Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Mostly just old farts watch Fox.
Every primetime program on Fox dropped by double digits.
Fox's audience that isn't dying off, leaving by attrition if you will, are leaving-----leaving in droves.

Fox pisses off African-Americans, Latinos, women, youth, the middle-class, workers, LBGT, and most of America's liberals and moderates. But now-----now Fox is going to reduce their audience even more by pissing off what remains of their audience, i.e. senior citizens - WTG Fox.

Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years – And That’s Not Their Big Problem

Fri May 30, 2014

Fox News has fallen and it can't get up. Ratings for the month of May 2014, have just been published, and the numbers are devastating for Fox News. While still occupying the top slot among the cable news networks, Fox saw about a quarter of its audience dissolve across every demographic group and time period.

Every Fox program in primetime dropped by double-digits, with Bill O'Reilly taking the deepest dive. Sean Hannity posted some of his lowest numbers ever in his new 10:00 pm time slot. And Megyn Kelly's new, and highly anticipated, primetime show failed to improve on the ratings performance of her predecessor.

To be sure, Fox was not the only network to see declines. In fact, CNN had an even larger dip. The news was much better for MSNBC who was down the least of all the cable news networks. They lost a relatively insignificant five percent of total viewers, but actually saw increases for Morning Joe, and for Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow in primetime.

For Fox to post numbers that they haven't seen since August of 2001 (before 9/11) is a painful blow to both their reputation and their bank account. But they have even bigger problems. The viewers that do tune in to Fox are significantly older than viewers of their competitors. Fox News has always had the oldest skewing audience in cable news. With a median age of 68.8 years, Fox's audience is over six years older than either CNN or MSNBC. It's even worse for their top rated program (O'Reilly) who's average viewer is over 72 years old. And their Great Blonde Hope (Kelly), who was specifically brought in to draw younger viewers, also exceeded Fox's average with her typical viewer voyeur being over 70.

An analysis of the audience composition for the three cable news networks shows that Fox's total audience contains a pitiful 20% of the 25-54 age group favored by advertisers. It's even worse for their primetime schedule where only 15% fall into that group. That compares to CNN with 30%/35% respectively, and MSNBC with 31%/28%. In other words, CNN and MSNBC draw 50% more total viewers in the younger demos, and they double Fox's ratio in primetime.

This makes it all the more curious that Fox News is barreling forward with a strategy to viciously insult their biggest viewer bloc. Recently, Fox regular Karl Rove launched an attack on Hillary Clinton with vile inferences that she is "old and stale" or perhaps brain damaged. Expressing such open contempt and belittling of the capacity for older persons to be effective leaders is not a particularly sound way to ingratiate oneself with the senior citizens that make up the bulk of ones audience.

So what? Ruport Murdoch has laughed all the way to the way already.
Fox won the war on America.
Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years

Thanks for a hilarious thread. Do you even read what you post?

From the link:

Fox News marked its 149th consecutive month as the most-watched cable news network in May, beating MSNBC and CNN combined in total viewers and ranking sixth among all ad-supported cable networks in both total day and primetime. The network had the top 14 shows in total viewers and the top eight shows in the demo in all of cable news.
Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years

Thanks for a hilarious thread. Do you even read what you post?

From the link:

Fox News marked its 149th consecutive month as the most-watched cable news network in May, beating MSNBC and CNN combined in total viewers and ranking sixth among all ad-supported cable networks in both total day and primetime. The network had the top 14 shows in total viewers and the top eight shows in the demo in all of cable news.

You are conflating facts.
Just because Fox has the best of the shittiest doesn't mean ratings aren't plummeting.
Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years

Thanks for a hilarious thread. Do you even read what you post?

From the link:

Fox News marked its 149th consecutive month as the most-watched cable news network in May, beating MSNBC and CNN combined in total viewers and ranking sixth among all ad-supported cable networks in both total day and primetime. The network had the top 14 shows in total viewers and the top eight shows in the demo in all of cable news.

You are conflating facts.
Just because Fox has the best of the shittiest doesn't mean ratings aren't plummeting.

FoxNews Channel is suffering the same fate as Network TV - viewers are finding other ways to use their time and aren't watching TV.

These viewers aren't abandoning FNC and migrating over to MSNBC. If this was the case then liberals would have something to gloat about because that would be an ideological statement.

People choosing to play X-box or watch DVD movies on their big screen TV instead of watching FNC doesn't give liberals an ideological basis for joy. These people aren't rejecting FNC due to ideology, they're just bored with TV, just like viewers of NBC, ABC, and CBS.
Thanks for a hilarious thread. Do you even read what you post?

From the link:

Fox News marked its 149th consecutive month as the most-watched cable news network in May, beating MSNBC and CNN combined in total viewers and ranking sixth among all ad-supported cable networks in both total day and primetime. The network had the top 14 shows in total viewers and the top eight shows in the demo in all of cable news.

You are conflating facts.
Just because Fox has the best of the shittiest doesn't mean ratings aren't plummeting.

FoxNews Channel is suffering the same fate as Network TV - viewers are finding other ways to use their time and aren't watching TV.

These viewers aren't abandoning FNC and migrating over to MSNBC. If this was the case then liberals would have something to gloat about because that would be an ideological statement.

People choosing to play X-box or watch DVD movies on their big screen TV instead of watching FNC doesn't give liberals an ideological basis for joy. These people aren't rejecting FNC due to ideology, they're just bored with TV, just like viewers of NBC, ABC, and CBS.

Quite correct.
It's a nice narrative and all, but ratings have nothing to do with content or ideology. If Fox's ratings are slipping, what it means is their viewers' attention is wandering. They'll address that the way all mass media has always addressed it: psychological and subliminal manipulation.
It's a nice narrative and all, but ratings have nothing to do with content or ideology. If Fox's ratings are slipping, what it means is their viewers' attention is wandering. They'll address that the way all mass media has always addressed it: psychological and subliminal manipulation.

Dementia? Alzheimer's? They all moved to France?
It's a nice narrative and all, but ratings have nothing to do with content or ideology. If Fox's ratings are slipping, what it means is their viewers' attention is wandering. They'll address that the way all mass media has always addressed it: psychological and subliminal manipulation.

Dementia? Alzheimer's? They all moved to France?

Considering their demographics the first two are pretty fair guesses.

I might add "rigor mortis".
Yeah right and they said Rush Limbaugh was on his way out. In the mean time MSMBC is dying and the once venerable CNN has been reduced to insignificance.
Rush Limbaugh's ratings ARE down; so are most others.
Why pound your chest as though he's throwing you a residual check?
Rush Limbaugh's ratings ARE down; so are most others.
Why pound your chest as though he's throwing you a residual check?

That's why Lush went on a three-day slutfest a while back: sagging, flaccid ratings. He was trying to stroke his TSL factor (time spent listening, one of the key Arbitron metrics). So he did it in classic Rimjob style -- on the back of a woman half his age.

A station program director interviewed at the time noted the average age of the typical Limblob listener, and I quote: "deceased".
Lush and Fox have the same problem.
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Rush Limbaugh's ratings ARE down; so are most others.
Why pound your chest as though he's throwing you a residual check?

Why do sad bigots on the left care about Limbaugh and Fox ratings? Don't waste time trying to destroy information sources that you don't agree with A better strategy is to create a political environment that people approve of .
Rush Limbaugh's ratings ARE down; so are most others.
Why pound your chest as though he's throwing you a residual check?

Why do sad bigots on the left care about Limbaugh and Fox ratings? Don't waste time trying to destroy information sources that you don't agree with A better strategy is to create a political environment that people approve of .

YOU brought up Limblob, Doodles.
I try to look at Fox in the morning so I can see Elizabeth Hasselbeck;s legs:D
Pay-TV providers see first yearly customer loss

Fewer and fewer people have cable and satellite subscriptions.

I don't.

I watch Fox News through Sprint TV on my smartphone, listen to Fox News on XM Radio (where I also get all the Sunday shows on C-span Radio commercial free and CNN and MSNBC...for forensic files only.), watch the free over the air network station, subscribe to Hulu and the cable networks online portals for free streaming shows.

Things they are a changin'.
Their commercials are mostly for Hurrycanes, those chairs to ride up the stairs, and I've fallen and I can't get up alarms. Fox's viewers are dying off.
OP goofed on this one - big time.

I'm not a big fan of FOX, but:

Q2 2014 Cable News Ratings: Fox News Hits 50th Straight Quarter at #1

The second quarter of 2014 is over, and the cable news ratings numbers are in, along with the requisite spin from the big three networks.

The perennial leader Fox News reached a new milestone, clocking its 50th straight quarter and 150th straight month at #1.

Meanwhile, CNN and MSNBC continued their ongoing battle for second place, with CNN scoring a significant victory in total day but failing to surpass MSNBC in primetime.....


Q2 2014 Cable News Ratings: Fox News CNN and MSNBC Quarterly | Mediaite

Merry Christmas, right-wingers! LOL!
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