatives is inevitable. The conviction of Trump in the coming trial in the Senate just became a lot more likely. Republican Senators are sick and tired of defending and supporting this TURD. I think more Republican Senators are coming to their senses and will be ready to throw Donald Trump over board. What Republican Senator in the right mind wants to stay on Trump's sinking ship. DUMP Trump and save the ship before its too late.

If R senators do anything of the sort, they'll be sent packing.

Not when people are abandoning Trump's sinking ship. People want to be on the right side of history usually. That's why many Republican Senators will be able to vote to convict Trump. Donald Trump is the worst President in the history of the country. He has used the office to actively enrich himself, help Putin's Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, while kicking are allies to the curb especially the Ukrainians and the Kurds. Trump is essentially acting as a foreign agent and trying to enrich himself at the same time. Its time to get rid of him.
FoxNews poll showing 51% back removing Trump is wrong. Survey sample includes 48% Dems and 40% Republicans and precedes impeachment question with lots of questions about Trump's integrity

There is nothing wrong with the poll. It reflects similar findings from other polls as well.
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.
The squad runs your party .. and it’s over.. all we have to do is run against them nation wide
There is nothing wrong with the poll. It reflects similar findings from other polls as well.
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.
The squad runs your party .. and it’s over.. all we have to do is run against them nation wide
DO IT!! Focus ALL your energy on the 4 brown women. Slam dunk! :113:
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.
The squad runs your party .. and it’s over.. all we have to do is run against them nation wide
DO IT!! Focus ALL your energy on the 4 brown women. Slam dunk! :113:
We will they are running it lol
There is nothing wrong with the poll. It reflects similar findings from other polls as well.
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.
The squad runs your party .. and it’s over.. all we have to do is run against them nation wide

Its not actually my party since I'm a Republican. But they make far more sense than Trump or most Republican congressman today.
FoxNews poll showing 51% back removing Trump is wrong. Survey sample includes 48% Dems and 40% Republicans and precedes impeachment question with lots of questions about Trump's integrity

There is nothing wrong with the poll. It reflects similar findings from other polls as well.
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.

OH yes. "History" will now remember that a Congress can spend it's entire term crying about a president they don't like and spending their entire political capital attempting to impeach him. Even if they succeed, that's ALL they will get.

Well done, you.
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.
The squad runs your party .. and it’s over.. all we have to do is run against them nation wide

Its not actually my party since I'm a Republican. But they make far more sense than Trump or most Republican congressman today.

ohhhhhhh SURE you are. Sure.
Well have fun continuing to lose elections

Yep, just like 2018 when TRUMPS idiots in the House lost control of it.
If you call that winning you should look at previous years lol

Btw the squad was not a win that will haunt your party for years to come

The squad is just few representatives that Trump Turds like to talk about. Nothing compared to the damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party and the Country by being President.

2018 win is very significant because its going to allow for the long overdue impeachment of Donald Trump. That is significant and something history will never forget.
The squad runs your party .. and it’s over.. all we have to do is run against them nation wide

Its not actually my party since I'm a Republican. But they make far more sense than Trump or most Republican congressman today.
You are a Republican in the squad makes more sense of Republicans Lol are usually call people retarded but you are mentally retarded Lol
"History" will now remember that a Congress can spend it's entire term crying about a president they don't like and spending their entire political capital attempting to impeach him.
Only for morons. The accurate history will show them passing hundreds of bills that Moscow Mitch wont even let come to a vote in the Senate.

Swamp Tour Republicans HORRIFIED By Trump's Corruption

Even his wife probably thinks he a crook.
And she's only staying for the hugely increased pre-nup after the Trump cheating ScandalS.
Many senators may be using Trump selling out of the Kurds to pivot/turn on him.
McConnell, Flip-Flop Graham, Rubio, etc.
Even Pat Robertson said we/he would be losing the Holy Mandate if we left them to be slaughtered.

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office
USA TODAY - Published 7:18 p.m. - Oct. 9, 2019

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office

A new poll released Wednesday by Fox News shows that just more than half of all registered voters support President Trump's impeachment and removal from office.

Those surveyed said 51% to 43% that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Four percent said he should be impeached but not removed from office, and 40% said he should not be impeached at all....​

The New York Post smelled a rat with a recent Fox News poll and decided to do a deep dive:

48% of its respondents were Democrats, only 31% of voters are Democrat.

The Fox poll oversampled registered Democrats, well out of proportion to their true numbers and then tried to pass its result off as consistent with public sentiment. Funny how such mistakes never happen with polls overweighting Republicans.
The New York Post smelled a rat with a recent Fox News poll and decided to do a deep dive:

48% of its respondents were Democrats, only 31% of voters are Democrat.

The Fox poll oversampled registered Democrats, well out of proportion to their true numbers and then tried to pass its result off as consistent with public sentiment. Funny how such mistakes never happen with polls overweighting Republicans.
I guess you just can't Trust Fox News!
But it's your main source.
Cognitive Dissonance.

Here it is from NYPost on what a 'fair' breakdown would have been.
(though I think they have it wrong too as far as how many are GOP vs Dem voters)

""A poll weighted for party affiliation would have concluded that 44.9% favored impeachment and 44.4% opposed it, a Post analysis has concluded.""​

So more people still favor Impeachment than not.

The New York Post smelled a rat with a recent Fox News poll and decided to do a deep dive:

48% of its respondents were Democrats, only 31% of voters are Democrat.

The Fox poll oversampled registered Democrats, well out of proportion to their true numbers and then tried to pass its result off as consistent with public sentiment. Funny how such mistakes never happen with polls overweighting Republicans.
I guess you just can't Trust Fox News!
But it's your main source.
Cognitive Dissonance.

Here it is from NYPost on what a 'fair' breakdown would have been.
(though I think they have it wrong too as far as how many are GOP vs Dem voters)

""A poll weighted for party affiliation would have concluded that 44.9% favored impeachment and 44.4% opposed it, a Post analysis has concluded.""​

So more people still favor Impeachment than not.

Does "trust" mean "blindly accept"? I don't blindly accept what anyone tells me. Impeachment would be great for ratings and all these "News" organizations are for profit businesses.


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