Fox News poll: Clinton leads Trump by 6% nationally

A new poll commissioned by the ultraconservative Fox News finds Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 6%.

The previous Fox poll had Trump ahead by 1%, which means Trump is crumbling.

Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

Interesting poll. I'm trying to load the actual data now to find out their methodology but where do you get ultraconservative Fox? They backed Marco for crying out loud.

Millions of Republicans only turn on FOX News. Now while it's apparent to many of you Reich wingers that you believe that every single Republican thinks like you--they don't. You are the minority of the party, the overwhelming majority are moderate Republicans. You're not going to get them to vote for Donald Trump.

If Ronald Reagan wouldn't have voted for Donald Trump, neither will they.
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -


Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

Well the pollsters that are for real and not skewering the polls all have Trump within the margin of error. AKA a statistical dead heat. Quinnipiac's poll actually has Trump already getting more of the Hispanic vote than McCain or Romney.
The LEFT is getting worried....MORE ATTEMPTS on Trumps life???

2 people arrested at Donald Trump's rally in The Woodlands
Click2Houston News ^ | June 20, 2016 | Jennifer Bauer

Two people were arrested at Friday's rally in The Woodlands for presumptive Republican nominee for president Donald Trump.

“Kendrick Dean, 27, was taken into custody by police at the Trump rally earlier in the evening.

Sources tell Channel 2 they found Dean on the fourth floor of the parking garage abandoning a backpack containing an unloaded revolver.”
If trump keeps dropping then Clinton is going to do a Nixon like landslide in November. hahaha

People are so fucking sick of the republicans fucking over the American people and shutting down government that it wouldn't surprise me.

Do you ever think for yourself?
A new poll commissioned by the ultraconservative Fox News finds Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 6%.

The previous Fox poll had Trump ahead by 1%, which means Trump is crumbling.

Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

Yep the walls are caving in around Donald Trump when you can get a FOX news poll to say that Hillary Clinton has him by 6 points. In their statement it says this:

"Just over half of Republicans would rather have someone besides Trump as their nominee, and his support in the presidential ballot test has dropped seven points since May."

This means that millions of Republicans will be voting for Hillary Clinton.


Of course, the Donald hasn't sold his soul to the devil yet like his fellow republicans have. He might start a trend for getting money out of politics and these guys would be out of a job. This is what makes him so popular with the people. Not sure I believe these polls. When Trump speaks, sometimes tens of thousands try to get to see him. What's the largest crowds for hillary? A couple hundred at most?

Well the real poll is out and it came to you from the primary popular vote. Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 2,500,000 votes.

As far as the polls, yes they can be wrong but highly unlikely with this many.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

You could be right. For the sake of the future America I hope you're wrong.

Oreo hasn't checked the methodology of the polls. Two polls in particular that are way out of whack pro Clinton have been busted. ABC's poll only interviewed john q public and not voters and Reuters seriously over sampled Democrats.

Check this out. This is why you always have to go to the poll itself and find their methodology past the headlines.


The latest Reuters poll claims the current race has Hillary Clinton at 47 percent support and Donald Trump with 33 percent support.

Reuters interviews 1201 respondents.
626 Democrats (52% of total)
423 Republicans (35% of total)
122 independents
30 other party.

That’s nearly 33 percent more Democrats than Republicans.

Reuters Caught Faking Polls Again, Hillary has NO Lead, In Reality Hillary & Trump Are Tied |

It's actually me that is always warning of National polling data. It has turned into a world wide disaster. Only 1 in 10 people will pick up on unknown callers anymore. Online polls are a joke because one participant can vote several times for their favorite, others are tied into donation sites so people won't bother with those. Text polls are the worst because again one person can text in a 1000 times. We all use cell phones, that pollsters have no access too. Exit polls are a joke, because who is going to stand in another line to tell some stranger how they voted and why. Most people don't think it's anyones business as to how they voted and why.

Oddly enough the two candidates that mentioned the polls the most often in this race are Donald Trump who can do it 4 times in one paragraph, and Bernie Sanders did it a lot also. The irony--Trump also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history, but he has always done well in the polls. Which indicates that the only people picking up on unknown callers were Trump and Sanders supporters.

A couple of weeks ago a Washington Post/ABC news poll came out and it showed this enormous surge for Donald Trump. They even announced it on ABC National News. Looking at the internals on this poll what they didn't tell their audience was that it was an all men poll. They actually excluded the largest voting block in this country (women) with them (according) to another poll having a 73% unfavorable view of him.

So Yes, I know all about the polls. I have National polling data from 700 to 1600 participants that is supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 230 million voters in this county, and that's why they're a joke.

What is ODD about this poll, and why it has attracted my attention. It's a FOX News poll. It's the equivalent of MSNBC coming out with their own poll showing Hillary Clinton losing to Donald Trump, which is highly unusual.

Here is a great article on the world wide train wreck we call National polling data.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

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