FOX News show gets a bit testy... with Westboro Baptists

The ClayTaurus said:
So that was your point then, to show that everyone really believes in Phelps' hate-based Christianity?

Not really... but since you went there I thought I'd feed your paranoia.
jasendorf said:
Well, I don't know either... I had already responded (caught it before it was deleted) but mine was deleted also.

And, quite honestly, I have no idea quite how I responded but my guess is that it went something like this:

Yes, I admit, I like seeing FOX News get pwn3d!!!111oneoneone... warms my heart. But, just because I like to see them get pwn3d doesn't mean they didn't.
My deletion, as I went back and experimented to verify, was due to using the tab key when modifying the post, and then being too lazy to actually check and see that my modification made it to the thread. Don't know about yours, although it might have been a victim of my accidental delete.
The ClayTaurus said:
My deletion, as I went back and experimented to verify, was due to using the tab key when modifying the post, and then being too lazy to actually check and see that my modification made it to the thread. Don't know about yours, although it might have been a victim of my accidental delete.

No big deal... we're back on track now.
Booooring! The newsie should have gone into Corinthians and spoke of the forgiveness offered there specifically to homosexuals... The newsie is a newsie, the lady is a preacher (second to her hubby at their "church of hate") and has been spouting this garbage for a long time...

I'd love to see my old preacher and this lady have a go. Too bad he's dead, he'd have her pounding sand up her @$$ in no time!
jasendorf said:
Not really... but since you went there I thought I'd feed your paranoia.


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