FOX News turned its back on Special Ops victory

Now FNC is covering a flood that could take a house is important news...because that old house belongs to a teaper.
FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
Six reports on it in the last 45 minutes. It is what Fox News does.

And far more lies about Fox new "ignoring" it, from the liberals fanatics on this thread. It's what liberals do.

Mitt Romney attacks a negro!

But the special ops mention in the last 45 minutes.
FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
Six reports on it in the last 45 minutes. It is what Fox News does.

And far more lies about Fox new "ignoring" it, from the liberals fanatics on this thread. It's what liberals do.
They did not have 6 reports in the last 45 minutes...what a liar. They haven't covered or mentioned the story in 45 minutes...they aren't even scrolling it.
wait...I can buy silver! Or get some life insurance...the same two actors on every FNC commercial break told me it is the smart thing to do.
FOX "News" is an embarrassment to journalism...
Notice how desperately these liberal fanatics ignore the facts that are right in front of them?

It's as if they are clapping their hands over their ears, staring off into space, and chanting, "LA LA LA LA LA, I can't hear Fox's Special-ops-mission reports, LA LA LA LA LA, they aren't showing what they're showing, I can't hear it, I can't hear it....."

Could these people be any more futile and silly?
yeah...they have spent more time on Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation today than anything else. FNC should change their name to the Clinton Network...she is all they talk about.

That is because they are scared to death of her. They don't know what their "commanders" will do it they have to put up with another Clinton for 4 or even 8 years. They know their Australian owner will probably not live through her first term.
Here comes the anti-American/ anti-military narrative. They are claimng the mssion was too dangerous and should not have happened. They are even claiming Obama broke International Law. :lmao: Pathetic.
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
They certainly cried a lot over OBL being taken out under President Obama's watch.
And the title of this thread STILL insists that Fox news is "turning its back" on the story.

It's becoming very clear who the liars are.

And it isn't Fox News.
Fox just mentioned the ISIS raid again, while I was typing a few minutes ago.

That's seven times in 58 minutes.
:lol: What a liar...or just too stupid to not know the difference between a story and a tease. But yeah...they are doing their 3 minutes of coverage now and will forget about it for the next hour.
And the title of this thread STILL insists that Fox news is "turning its back" on the story.
Idiot teaper thinks a tease is a news story. and coverage. ...but they didn't even tease it that many times...he is just lying about the coverage. Pathgetv teapers always lie to spew their hate narrative.
You still lied, now stfu
Apparently, you think you posess magical powers to shut people up and indeed I can vividly imagine you as an ugly old gnarly witch, but even so, you posess no so powers. More electro-shock therapy for you, perhaps....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

There isn't a sane person on this entire board thay doesn't think you're a snivling little
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
Ha ha, fail!

This thread is typical of the left....lies, lies, lies and when confronted they sit there wondering why they are laughed at

Aside from the personal attacks assy, you really cannot argue with FOX trying to low ball the Special Ops raid. They are an embarrassment to real journalist worldwide and you drink their poison 24/7.
And now they are reporting on the ISIS raid for a ninth time in the last 64 minutes, and pointing out that the raid was directly authorized by Barack Obama. FNC is claiming that ISIS is winning and the raid was useless.
You still lied, now stfu
Apparently, you think you posess magical powers to shut people up and indeed I can vividly imagine you as an ugly old gnarly witch, but even so, you posess no so powers. More electro-shock therapy for you, perhaps....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

There isn't a sane person on this entire board thay doesn't think you're a snivling little
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
Ha ha, fail!

This thread is typical of the left....lies, lies, lies and when confronted they sit there wondering why they are laughed at

Aside from the personal attacks assy, you really cannot argue with FOX trying to low ball the Special Ops raid. They are an embarrassment to real journalist worldwide and you drink their poison 24/7.

Dude, get over your pitiful self already. You lied and are now paying the price

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