Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Mitt Romney has had a tough couple of weeks on the campaign trail -- and it shows in the latest Fox News poll. After a barrage of campaign ads, negative news coverage of his overseas trip and ongoing talk about his tax returns, Romney’s favorable rating and standing in the trial ballot have declined. As a result, President Obama has opened his biggest lead since Romney became the presumptive Republican nominee.

The president would take 49 percent of the vote compared to Romney's 40 percent in a head-to-head matchup if the election were held today, the poll found. Last month, Obama had a four percentage-point edge of 45 percent to 41 percent. This marks the second time this year the president has had a lead outside the poll’s margin of sampling error.

Obama’s advantage comes largely from increased support among independents, who now pick him over Romney by 11 percentage points. Some 30 percent of independents are undecided. Last month, Obama had a four-point edge among independents, while Romney had the advantage from April through early June.

The Obama campaign has spent heavily on advertising attacking Romney’s time at Bain Capital and his tax returns. And it appears to be working. Romney’s favorable rating dropped six percentage points since last month and now sits at 46 percent, down from 52 percent in mid-July. At the same time his unfavorable rating went up five points. Romney’s favorable rating has held steady among his party faithful, but it’s down eight percentage points among independents and seven points among Democrats.

Overall 54 percent of voters have a positive view of Obama, matching his highest favorable rating in more than a year. Last month, it was 52 percent. Obama’s current rating is nearly as high as four years ago, when 59 percent viewed him positively.

Read more: Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips | Fox News
yep, Obama's got it wrapped up. No need for most of you lefties to vote in November.
The moderates and independents seem to be breaking out early this cycle. I guess they just don't like or trust Romney.
yep, Obama's got it wrapped up. No need for most of you lefties to vote in November.

Sure there is. I want him to have the longest coat tails out there. When he crushes Mitt, I want to see all those freshmen Nutsack Sucker Party congressmen to go along with him.
How would you know what the proper sample of Dems, Reps and Inds should be?

We covered this IN MY THREAD. Why do you feel the need to clutter his thread trolling me here as well?

No, I addressed it and you dodged it. Let's try again:

How do you know what the proper sample should be?

Look buddy I gave you my ideas and possible remedies. Im not gonna keep going over the same shit. If you insist in beating this dead horse you can join TM in the ignore lounge. Your choice, but Im done with this conversation.
Fox News over sampled dems by 9%

Poll is worthless

How would you know what the proper sample of Dems, Reps and Inds should be?

In the minds of the right winger

Poll that shows Willard in the lead = Fair and balanced

Poll that shows Obama in the lead = Tinfoil conspiracy! There were too many dems sampled!
Dozens upon dozens of random sample polls show a result of more Dems than Republicans...

And Republicans respond by...saying the polls over sampled.

Eh, maybe it's not over sampling.
No, I addressed it and you dodged it. Let's try again:

How do you know what the proper sample should be?

Look buddy I gave you my ideas and possible remedies

No you didn't! You looked at the evidence and called me a troll.

calling someone a troll is not a remedy.

Now you are a liar to boot. Here is my response with my ideas word for word.....

Im not in the polling business but it would seem to me that asking prior to administering the poll would be a good starting point for fairness in the results. Why not do a 40/40/20 split or whatever number is represenative of the documented numbers? When you reach your % marker you stop polling that group. Seems pretty fucking simple to me but what the fuck do I know.

Your persistance to drill the same fucking shit over and over makes you a troll.

Welcome to ignore
August 10, 2012.…
Voters support:
Romney 47...
Obama 43

Trust on economy:
Romney 49...
Obama 43

Consider views extreme:
Romney 37...
Obama 47

Obama Approval Index Month-by-Month - Rasmussen Reports™

The OP is usually saying Fox News is biased when it fits his agenda....

Rasmussen is always the most accurate pollster there is regardless of how it comes out on a daily basis.
"Mitt Romney is a disaster. He's the first Republican nominee in modern history to have higher negatives than positives (not even Bob Dole had that distinction)."

That's a true statement. Look it up.
How would you know what the proper sample of Dems, Reps and Inds should be?

In the minds of the right winger

Poll that shows Willard in the lead = Fair and balanced

Poll that shows Obama in the lead = Tinfoil conspiracy! There were too many dems sampled!
Dozens upon dozens of random sample polls show a result of more Dems than Republicans...

And Republicans respond by...saying the polls over sampled.

Eh, maybe it's not over sampling.

Exactly. The right wingers just can't seem to understand that Obama is picking up a ton of steam and is looking to whoop Willard's ass in November :up:
Look buddy I gave you my ideas and possible remedies

No you didn't! You looked at the evidence and called me a troll.

calling someone a troll is not a remedy.

Now you are a liar to boot. Here is my response with my ideas word for word.....

Im not in the polling business but it would seem to me that asking prior to administering the poll would be a good starting point for fairness in the results. Why not do a 40/40/20 split or whatever number is represenative of the documented numbers? When you reach your % marker you stop polling that group. Seems pretty fucking simple to me but what the fuck do I know.

Your persistance to drill the same fucking shit over and over makes you a troll.

Welcome to ignore

That's not a solution at all, and I pointed out why. There's zero reason to believe the actual breakdown is 40/40/20. And there's no "documented numbers".

The closest thing to documented numbers are the series of recent surveys asking that exact question. and what do they tell us?
"Mitt Romney is a disaster. He's the first Republican nominee in modern history to have higher negatives than positives (not even Bob Dole had that distinction)."

That's a true statement. Look it up.

While Dole was a lousy candidate, he had a couple advantages over Romney: He was a genuinely nice guy and he was a badass mofo in WW2.

Romney, neither of those.
Look buddy I gave you my ideas and possible remedies

No you didn't! You looked at the evidence and called me a troll.

calling someone a troll is not a remedy.

Now you are a liar to boot. Here is my response with my ideas word for word.....

Im not in the polling business but it would seem to me that asking prior to administering the poll would be a good starting point for fairness in the results. Why not do a 40/40/20 split or whatever number is represenative of the documented numbers? When you reach your % marker you stop polling that group. Seems pretty fucking simple to me but what the fuck do I know.

Your persistance to drill the same fucking shit over and over makes you a troll.

Welcome to ignore

Dude, I doubt that you've even mastered basic addition, less the statistical sciences of probability. I could explain how polls are weighted to more accurately reflect the actual demographics, but it would be more useful to spend my time teaching a monkey to talk.

You're much better off living in your ignorance, and pretend the polls don't accurately reflect reality (with a 95% certainty within the margin of error). So rant on about your own beliefs, no matter how stupid. Many here like to listen to what they want to hear.


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