Fox news said this am (1-26-18) that Obama never did anything about Opioids


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
of course that is not true,

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” Obama said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none. However, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans failed to provide any real resources for those seeking addiction treatment to get the care that they need.”

He also noted that GOP lawmakers had blocked an additional $920 million in funding for addiction treatment.

The bill passed the Senate 92-2 last week, with Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) the only dissenters.

Despite overwhelming support, many Democrats are calling for stronger measures to address the crisis.

“My administration has been doing everything we can to increase access to treatment, and I’m going to continue fighting to secure the funding families desperately need,” Obama said in his statement Friday. “In recent days, the law enforcement community, advocates, physicians, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle have also joined in this call.”

(C span video below in 2015)

October 21, 2015

President Obama on Prescription Drug Abuse President Obama talked about how to tackle the prescription drug overdose problem in the U.S. Then he participated in a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction with law enforcement officials and health care experts as well as parents whose children were suffering from drug abuse. The invited audience included educators, medical experts, and law enforcement officials. This forum was hosted by the East End Family Resource Center in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Center in Charleston, West Virginia. The state of West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation.

President Obama Remarks Prescription Drug Abuse, Oct 21 2015 | Video |
It doesn't matter. Nothing will be done because both parties receive enormous protection payments from Big Pharma. Any actions taken by the central government, will be lip service.

Why must everything be a racket in this country?
of course that is not true,

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” Obama said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none. However, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans failed to provide any real resources for those seeking addiction treatment to get the care that they need.”

He also noted that GOP lawmakers had blocked an additional $920 million in funding for addiction treatment.

The bill passed the Senate 92-2 last week, with Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) the only dissenters.

Despite overwhelming support, many Democrats are calling for stronger measures to address the crisis.

“My administration has been doing everything we can to increase access to treatment, and I’m going to continue fighting to secure the funding families desperately need,” Obama said in his statement Friday. “In recent days, the law enforcement community, advocates, physicians, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle have also joined in this call.”

(C span video below in 2015)

October 21, 2015

President Obama on Prescription Drug Abuse President Obama talked about how to tackle the prescription drug overdose problem in the U.S. Then he participated in a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction with law enforcement officials and health care experts as well as parents whose children were suffering from drug abuse. The invited audience included educators, medical experts, and law enforcement officials. This forum was hosted by the East End Family Resource Center in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Center in Charleston, West Virginia. The state of West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation.

President Obama Remarks Prescription Drug Abuse, Oct 21 2015 | Video |
Bullshit, Obama shot up like the rest of the other druggy liberals. The Gay couple didn't throw wild parties with Hollywood celebs in the White House for nothing...
of course that is not true,

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” Obama said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none. However, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans failed to provide any real resources for those seeking addiction treatment to get the care that they need.”

He also noted that GOP lawmakers had blocked an additional $920 million in funding for addiction treatment.

The bill passed the Senate 92-2 last week, with Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) the only dissenters.

Despite overwhelming support, many Democrats are calling for stronger measures to address the crisis.

“My administration has been doing everything we can to increase access to treatment, and I’m going to continue fighting to secure the funding families desperately need,” Obama said in his statement Friday. “In recent days, the law enforcement community, advocates, physicians, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle have also joined in this call.”

(C span video below in 2015)

October 21, 2015

President Obama on Prescription Drug Abuse President Obama talked about how to tackle the prescription drug overdose problem in the U.S. Then he participated in a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction with law enforcement officials and health care experts as well as parents whose children were suffering from drug abuse. The invited audience included educators, medical experts, and law enforcement officials. This forum was hosted by the East End Family Resource Center in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Center in Charleston, West Virginia. The state of West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation.

President Obama Remarks Prescription Drug Abuse, Oct 21 2015 | Video |
Bullshit, Obama shot up like the rest of the other druggy liberals. The Gay couple didn't throw wild parties with Hollywood celebs in the White House for nothing...
I hate it when I see people that are jelly of politicians..
of course that is not true,

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” Obama said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none. However, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans failed to provide any real resources for those seeking addiction treatment to get the care that they need.”

He also noted that GOP lawmakers had blocked an additional $920 million in funding for addiction treatment.

The bill passed the Senate 92-2 last week, with Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) the only dissenters.

Despite overwhelming support, many Democrats are calling for stronger measures to address the crisis.

“My administration has been doing everything we can to increase access to treatment, and I’m going to continue fighting to secure the funding families desperately need,” Obama said in his statement Friday. “In recent days, the law enforcement community, advocates, physicians, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle have also joined in this call.”

(C span video below in 2015)

October 21, 2015

President Obama on Prescription Drug Abuse President Obama talked about how to tackle the prescription drug overdose problem in the U.S. Then he participated in a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction with law enforcement officials and health care experts as well as parents whose children were suffering from drug abuse. The invited audience included educators, medical experts, and law enforcement officials. This forum was hosted by the East End Family Resource Center in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Center in Charleston, West Virginia. The state of West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation.

President Obama Remarks Prescription Drug Abuse, Oct 21 2015 | Video |
I know you're wrong.
Obama made a deal with Big Pharma early on that they should push Oxy to everyone to get them hooked on opioids.
This was designed to create this crisis.
Best way to destroy any society is reduce them to a bunch of worthless, non-productive, and angry drug-addicts.
It doesn't matter. Nothing will be done because both parties receive enormous protection payments from Big Pharma. Any actions taken by the central government, will be lip service.

Why must everything be a racket in this country?
It's called money...
of course that is not true,

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” Obama said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none. However, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans failed to provide any real resources for those seeking addiction treatment to get the care that they need.”

He also noted that GOP lawmakers had blocked an additional $920 million in funding for addiction treatment.

The bill passed the Senate 92-2 last week, with Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) the only dissenters.

Despite overwhelming support, many Democrats are calling for stronger measures to address the crisis.

“My administration has been doing everything we can to increase access to treatment, and I’m going to continue fighting to secure the funding families desperately need,” Obama said in his statement Friday. “In recent days, the law enforcement community, advocates, physicians, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle have also joined in this call.”

(C span video below in 2015)

October 21, 2015

President Obama on Prescription Drug Abuse President Obama talked about how to tackle the prescription drug overdose problem in the U.S. Then he participated in a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction with law enforcement officials and health care experts as well as parents whose children were suffering from drug abuse. The invited audience included educators, medical experts, and law enforcement officials. This forum was hosted by the East End Family Resource Center in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Center in Charleston, West Virginia. The state of West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation.

President Obama Remarks Prescription Drug Abuse, Oct 21 2015 | Video |
Not to derail your thread, but the whole opioid crisis is an example of government racketeering and criiminality.

What is even more disgusting is the fact that this same criminal government that allows the opioid crisis to occur, is actively working to prevent the use of a safe inexpensive drug to control pain. Cannabis.

I thought this column spells it out rather well.

Can We Finally Have an Honest Discussion about the Opioid Crisis?
If we are going to have an honest conversation about the opioid epidemic, then we need to recognize the real causes of the epidemic:

1. The Pharmaceutical industry falsely claimed synthetic opioids were non-addictive, and a complicit, toothless regulatory system did nothing, egged on by politicians who were bought off by mega-bucks campaign contributions from Big Pharma.

2. Our sickcare system is very good at over-prescribing painkillers as a substitute for treating the source of the pain, which is often complex.

3. The economy no longer generates secure, purposeful jobs for the working class, and so millions of people live in a state of insecure despair, a state devoid of purpose, meaning, and ways to contribute to their families and communities. People stripped of meaningful livelihoods are prone to finding escape in destructive addictive drugs and habits.

4. The counterproductive War on Drugs has effectively outlawed cannabis for decades, depriving the public of a pain-reducing natural product. While the law-enforcement status quo, exemplified by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, still makes factually false claims about the dangers of cannabis, the truth is that if cannabis were legal, affordable and easily available, tens of thousands of Americans would still be alive, because cannabis doesn't kill people and you can't overdose on it.

Go ahead and do your own research: I couldn't find a single verified instance of a cannabis-caused death in the U.S. when I sought verifiable statistics on cannabis-caused deaths a few years ago.

So while law enforcement got helicopters and other toys to play with and the War on Drugs Gulags filled up with citizens who should never have been imprisoned, the War on Drugs has killed tens of thousands by outlawing a safe pain-killer and legalizing deadly, highly addictive pain-killers because those deadly, highly addictive pain-killers reaped Big Pharma billions of dollars in profits.

Of Two Minds - Can We Finally Have an Honest Discussion about the Opioid Crisis?
It doesn't matter. Nothing will be done because both parties receive enormous protection payments from Big Pharma. Any actions taken by the central government, will be lip service.

Why must everything be a racket in this country?
It's called money...
Must you always post the obvious, while thinking yourself intelligent?
of course that is not true,

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” Obama said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none. However, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans failed to provide any real resources for those seeking addiction treatment to get the care that they need.”

He also noted that GOP lawmakers had blocked an additional $920 million in funding for addiction treatment.

The bill passed the Senate 92-2 last week, with Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) the only dissenters.

Despite overwhelming support, many Democrats are calling for stronger measures to address the crisis.

“My administration has been doing everything we can to increase access to treatment, and I’m going to continue fighting to secure the funding families desperately need,” Obama said in his statement Friday. “In recent days, the law enforcement community, advocates, physicians, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle have also joined in this call.”

(C span video below in 2015)

October 21, 2015

President Obama on Prescription Drug Abuse President Obama talked about how to tackle the prescription drug overdose problem in the U.S. Then he participated in a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction with law enforcement officials and health care experts as well as parents whose children were suffering from drug abuse. The invited audience included educators, medical experts, and law enforcement officials. This forum was hosted by the East End Family Resource Center in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Center in Charleston, West Virginia. The state of West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation.

President Obama Remarks Prescription Drug Abuse, Oct 21 2015 | Video |
Bullshit, Obama shot up like the rest of the other druggy liberals. The Gay couple didn't throw wild parties with Hollywood celebs in the White House for nothing...
I hate it when I see people that are jelly of politicians..
Only pukes who are jealous are you welfare recipients who have to have your politicians take from US so you too can have what you don't deserve. Then when those who work, get more of what they earn, you get pissed off again because welfare cant get a tax break. Bwaaaahhhhaaaahhhhaaaaa. You victims of liberalism just are too fucking funny...
of course that is not true,

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” Obama said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none. However, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans failed to provide any real resources for those seeking addiction treatment to get the care that they need.”

He also noted that GOP lawmakers had blocked an additional $920 million in funding for addiction treatment.

The bill passed the Senate 92-2 last week, with Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) the only dissenters.

Despite overwhelming support, many Democrats are calling for stronger measures to address the crisis.

“My administration has been doing everything we can to increase access to treatment, and I’m going to continue fighting to secure the funding families desperately need,” Obama said in his statement Friday. “In recent days, the law enforcement community, advocates, physicians, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle have also joined in this call.”

(C span video below in 2015)

October 21, 2015

President Obama on Prescription Drug Abuse President Obama talked about how to tackle the prescription drug overdose problem in the U.S. Then he participated in a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction with law enforcement officials and health care experts as well as parents whose children were suffering from drug abuse. The invited audience included educators, medical experts, and law enforcement officials. This forum was hosted by the East End Family Resource Center in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Center in Charleston, West Virginia. The state of West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation.

President Obama Remarks Prescription Drug Abuse, Oct 21 2015 | Video |
Not to derail your thread, but the whole opioid crisis is an example of government racketeering and criiminality.

What is even more disgusting is the fact that this same criminal government that allows the opioid crisis to occur, is actively working to prevent the use of a safe inexpensive drug to control pain. Cannabis.

I thought this column spells it out rather well.

Can We Finally Have an Honest Discussion about the Opioid Crisis?
If we are going to have an honest conversation about the opioid epidemic, then we need to recognize the real causes of the epidemic:

1. The Pharmaceutical industry falsely claimed synthetic opioids were non-addictive, and a complicit, toothless regulatory system did nothing, egged on by politicians who were bought off by mega-bucks campaign contributions from Big Pharma.

2. Our sickcare system is very good at over-prescribing painkillers as a substitute for treating the source of the pain, which is often complex.

3. The economy no longer generates secure, purposeful jobs for the working class, and so millions of people live in a state of insecure despair, a state devoid of purpose, meaning, and ways to contribute to their families and communities. People stripped of meaningful livelihoods are prone to finding escape in destructive addictive drugs and habits.

4. The counterproductive War on Drugs has effectively outlawed cannabis for decades, depriving the public of a pain-reducing natural product. While the law-enforcement status quo, exemplified by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, still makes factually false claims about the dangers of cannabis, the truth is that if cannabis were legal, affordable and easily available, tens of thousands of Americans would still be alive, because cannabis doesn't kill people and you can't overdose on it.

Go ahead and do your own research: I couldn't find a single verified instance of a cannabis-caused death in the U.S. when I sought verifiable statistics on cannabis-caused deaths a few years ago.

So while law enforcement got helicopters and other toys to play with and the War on Drugs Gulags filled up with citizens who should never have been imprisoned, the War on Drugs has killed tens of thousands by outlawing a safe pain-killer and legalizing deadly, highly addictive pain-killers because those deadly, highly addictive pain-killers reaped Big Pharma billions of dollars in profits.

Of Two Minds - Can We Finally Have an Honest Discussion about the Opioid Crisis?
NO, the liberals wont allow it, just like they wont allow a REAL discussion about how the liberals race bait.
of course that is not true,

What's not true? That Obama did nothing, or that someone on Fox said that 'Obama never did anything'. Where's the link to the quote that supports your claim?
of course that is not true,

What's not true? That Obama did nothing, or that someone on Fox said that 'Obama never did anything'. Where's the link to the quote that supports your claim?

Some blond commentator said this on Fox this am, around 5:30, go and watch the shows this am. Its not true Obama never did anything. They cut that part out but the doctor said it as well.
Opioid epidemic blamed on post office, border security
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of course that is not true,

What's not true? That Obama did nothing, or that someone on Fox said that 'Obama never did anything'. Where's the link to the quote that supports your claim?

Some blond commentator said this on Fox this am, around 5:30, go and watch the shows this am. Its not true Obama never did anything. They cut that part out but the doctor said it as well.
Opioid epidemic blamed on post office, border security

Is there something wrong with being blonde? What's her name and what exactly did she say?...did you personally hear her...or did you read about it on NewsHounds?

It is your responsibility, if integrity or credibility hold importance for you, to verify a quote you claim 'some blond' said. Then we can talk.

ps - did you listen to the report in the link you provided? Dr. Siegel doesn't look blond to me...and the report addressed the method a certain opiod was entering and being distributed throughout the country. Did Obama use pen and phone to make that method illegal?
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of course that is not true,

What's not true? That Obama did nothing, or that someone on Fox said that 'Obama never did anything'. Where's the link to the quote that supports your claim?

Some blond commentator said this on Fox this am, around 5:30, go and watch the shows this am. Its not true Obama never did anything. They cut that part out but the doctor said it as well.
Opioid epidemic blamed on post office, border security

Is there something wrong with being blonde? What's her name and what exactly did she say?...did you personally hear her...or did you read about it on NewsHounds?

It is your responsibility, if integrity or credibility hold importance for you, to verify a quote you claim 'some blond' said. Then we can talk.

Check it out. I gave you a link. Are you on a milk bottle?
Check it out. I gave you a link. Are you on a milk bottle?

Check this out...:wink_2:

ps - did you listen to the report in the link you provided? Dr. Siegel doesn't look blond to me... the report addressed the method a certain opiod was entering and being distributed throughout the country. Did Obama use pen and phone to make that method illegal?
Check it out. I gave you a link. Are you on a milk bottle?

Check this out...:wink_2:

ps - did you listen to the report in the link you provided? Dr. Siegel doesn't look blond to me... the report addressed the method a certain opiod was entering and being distributed throughout the country. Did Obama use pen and phone to make that method illegal?

She said it, they cut it out. I know what I heard. They both said it. But they are trained on Fox to always make a dig at Obama, Clinton or the libs.
Check it out. I gave you a link. Are you on a milk bottle?

Check this out...:wink_2:

ps - did you listen to the report in the link you provided? Dr. Siegel doesn't look blond to me... the report addressed the method a certain opiod was entering and being distributed throughout the country. Did Obama use pen and phone to make that method illegal?

She said it, they cut it out. I know what I heard. They both said it. But they are trained on Fox to always make a dig at Obama, Clinton or the libs.

Of course you do. :wink: Most of the 'digs' are well earned - but, is it actually a 'dig' if it's true? Does it tweak your conscience that the vast majority of news coverage on every other network is negative toward President Trump?...somehow I'd imagine it doesn't.

Now, do tell about Obama's efforts to curtail the mail order distribution of illegal fentanyl from Mexico and China across the border and through the US Postal Service...since that's what the Senate report being discussed was referring to and all. Dr. Siegel said 'Obama promised to address 'this problem' but did not'.

The real story here is not a perceived slight of Obama - the problem is the ease of which an illegal and often fatal drug is distributed through the US mail...and what can be done about it.

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