FOX news reports a victory over War On Christmas

You need to watch out when the crazy left feels the need to remind us about the "true meaning of Christmas". The left is desperate and angry over the nomination of a conservative Supreme Court Justice and they are going to try every dirty trick in the book to continue the hypocrisy and war on traditional Christmas.

So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?
There is no way that Christmas lights are going to devalue anyone's property values. So that is a bull argument. If lights bother you or others so much close your drapes or do not look in that direction.

Part of being in America is freedom of expression. The ability to do as you wish as long as it does not cause harm.

Are you going to suggest that everyone go to only the church that you do? Are you going to want everyone to live in the same type of house, have only the same decorations on their walls, the same furniture?
It is against the wall of the store, in an alcove of the store.
Our Walmart, for the first time in many years, had a 20 ft air filled Christmas tree right in front of the store, as well, as the poles wrapped like candy canes.
I was just going to post that I really don't like those air filled things. A few people around here have (had) the snowman, but if the power isn't on, it lays on the ground like the Wicked Witch after the bucket of water. And when it's breezy, it always seems about to fly away, into the road, in front of your car.
Not even pretty or cute, if you ask me.
So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?

I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home

Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?

So, your rights outweigh his?
In this particular case yes they do Can I have a rock band playing in my front yard every night for the next month? How about some hip hoppers?
No one says you can not have a band in your yard. If it is too loud you may be asked to turn it down.
There are places for people that like that kind of thing, HOA’s. They have to approve the color you paint your house, walk around with a measuring stick to measure your grass length, what you can plant in your yard, type of fence, if they even allow one, etc.
So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?
There is no way that Christmas lights are going to devalue anyone's property values. So that is a bull argument. If lights bother you or others so much close your drapes or do not look in that direction.

Part of being in America is freedom of expression. The ability to do as you wish as long as it does not cause harm.

Are you going to suggest that everyone go to only the church that you do? Are you going to want everyone to live in the same type of house, have only the same decorations on their walls, the same furniture?
I'm glad President Trump and the Republicans are giving this matter such importance.

What would we do w/o this important matter being addressed and handled?

I'm glad President Trump and the Republicans are giving this matter such importance.

What would we do w/o this important matter being addressed and handled?

It is important to the majority of Americans, whether you like it or not. 75% of Americans consider themselves Christian, that includes many Dems.
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Everybody has a right to display their own religious symbols. There is no reason why this shouldn't be displayed just as prominently as a blow up Christmas tree.
My Dad and stepmom lived in a nice suburban subdivision, an old one with big yards, every house different, lots of mature trees from when it had been a nursery and orchard. Anyway, on Christmas Eve everyone gets a pile of white paper lunch bags, a bag of sand and votive candles. It's a pain in the ass, but you put sand in the bottom of each bag, turn down the top several inches, stick a candle in the sand and space them out along the front of yard. People who are going to be gone for the night make arrangements for a neighbor to take care of it.
Then at dusk you light them. It's really kinda pretty when the streets are all lined and lit. Luminaria they call it.
Our Walmart, for the first time in many years, had a 20 ft air filled Christmas tree right in front of the store, as well, as the poles wrapped like candy canes.
I was just going to post that I really don't like those air filled things. A few people around here have (had) the snowman, but if the power isn't on, it lays on the ground like the Wicked Witch after the bucket of water. And when it's breezy, it always seems about to fly away, into the road, in front of your car.
Not even pretty or cute, if you ask me.

I so want to drive around with a pellet gun, and deflate ever single one of them.

So far, I have resisted that urge.
Oh, no, Will. You might put someone's eye out.
It is against the wall of the store, in an alcove of the store.
Our Walmart, for the first time in many years, had a 20 ft air filled Christmas tree right in front of the store, as well, as the poles wrapped like candy canes.
I was just going to post that I really don't like those air filled things. A few people around here have (had) the snowman, but if the power isn't on, it lays on the ground like the Wicked Witch after the bucket of water. And when it's breezy, it always seems about to fly away, into the road, in front of your car.
Not even pretty or cute, if you ask me.
Sounds like you like it. At least it's festive, right?
My Dad and stepmom lived in a nice suburban subdivision, an old one with big yards, every house different, lots of mature trees from when it had been a nursery and orchard. Anyway, on Christmas Eve everyone gets a pile of white paper lunch bags, a bag of sand and votive candles. It's a pain in the ass, but you put sand in the bottom of each bag, turn down the top several inches, stick a candle in the sand and space them out along the front of yard. People who are going to be gone for the night make arrangements for a neighbor to take care of it.
Then at dusk you light them. It's really kinda pretty when the streets are all lined and lit. Luminaria they call it.
They did that in the neiborhood i grew up in. Everybody in Greenville seemed to drive through the neiborhood. Lol, it was pretty though.
The more lights you have to annoy your neighbors the more "Christian" you are. I remember Jesus`s first miracle was decorating mother Mary`s house with really cool electric lights that kept all of her neighbors awake at night. He said to the neighbors that first night "Let there be lights-a boatload of lights- that those among you will see how cool Christmas really is when a lot of lights and noise making gadgets are involved. That is the essence of Christmas-really bright lights waking up all the neighbors during peak Christmas shopping days.
It`s all there in the New Testament!
'War on Christmas': Idaho Man Wins 4-Year Battle Over Holiday Lights Display
My goodness, when did the war start?
I get so sick of people saying that consumerism killed the true meaning of Christmas. That's a total cop out. Christmas is entirely within us, not something from without. I hope you actually have a very Merry Christmas, WindParadox.
Yet you’ll claim there is no war on Christmas traditions in this country...
So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?

I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home

Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?
Yet you’ll claim there is no war on Christmas traditions in this country...
So I guess you are against free speech and freedom. Perhaps you only agree to those things if they are in line with what you believe.
I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home and infringe on my peace. What about everyone else`s rights in that neighborhood?

I`m against my neighbor doing things that devalue my home

Neighbor spending thousands on Holiday lights devalues your home?


By making you look like a cheapskate?
Destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. I shouldn`t have to explain this to you as though I was talking to a toddler. Is that what I`m doing here?
Why do you guys need to turn everything into a war, though? One August West in the neighborhood and you're crying victim hood and saintly defense of God and all kinds of stuff to make you feel more righteous.
Chill out. No one ever ruined my Christmas spirit or celebration by wishing me a happy holiday or making me wait until I got home to enjoy the creche and my tree. Why would such a thing affect you?
One of my favorite videos. This is just one song from the entire show. They designed and built the star on the top of the house and have a patent on it. They also live in a gated community and no one cares about them putting on this show. They also do light shows in the downtown area.

One of my favorite videos. This is just one song from the entire show. They designed and built the star on the top of the house and have a patent on it. They also live in a gated community and no one cares about them putting on this show. They also do light shows in the downtown area.

That's way too much for me. More like Christmas ala Pink Floyd concert. I'll bet the next door neighbor has thermal drapes.

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