Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years

Please link to those studies.

Where were you the last 1300 times these were posted?

From another thread -- see links at the end:

Riiiight. So it must be pure coincidence that this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing.

Oh and Fairleigh Dickinson followed up that regional study noted above with a bigger one that used a national scope. It found the same thing too.

I'm sure these are just coincidences though. Law of averages. :thup:

Obviously what Fox Noise sells is not information (and that doesn't sell anyway). What Fox sells is emotion. That's why loyalists like you get emotionally defensive about a fricking TV channel. Because they have their hooks in you.

No where in any of the crap you cited did it say that only 60 percent of their information is true.

How often do you watch Fox News?

I never said anything about "60 percent" of anything. :dunno:

You asked for links --- you got 'em.
Please link to those studies.

Where were you the last 1300 times these were posted?

From another thread -- see links at the end:

Riiiight. So it must be pure coincidence that this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing.

Oh and Fairleigh Dickinson followed up that regional study noted above with a bigger one that used a national scope. It found the same thing too.

I'm sure these are just coincidences though. Law of averages. :thup:

Obviously what Fox Noise sells is not information (and that doesn't sell anyway). What Fox sells is emotion. That's why loyalists like you get emotionally defensive about a fricking TV channel. Because they have their hooks in you.

No where in any of the crap you cited did it say that only 60 percent of their information is true.

How often do you watch Fox News?

Pogo just loves to pull faux facts out out his ass - he gets caught time and time again - :lol:
Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years

Thanks for a hilarious thread. Do you even read what you post?

From the link:

Fox News marked its 149th consecutive month as the most-watched cable news network in May, beating MSNBC and CNN combined in total viewers and ranking sixth among all ad-supported cable networks in both total day and primetime. The network had the top 14 shows in total viewers and the top eight shows in the demo in all of cable news.

You are conflating facts.
Just because Fox has the best of the shittiest doesn't mean ratings aren't plummeting.

In fact, CNN had an even larger dip. The news was much better for MSNBC who was down the least of all the cable news networks.

LOL, YOU are the one conflating the Facts kid.

Fox had the BEST of worst news.
MSNBC has 2 viewers, it doesn't count.
Yanno..................I really don't care who has the best ratings, because a lot of them try to spice it up by giving the people what they think they want, rather than what really matters.

I like the news agencies that tell me what is going on in the world (and it better be true), rather than those that throw shiny keys in front of me trying to get my attention.

I really don't care what Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, or any other celebrity is doing, I really don't care who is getting divorced, or what is going on with someone's child.

I care about the fellow military members of mine who are dying, I care about the political situation that is going on (and yeah...........I want to know who is stopping the government from moving forward), as well as what the position is of this country concerning how we deal with other nations.

I care about what is happening to this country and the human race, not some bullshit about what someone who is supposed to be famous is doing.

Wanna impress me? Do something good for your community, your state, your country, or the world.

You do know that nobody really cares about impressing you, right?
Where were you the last 1300 times these were posted?

From another thread -- see links at the end:

No where in any of the crap you cited did it say that only 60 percent of their information is true.

How often do you watch Fox News?

I never said anything about "60 percent" of anything. :dunno:

You asked for links --- you got 'em.

Yes, I ask that idiot for links to support his dumbass claim. You piped in with bullshit links that proved nothing.

Maybe you should take a course in reading comprehension and you may not look like such a retard the next time you answer for a fellow moron.
It's really all about the "trend". Old, fat, white people don't procreate. Young people go on the Internet. Fox will need to make changes.

On the other hand, liberal young people eventually become adults and get their shit together. Only the hopelessly retarded ones remain liberal all their lives.
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Where were you the last 1300 times these were posted?

From another thread -- see links at the end:

No where in any of the crap you cited did it say that only 60 percent of their information is true.

How often do you watch Fox News?

I never said anything about "60 percent" of anything. :dunno:

You asked for links --- you got 'em.

And [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] runs away with his tail between his legs again. Never ends , he gets beaten down time and time again and runs away like the cowardly liar he is - gotta love it :lol:
Once again, a lying Liberal does the best to skew the news in favor of the left.

CNN also took a deeper dive!

And Fox still leads the cable news networks - and certainly the Lame Street Media news shows too.

Thread fail.
No where in any of the crap you cited did it say that only 60 percent of their information is true.

How often do you watch Fox News?

I never said anything about "60 percent" of anything. :dunno:

You asked for links --- you got 'em.

Yes, I ask that idiot for links to support his dumbass claim. You piped in with bullshit links that proved nothing.

Maybe you should take a course in reading comprehension and you may not look like such a retard the next time you answer for a fellow moron.

Umm... I'm not the illiterati in this one, chump. You posted "please link to those studies", to which I had already alluded earlier. So I did, since you said please. Then you want me to address "60 percent" which I never even brought up.

Not the brightest bulb in the light tower, are ya?
Yeah right lefties, show photos of old people to try to make a political point. The ratings as of July 30, 2014 are: The total day Fox news in the age 25-54 ... 255
CNN " " ...127
MSNBC " " ...78

Primetime Fox age group 25-54........417
CNN " " 174
MSNBC " " 153

Kelly File 25-54 ...400
Anderson Cooper 160
Maddow 203

Hannity 25-54.....381
CNN tonite 197

O'Reilly .....381
CNN tonite 133

The numbers don't lie. The age group is 25-54 so it seems that the radical hateful left relies on wishful thinking and bogus left wing blogs and some emotion instead of facts.
Sure thing to blow up a Star OP --- just introduce facts and numbers. Or maybe just ONE graph..


Oh yeah.. They are in DEEP cheese.. Get your nose full of DailyKos and then go watch you some Fox.
MAYBE --- your threads will last longer.
It's really all about the "trend". Old, fat, white people don't procreate. Young people go on the Internet. Fox will need to make changes.

Young or old, fat or skinny, white or black gays, trannies, lesbians and other similar freaks of nature don't recreate, either (thank God!). Young people on the internet on not, grow older and wiser and unless they are terminally and hopelessly retarded, they eventually get their shit together and become conservatives. You know, moving out of your mom's basement and doing something for yourself is a terrific teacher about the real facts of life.

Fox will still be there, going strong, when people like you are in your well deserved place at six feet under.
Sure thing to blow up a Star OP --- just introduce facts and numbers. Or maybe just ONE graph..


Oh yeah.. They are in DEEP cheese.. Get your nose full of DailyKos and then go watch you some Fox.
MAYBE --- your threads will last longer.

Interesting graph -- it shows that over time cable news viewership goes up when there's some horse to beat, and down when it dies. Which reflects what I keep saying, that ratings are all about attention.

-------- and?
Mostly just old farts watch Fox.
Every primetime program on Fox dropped by double digits.
Fox's audience that isn't dying off, leaving by attrition if you will, are leaving-----leaving in droves.

Fox pisses off African-Americans, Latinos, women, youth, the middle-class, workers, LBGT, and most of America's liberals and moderates. But now-----now Fox is going to reduce their audience even more by pissing off what remains of their audience, i.e. senior citizens - WTG Fox.

Fox News Suffers Worst Ratings In Thirteen Years – And That’s Not Their Big Problem

Fri May 30, 2014

Fox News has fallen and it can't get up. Ratings for the month of May 2014, have just been published, and the numbers are devastating for Fox News. While still occupying the top slot among the cable news networks, Fox saw about a quarter of its audience dissolve across every demographic group and time period.

Every Fox program in primetime dropped by double-digits, with Bill O'Reilly taking the deepest dive. Sean Hannity posted some of his lowest numbers ever in his new 10:00 pm time slot. And Megyn Kelly's new, and highly anticipated, primetime show failed to improve on the ratings performance of her predecessor.

To be sure, Fox was not the only network to see declines. In fact, CNN had an even larger dip. The news was much better for MSNBC who was down the least of all the cable news networks. They lost a relatively insignificant five percent of total viewers, but actually saw increases for Morning Joe, and for Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow in primetime.

For Fox to post numbers that they haven't seen since August of 2001 (before 9/11) is a painful blow to both their reputation and their bank account. But they have even bigger problems. The viewers that do tune in to Fox are significantly older than viewers of their competitors. Fox News has always had the oldest skewing audience in cable news. With a median age of 68.8 years, Fox's audience is over six years older than either CNN or MSNBC. It's even worse for their top rated program (O'Reilly) who's average viewer is over 72 years old. And their Great Blonde Hope (Kelly), who was specifically brought in to draw younger viewers, also exceeded Fox's average with her typical viewer voyeur being over 70.

An analysis of the audience composition for the three cable news networks shows that Fox's total audience contains a pitiful 20% of the 25-54 age group favored by advertisers. It's even worse for their primetime schedule where only 15% fall into that group. That compares to CNN with 30%/35% respectively, and MSNBC with 31%/28%. In other words, CNN and MSNBC draw 50% more total viewers in the younger demos, and they double Fox's ratio in primetime.

This makes it all the more curious that Fox News is barreling forward with a strategy to viciously insult their biggest viewer bloc. Recently, Fox regular Karl Rove launched an attack on Hillary Clinton with vile inferences that she is "old and stale" or perhaps brain damaged. Expressing such open contempt and belittling of the capacity for older persons to be effective leaders is not a particularly sound way to ingratiate oneself with the senior citizens that make up the bulk of ones audience.


check out the ratings for
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The top 90th web site in the US. Considering most of the people using the internet are kids and young adults who only go on to play or use Facebook, that's pretty damn good.
Internet is taking over the news business. I quit watching tv. If there is a series I want to watch I go to Free Tv Shows | Stream- TV And watch them when I want to how I want to with no commercials.
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It's really all about the "trend". Old, fat, white people don't procreate. Young people go on the Internet. Fox will need to make changes.

Young or old, fat or skinny, white or black gays, trannies, lesbians and other similar freaks of nature don't recreate, either (thank God!). Young people on the internet on not, grow older and wiser and unless they are terminally and hopelessly retarded, they eventually get their shit together and become conservatives. You know, moving out of your mom's basement and doing something for yourself is a terrific teacher about the real facts of life.

Fox will still be there, going strong, when people like you are in your well deserved place at six feet under.

Actually, I think that they "recreate" quite well. You may wish to purchase yourself a dictionary, or be willing to look the words up on the internet yourself.
Here's the definition for "recreate"

Recreate | Define Recreate at

I think that the term you were looking for was "procreate".

Procreate | Define Procreate at

You rabid right wingers should really learn to understand the definitions of the words you are trying to use.
I have said this before, Fox is NOT Republican. Fox is becoming a caricature of itself – just like people like Teddy Cruz Jr. who are doing nothing but embarrassing the party. What happened to the days of being financially responsible and keeping the democrats in line when they were becoming a little too liberal? Fox News is pants-on-head stupid…

THose days are gone. Debating what is a little "too liberal".. Today the issue is what is a little too ARROGANT and CORRUPT. And head's up --- that's not just a Dem trait anymore.
Fox is covering the stories that other media won't. Stories that SHOULD concern folks regardless of who is currently in power. Because TODAY -- power is there to be abused. And incompetence runs rampant on both party lines. But only ONE news agency will point that out.

If Republicans allowed all this misuse of power and arrogance, MSNBC would be handing out pitchfolks.. And at the rate we're going ---- WITHOUT GUYS like Cruz and Paul --- that could happen the next time the GOP is in power.
I quit watching Fox News when Fox Business started up. I suspect other viewers have also shifted to FB.
I quit watching Fox News when Fox Business started up. I suspect other viewers have also shifted to FB.

I quit watching news period. I get all my news over the internet now. Drudge Report and Google my primary sources.

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