Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

You'd expect any gender or other restrictions to possibly be here. But no.

Pool Guidelines and Swim Tests | YMCA Twin Cities

They have male and female locker rooms, unless you have children, where you use a family room if you have children of the opposite sex.
Yes. So no gender restrictions for pool usage or specific possible hours that pool could be restricted to a group or gender.

I'd like to enter a digital copy of this webpage, date stamped, as court evidence your honor.

Exactly, no mention of gender restrictions, thus since no policy explicitly prohibits limiting access to certain members to certain facilities at certain times, means this class violates no policy.
You ignore the obvious. These classes go on all the time and always have. There are simply certain hours when the full membership of the Y cannot use the pool because of various classes. It has always been that way. Tell me you are so ignorant you were not ever before aware of this? And it's one hour a week. Oh my gosh. The horror! How awful, a whole hour once time a week. Again, you are pissed off because this is about Muslims. That's it. I know it. We all know it, even you know it, but you won't admit it. LOL I'm done. Some people just are not worth engaging in discussion with.
Yes, these classes go on all the time. But not at the Y and establishments like it. People are buying access to the facilities these gyms offer, anytime they show up. Maybe this kind of thing can be done at a park pool, depending. I know there are certain private pools and baths religious Jewish women attend when they are done with their monthly menstruation cycle.
They have male and female locker rooms, unless you have children, where you use a family room if you have children of the opposite sex.
Yes. So no gender restrictions for pool usage or specific possible hours that pool could be restricted to a group or gender.

I'd like to enter a digital copy of this webpage, date stamped, as court evidence your honor.

Exactly, no mention of gender restrictions, thus since no policy explicitly prohibits limiting access to certain members to certain facilities at certain times, means this class violates no policy.
Ha ha. That's not the way the law works. I can't sell you access, and after you sign a membership say, "OOOOPS did I say men can't swim 4 days a week?" It is my job as the seller of product or service to mention any restrictions or limitations on what I'm selling.

Fucken idiot.
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You ignore the obvious. These classes go on all the time and always have. There are simply certain hours when the full membership of the Y cannot use the pool because of various classes. It has always been that way. Tell me you are so ignorant you were not ever before aware of this? And it's one hour a week. Oh my gosh. The horror! How awful, a whole hour once time a week. Again, you are pissed off because this is about Muslims. That's it. I know it. We all know it, even you know it, but you won't admit it. LOL I'm done. Some people just are not worth engaging in discussion with.
I'll admit that I object to Muslims infringing upon other peoples freedoms and rights, such that they can impose their own culture and way of life, if you admit that you are willing to do and say anything to make it possible for them to do so.

If you don't care about the freedoms and rights that this free country offers, doesn't mean others should as well.
Yes. So no gender restrictions for pool usage or specific possible hours that pool could be restricted to a group or gender.

I'd like to enter a digital copy of this webpage, date stamped, as court evidence your honor.

Exactly, no mention of gender restrictions, thus since no policy explicitly prohibits limiting access to certain members to certain facilities at certain times, means this class violates no policy.
Ha ha. That's not the way the law works. I can't sell you access, and after you sign a membership say, "OOOOPS did I say men can't swim 4 days a week?" It is my job as the seller of product or service to mention any restrictions or limitations on what I'm selling.

Fucken idiot.

No it isn't.

Schedules can be found on line before one signs up, the YMCA isn't hiding anything.
Any other class that takes away total access to the pool to the regular members, or does not allow men to attend, and they'd also be in violation, which means I'd have a problem with it. I'd be just as upset if this was done for orthodox Jewish women. The Y is simply not the place for this kind of bullshit. Take it somewhere else.

Besides, all that these kinds of requests do is generate hatred and animosity towards a certain group.

I'm sure you're all for that, right?

So just to clarify, the thing you're most upset about is not the fact the swimmers are muslims, but rather because you feel the YMCA is screwing its customers over by setting aside 60 minutes once a week for a women's only swimclass?

And this is all despite the fact the pool schedule is clearly posted on the website, available for all individuals - member or potential member - to view freely? And despite the fact that nowhere on the website (I could find) guaranteed 24/7 unfettered access to the pool?


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But But...I thought the Communists/Progressives were demanding Co-Ed Bathrooms in our Schools. Why the Flip-Flop? Am i detecting a bit of dishonesty & hypocrisy here?
Any other class that takes away total access to the pool to the regular members, or does not allow men to attend, and they'd also be in violation, which means I'd have a problem with it. I'd be just as upset if this was done for orthodox Jewish women. The Y is simply not the place for this kind of bullshit. Take it somewhere else.

Besides, all that these kinds of requests do is generate hatred and animosity towards a certain group.

I'm sure you're all for that, right?

So just to clarify, the thing you're most upset about is not the fact the swimmers are muslims, but rather because you feel the YMCA is screwing its customers over by setting aside 60 minutes once a week for a women's only swimclass?

And this is all despite the fact the pool schedule is clearly posted on the website, available for all individuals - member or potential member - to view freely? And despite the fact that nowhere on the website (I could find) guaranteed 24/7 unfettered access to the pool?


All these posts and you haven't figured it out? It's not about what I am against or for, it's about that specific Y's misrepresentations and discrimination, and defrauding a big group of its members out of its facilities usage that they are clearly entitled to. All of it, based on NON CHRISTIAN religious considerations. Does it matter if it's an hour? Not at all. It just smacks of inconsideration and imposition.

Again I ask, can you show me a SINGLE INSTANCE that the Y forbids men other than appeasing inflexible religious Muslims?

Look, you want Muslim women to swim while still observing Islamic Shariah requirements? Do it somewhere else where you're not infringing on other peoples rights, and ESPECIALLY at a Christian based organization, which has for the most part taken religion out of its code.

You do also realize that there are many secular Muslims that use the Y, that would also be ashamed and even angry at this type of class? Just as there would be Jews upset if a such a class were held for Orthodox Jewish women.
Exactly, no mention of gender restrictions, thus since no policy explicitly prohibits limiting access to certain members to certain facilities at certain times, means this class violates no policy.
Ha ha. That's not the way the law works. I can't sell you access, and after you sign a membership say, "OOOOPS did I say men can't swim 4 days a week?" It is my job as the seller of product or service to mention any restrictions or limitations on what I'm selling.

Fucken idiot.

No it isn't.

Schedules can be found on line before one signs up, the YMCA isn't hiding anything.
No schedules banning men anywhere ever. Nothing in the code of conduct and pool rules either. It says the fitness facilities and classes are open to anyone during business hours. No restrictions on who can sign up. Other than the restriction on minors, and those who are criminals or disobeying the law,more misbehaving, which they have stated. So if they wanted to reserve the right to restrict ANY group, they could have clearly stated so.

At one time, there used to be a lot of YWCA's, Young WOMENS Christian Association, remember? That would be a place for a class like this. And even then it cannot have any Muslim implications.
Ha ha. That's not the way the law works. I can't sell you access, and after you sign a membership say, "OOOOPS did I say men can't swim 4 days a week?" It is my job as the seller of product or service to mention any restrictions or limitations on what I'm selling.

Fucken idiot.

No it isn't.

Schedules can be found on line before one signs up, the YMCA isn't hiding anything.
No schedules banning men anywhere ever. Nothing in the code of conduct and pool rules either. It says the fitness facilities and classes are open to anyone during business hours. No restrictions on who can sign up. Other than the restriction on minors, and those who are criminals or disobeying the law,more misbehaving, which they have stated. So if they wanted to reserve the right to restrict ANY group, they could have clearly stated so.

At one time, there used to be a lot of YWCA's, Young WOMENS Christian Association, remember? That would be a place for a class like this. And even then it cannot have any Muslim implications.

Why can't these women just go in the pool with everyone else? :dunno:
All these posts and you haven't figured it out? It's not about what I am against or for, it's about that specific Y's misrepresentations and discrimination, and defrauding a big group of its members out of its facilities usage that they are clearly entitled to. All of it, based on NON CHRISTIAN religious considerations. Does it matter if it's an hour? Not at all. It just smacks of inconsideration and imposition.

Again I ask, can you show me a SINGLE INSTANCE that the Y forbids men other than appeasing inflexible religious Muslims?

Look, you want Muslim women to swim while still observing Islamic Shariah requirements? Do it somewhere else where you're not infringing on other peoples rights, and ESPECIALLY at a Christian based organization, which has for the most part taken religion out of its code.

You do also realize that there are many secular Muslims that use the Y, that would also be ashamed and even angry at this type of class? Just as there would be Jews upset if a such a class were held for Orthodox Jewish women.

It doesn't matter whether or not this class is the one and only case of segregating the pool; what matters is whether or not the Y misrepresented its services. In order to misrepresent its services, the YMCA would have to explicitly say that all members can access the pool 100% of the time without exception, and then limit access in some way.


If you believe the website does explicitly say this, please show us.
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All these posts and you haven't figured it out? It's not about what I am against or for, it's about that specific Y's misrepresentations and discrimination, and defrauding a big group of its members out of its facilities usage that they are clearly entitled to. All of it, based on NON CHRISTIAN religious considerations. Does it matter if it's an hour? Not at all. It just smacks of inconsideration and imposition.

Again I ask, can you show me a SINGLE INSTANCE that the Y forbids men other than appeasing inflexible religious Muslims?

Look, you want Muslim women to swim while still observing Islamic Shariah requirements? Do it somewhere else where you're not infringing on other peoples rights, and ESPECIALLY at a Christian based organization, which has for the most part taken religion out of its code.

You do also realize that there are many secular Muslims that use the Y, that would also be ashamed and even angry at this type of class? Just as there would be Jews upset if a such a class were held for Orthodox Jewish women.

It doesn't matter whether or not this class is the one and only case of segregating the pool; what matters is whether or not the Y misrepresented its services. In order to misrepresent its services, the YMCA would have to explicitly say that all members can access the pool 100% of the time without exception, and then limit access in some way.


If you believe the website does explicitly say this, please show us.
It's actually the opposite. When I bought membership at the Equinox, since they didn't say "there will be certain hours where certain areas are closed off to men" they cannot close anything off to the men, and they don't. Men can join women's aerobic / yoga classes, or use the gym, or use the pool at anytime during business hours. If they closed off the pool and made it a for women only, even an hour, there would be a riot at the gym. Trust me.

I don't get your stance here. Are you for women's only hours at the Y pool, and discriminating and defrauding male members who want to swim, or are you for it because they are Muslims? Sounds more like the second, you're bending over backwards, and stepping on your principles to appease an inflexible group of religious people who have no right to impose themselves in such a way.

Either way it's wrong to me.
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No it isn't.

Schedules can be found on line before one signs up, the YMCA isn't hiding anything.
No schedules banning men anywhere ever. Nothing in the code of conduct and pool rules either. It says the fitness facilities and classes are open to anyone during business hours. No restrictions on who can sign up. Other than the restriction on minors, and those who are criminals or disobeying the law,more misbehaving, which they have stated. So if they wanted to reserve the right to restrict ANY group, they could have clearly stated so.

At one time, there used to be a lot of YWCA's, Young WOMENS Christian Association, remember? That would be a place for a class like this. And even then it cannot have any Muslim implications.

Why can't these women just go in the pool with everyone else? :dunno:

What does this have to do with the conversation at hand?
No it isn't.

Schedules can be found on line before one signs up, the YMCA isn't hiding anything.
No schedules banning men anywhere ever. Nothing in the code of conduct and pool rules either. It says the fitness facilities and classes are open to anyone during business hours. No restrictions on who can sign up. Other than the restriction on minors, and those who are criminals or disobeying the law,more misbehaving, which they have stated. So if they wanted to reserve the right to restrict ANY group, they could have clearly stated so.

At one time, there used to be a lot of YWCA's, Young WOMENS Christian Association, remember? That would be a place for a class like this. And even then it cannot have any Muslim implications.

Why can't these women just go in the pool with everyone else? :dunno:
That's what I said. If the Jewish women can find a pool to do their religious bullshit ritual thing, why can't the Muslims? Why do they have to force their religious stupidity and take away other peoples right to enjoy the facilities?
No schedules banning men anywhere ever. Nothing in the code of conduct and pool rules either. It says the fitness facilities and classes are open to anyone during business hours. No restrictions on who can sign up. Other than the restriction on minors, and those who are criminals or disobeying the law,more misbehaving, which they have stated. So if they wanted to reserve the right to restrict ANY group, they could have clearly stated so.

At one time, there used to be a lot of YWCA's, Young WOMENS Christian Association, remember? That would be a place for a class like this. And even then it cannot have any Muslim implications.

Why can't these women just go in the pool with everyone else? :dunno:

What does this have to do with the conversation at hand?
Sharia Law indicates Government action. I don't have a problem with what private organizations decide. If the YMCA's Membership is ok with it, than so be it. If their Membership isn't ok with it, they'll likely end it. That's how it works. However, if Government gets involved, it's a different matter entirely. We would then be having a legitimate discussion about Law. 'Creeping Sharia' is a theory being debated. Some think it is happening in Western Nations. I can't give a definitive opinion on it though. I just haven't looked into it enough. When or if the Government gets involved, i'll definitely weigh in.
Why can't these women just go in the pool with everyone else? :dunno:

What does this have to do with the conversation at hand?

How so?

Who cares what the preferences/non-preferences are of any group? As long as they're not FORCING anyone to accommodate them, you shouldn't be whining.

The YMCA is voluntarily setting up these swim classes. I repeat: ...VOLUNTARILY. If the government was forcing them to provide a class then I'd be upset to. But that's not the case.

Again, it all comes down to the fact that the owners of the pool can do what they want with the assets it owns. The owners (and not ROUDY) get to decide how and when the pool area is used.
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No schedules banning men anywhere ever. Nothing in the code of conduct and pool rules either. It says the fitness facilities and classes are open to anyone during business hours. No restrictions on who can sign up. Other than the restriction on minors, and those who are criminals or disobeying the law,more misbehaving, which they have stated. So if they wanted to reserve the right to restrict ANY group, they could have clearly stated so.

At one time, there used to be a lot of YWCA's, Young WOMENS Christian Association, remember? That would be a place for a class like this. And even then it cannot have any Muslim implications.

Why can't these women just go in the pool with everyone else? :dunno:
That's what I said. If the Jewish women can find a pool to do their religious bullshit ritual thing, why can't the Muslims? Why do they have to force their religious stupidity and take away other peoples right to enjoy the facilities?

Actually, they take part in YMCA women's only classes.
Fraud? False advertising?

Membership Benefits | YMCA Twin Cities

Member Services
21 YMCA Locations
Open 7 days a week
No annual contracts
30-day money back guarantee
Access to Ys across the U.S.

Nationally-certified fitness and wellness experts on staff
State-of-the-art fitness centers
Pools, gyms and running tracks. Check amenities
Free fitness consultations

How do these classes violate the terms of membership?
They don't. That's what they are offering to people on their website, nincompoop

"Ages 15+ can attend ALL FITNESS LEVELS." in other words: No restrictions.

I'd say their goose is cooked.

That only refers to "Fitness Levels".
Pay attention Esmeralda. It is not about the one hour, it is about taking something away from a group of members, the men, that they clearly paid for. So they are defrauding their customers just to appease Muslims.

You have no problem with stepping over people just to appease Shariah law requirements? Fine.

I'm not okay with it.
How about you own up to what you are?

Read the fucking post you idiot. They men at any YMCA, like anyone else, is prohibited from using the pool when certain classes are going on. YOU are just pissed off because this particular class is for Muslims. Any other class and you'd have no problem.
Any other class that takes away total access to the pool to the regular members, or does not allow men to attend, and they'd also be in violation, which means I'd have a problem with it. I'd be just as upset if this was done for orthodox Jewish women. The Y is simply not the place for this kind of bullshit. Take it somewhere else.

Besides, all that these kinds of requests do is generate hatred and animosity towards a certain group.

I'm sure you're all for that, right?

They only seem to be generating hatred and animosity from those like you, and it's only directed at Muslims - not the many other women who enjoy and support a 1 hour a week women's only swim time, including Orthodox Jews.

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