FOX news reports a victory over War On Christmas

So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?

I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home

Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?

So, your rights outweigh his?
In this particular case yes they do Can I have a rock band playing in my front yard every night for the next month? How about some hip hoppers?

Just a little more noisy than lights!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One? How many lawsuits have been brought trying to remove anything to do with Christmas. Christmas in this country has been celebrated with traditions such as the phrase Merry Christmas, nativity scenes, Christmas music, lights or candles, the cross, etc. for centuries, yet the aclu and the freedom from religion foundation sue everyone they can, to take away that right, and unless people have the money to fight these lawsuits, they have to give in to their whims.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Six Things Banned For Christmas In America In 2016

Yet you’ll claim there is no war on Christmas traditions in this country...
So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?

I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home

Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?
Why do you guys need to turn everything into a war, though? One August West in the neighborhood and you're crying victim hood and saintly defense of God and all kinds of stuff to make you feel more righteous.
Chill out. No one ever ruined my Christmas spirit or celebration by wishing me a happy holiday or making me wait until I got home to enjoy the creche and my tree. Why would such a thing affect you?
One? How many lawsuits have been brought trying to remove anything to do with Christmas. Christmas in this country has been celebrated with traditions such as the phrase Merry Christmas, nativity scenes, Christmas music, lights or candles, the cross, etc. for centuries, yet the aclu and the freedom from religion foundation sue everyone they can, to take away that right, and unless people have the money to fight these lawsuits, they have to give in to their whims.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Six Things Banned For Christmas In America In 2016

Yet you’ll claim there is no war on Christmas traditions in this country...
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?

I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home

Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?
Why do you guys need to turn everything into a war, though? One August West in the neighborhood and you're crying victim hood and saintly defense of God and all kinds of stuff to make you feel more righteous.
Chill out. No one ever ruined my Christmas spirit or celebration by wishing me a happy holiday or making me wait until I got home to enjoy the creche and my tree. Why would such a thing affect you?
No one is trying to remove Christmas, except from government/public property and spaces. Not Santa Christmas, either, just religious Christmas.
Everybody has a right to display their own religious symbols. There is no reason why this shouldn't be displayed just as prominently as a blow up Christmas tree.
I was wondering who your deity was. You answered my question
No one is trying to remove Christmas, except from government/public property and spaces. Not Santa Christmas, either, just religious Christmas.

There is NO mandate in the Constitution, nor government to remove religion from government, or public property/spaces. We have the ten commandments on court houses, and mention of God, and use of the Bible throughout government.

Please show me where you get this fallacy?
So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?

I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home

Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?

So, your rights outweigh his?
In this particular case yes they do Can I have a rock band playing in my front yard every night for the next month? How about some hip hoppers?
Actually yes. You can. The lights are not on all night.
As long as your rock band obeys the same laws as the decorators you are good to go.

How about 20 protesters on a sidewalk screaming and spray painting slogans on private property? Free speech or not?

Your home is not devalued by two weeks of lights.
Everybody has a right to display their own religious symbols. There is no reason why this shouldn't be displayed just as prominently as a blow up Christmas tree.

Good idea on April 15th where it belongs.

So easy to declare victory in a non-existent "war".

There has been a movement from the Left to reduce the influence of Judea-Christian values, and remove their symbols for decades. The thought being they have had too MUCH influence in society for TOO LONG, and this is their way of getting back. It is all about retribution, and punishment just like with al Liberal/Progressive policies about race, sex, gender, sexual orientation and religion.

Getting back at the people of today to "right past wrongs" to make yourselves FEEL BETTER.
Last edited:
From my second link, don’t think some aren’t trying, even with Santa Claus

Santa Claus. In early December, taxpayer-funded officials in the Hillsboro, Oregon school district banned imagery of Santa Claus because “images and artifacts” “like Santa Claus” create insufficiently “inclusive and welcoming spaces.” (RELATED: Taxpayer-Funded School District Bans SANTA CLAUS ‘To Create Inclusive And Welcoming Spaces’)

Kona Lew-Williams, the human resources director in the suburban Portland school district, sent a 282-word memo to employees concerning the ban. “We ask that you be respectful and sensitive to the diverse perspectives and beliefs of our community and refrain from using religious-themed decorations or images like Santa Claus,” Lew-Williams wrote. A “winter wonderland” theme, or perhaps a celebration “of the amazing people in your department” would be much better, she pontificated.

After local parents responded very negatively to the Santa Claus ban, the Hillsboro school district took to its Facebook page to swear that Santa was not prohibited. The memo was merely a reminder “that we need to create inclusive and welcoming spaces for all of our students.”


Crazy Liberals in Maryland ban Santa Claus - AnandTech Forums: Technology, Hardware, Software, and Deals
Ho Ho No: School bans Santa from winter concert
University Bans Christmas Celebrations With "Religious Iconography" Like Nativity Scenes, Angels or Santa Claus | (Including Santa Claus)

Want more?

One? How many lawsuits have been brought trying to remove anything to do with Christmas. Christmas in this country has been celebrated with traditions such as the phrase Merry Christmas, nativity scenes, Christmas music, lights or candles, the cross, etc. for centuries, yet the aclu and the freedom from religion foundation sue everyone they can, to take away that right, and unless people have the money to fight these lawsuits, they have to give in to their whims.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Six Things Banned For Christmas In America In 2016
Yet you’ll claim there is no war on Christmas traditions in this country...
Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?
Why do you guys need to turn everything into a war, though? One August West in the neighborhood and you're crying victim hood and saintly defense of God and all kinds of stuff to make you feel more righteous.
Chill out. No one ever ruined my Christmas spirit or celebration by wishing me a happy holiday or making me wait until I got home to enjoy the creche and my tree. Why would such a thing affect you?
No one is trying to remove Christmas, except from government/public property and spaces. Not Santa Christmas, either, just religious Christmas.
Why doesn't the Left understand that you CAN NOT JUSTIFY EXCLUSION by claiming you want to create "Inclusive Spaces"??? Don't they see the utter irony, and lack of logic in this? All they are doing is being non-inclusive while claiming to want to be inclusive. It's like when they claim to be "Tolerant", but won't allow other viewpoints on campus.

It is absolutely NUTS!
No one is trying to remove Christmas, except from government/public property and spaces. Not Santa Christmas, either, just religious Christmas.

There is NO mandate in the Constitution, nor government to remove religion from government, or public property/spaces. We have the ten commandments on court houses, and mention of God, and use of the Bible throughout government.

Please show me where you get this fallacy?
I'm not going to argue with you over whether the separation of church and state is a good decision. Neither of us is a Constitutional lawyer and I don't pretend to be. But that is the reality and that is how it remains, for the time being anyway.
From my second link, don’t think some aren’t trying, even with Santa Claus

Santa Claus. In early December, taxpayer-funded officials in the Hillsboro, Oregon school district banned imagery of Santa Claus because “images and artifacts” “like Santa Claus” create insufficiently “inclusive and welcoming spaces.” (RELATED: Taxpayer-Funded School District Bans SANTA CLAUS ‘To Create Inclusive And Welcoming Spaces’)

Kona Lew-Williams, the human resources director in the suburban Portland school district, sent a 282-word memo to employees concerning the ban. “We ask that you be respectful and sensitive to the diverse perspectives and beliefs of our community and refrain from using religious-themed decorations or images like Santa Claus,” Lew-Williams wrote. A “winter wonderland” theme, or perhaps a celebration “of the amazing people in your department” would be much better, she pontificated.

After local parents responded very negatively to the Santa Claus ban, the Hillsboro school district took to its Facebook page to swear that Santa was not prohibited. The memo was merely a reminder “that we need to create inclusive and welcoming spaces for all of our students.”


Crazy Liberals in Maryland ban Santa Claus - AnandTech Forums: Technology, Hardware, Software, and Deals
Ho Ho No: School bans Santa from winter concert
University Bans Christmas Celebrations With "Religious Iconography" Like Nativity Scenes, Angels or Santa Claus | (Including Santa Claus)

Want more?

One? How many lawsuits have been brought trying to remove anything to do with Christmas. Christmas in this country has been celebrated with traditions such as the phrase Merry Christmas, nativity scenes, Christmas music, lights or candles, the cross, etc. for centuries, yet the aclu and the freedom from religion foundation sue everyone they can, to take away that right, and unless people have the money to fight these lawsuits, they have to give in to their whims.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Six Things Banned For Christmas In America In 2016
Yet you’ll claim there is no war on Christmas traditions in this country...
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?
Why do you guys need to turn everything into a war, though? One August West in the neighborhood and you're crying victim hood and saintly defense of God and all kinds of stuff to make you feel more righteous.
Chill out. No one ever ruined my Christmas spirit or celebration by wishing me a happy holiday or making me wait until I got home to enjoy the creche and my tree. Why would such a thing affect you?
No one is trying to remove Christmas, except from government/public property and spaces. Not Santa Christmas, either, just religious Christmas.

A couple of years ago, there was a Maine school that decided to ban a teacher's Hello Kitty Christmas tree from her English classroom. She had been bringing it in for years. No one ever objected, but a new superintendent determined that there should be no Christmas trees.
It was all over the front page of the papers and there was such an uproar that within a week the tree was back in her classroom and I've got the strong feeling that superintendent was not superintendent for very long.
What an asshole.

My point being, that one overly zealous fruitcake will be shut down, just as it appears this one in your article was, by reasonable people who still have a mind. Why must you exaggerate and turn it into a war? I am still waiting for why you are borrowing trouble here?
One article? These were separate incidences.
From my second link, don’t think some aren’t trying, even with Santa Claus

Santa Claus. In early December, taxpayer-funded officials in the Hillsboro, Oregon school district banned imagery of Santa Claus because “images and artifacts” “like Santa Claus” create insufficiently “inclusive and welcoming spaces.” (RELATED: Taxpayer-Funded School District Bans SANTA CLAUS ‘To Create Inclusive And Welcoming Spaces’)

Kona Lew-Williams, the human resources director in the suburban Portland school district, sent a 282-word memo to employees concerning the ban. “We ask that you be respectful and sensitive to the diverse perspectives and beliefs of our community and refrain from using religious-themed decorations or images like Santa Claus,” Lew-Williams wrote. A “winter wonderland” theme, or perhaps a celebration “of the amazing people in your department” would be much better, she pontificated.

After local parents responded very negatively to the Santa Claus ban, the Hillsboro school district took to its Facebook page to swear that Santa was not prohibited. The memo was merely a reminder “that we need to create inclusive and welcoming spaces for all of our students.”


Crazy Liberals in Maryland ban Santa Claus - AnandTech Forums: Technology, Hardware, Software, and Deals
Ho Ho No: School bans Santa from winter concert
University Bans Christmas Celebrations With "Religious Iconography" Like Nativity Scenes, Angels or Santa Claus | (Including Santa Claus)

Want more?

One? How many lawsuits have been brought trying to remove anything to do with Christmas. Christmas in this country has been celebrated with traditions such as the phrase Merry Christmas, nativity scenes, Christmas music, lights or candles, the cross, etc. for centuries, yet the aclu and the freedom from religion foundation sue everyone they can, to take away that right, and unless people have the money to fight these lawsuits, they have to give in to their whims.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Six Things Banned For Christmas In America In 2016
Yet you’ll claim there is no war on Christmas traditions in this country...
Why do you guys need to turn everything into a war, though? One August West in the neighborhood and you're crying victim hood and saintly defense of God and all kinds of stuff to make you feel more righteous.
Chill out. No one ever ruined my Christmas spirit or celebration by wishing me a happy holiday or making me wait until I got home to enjoy the creche and my tree. Why would such a thing affect you?
No one is trying to remove Christmas, except from government/public property and spaces. Not Santa Christmas, either, just religious Christmas.

A couple of years ago, there was a Maine school that decided to ban a teacher's Hello Kitty Christmas tree from her English classroom. She had been bringing it in for years. No one ever objected, but a new superintendent determined that there should be no Christmas trees.
It was all over the front page of the papers and there was such an uproar that within a week the tree was back in her classroom and I've got the strong feeling that superintendent was not superintendent for very long.
What an asshole.

My point being, that one overly zealous fruitcake will be shut down, just as it appears this one in your article was, by reasonable people who still have a mind. Why must you exaggerate and turn it into a war? I am still waiting for why you are borrowing trouble here?
There is NO mandate in the Constitution, nor government to remove religion from government, or public property/spaces. We have the ten commandments on court houses, and mention of God, and use of the Bible throughout government.

Please show me where you get this fallacy?

See for example Felix v. City of Bloomfield. There are a number of other cases in which displays of the Ten Commandments on government property have been ruled to violate the establishment clause, but some where such displays were upheld as constitutional (Van Orden v. Perry). I'm not sure the court's jurisprudence is entirely consistent but it seems to depend on specific details of the installation.

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