FOX News turned its back on Special Ops victory

BTW, the "attack on a Negro" little nutz mentioned, was the staged "boxing match" between Mitt Romney and heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield.

Do people like little nutz ever stop lying and smearing people they can't refute?

Can people like him possibly get more futile and silly?

Mitt Romney attacks a negro!

But the special ops mention in the last 45 minutes.

I think the Negro was Evander Holyfield and he could have killed the little loser.....
:lol: More proof...teapers have no senseof humor. relax acorn...blackie isn't gonna git you.
Josef Goebbels once said that if you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will believe it, and it becomes The Truth.

Little nutz would make his mentor Goebbels proud with his string of unending string of lies and smears against everyone in sight, blurted out for that exact purpose in this thread alone.
Well, another ignorant post by a fox hater. I've been watching Fox all morning and have seen one report after another on the raid and their capturing the wife.

Could it be that they were exercising journalistic restraint - waiting to get the FACTS before running off at the mouth like CNN and MSNBC?
You mean the lies you have told claiming FNC covered the story 8 times last hour! :lmao: What a teaper liar.
You still lied, now stfu
Apparently, you think you posess magical powers to shut people up and indeed I can vividly imagine you as an ugly old gnarly witch, but even so, you posess no so powers. More electro-shock therapy for you, perhaps....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

There isn't a sane person on this entire board thay doesn't think you're a snivling little
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
Ha ha, fail!

This thread is typical of the left....lies, lies, lies and when confronted they sit there wondering why they are laughed at

Aside from the personal attacks assy, you really cannot argue with FOX trying to low ball the Special Ops raid. They are an embarrassment to real journalist worldwide and you drink their poison 24/7.

Dude, get over your pitiful self already. You lied and are now paying the price

You are hilarious! FOX finally puts it at the top of their web page and they are untouchable. About time! Now, let's see how they have found a way to say Obama screwed up.
Well, another ignorant post by a fox hater. I've been watching Fox all morning and have seen one report after another on the raid and their capturing the wife.

Could it be that they were exercising journalistic restraint - waiting to get the FACTS before running off at the mouth like CNN and MSNBC?
:lol: Yeah...right.
Now Acorn is gonna claim FNC aired the story 100 times this hour!...:lmao: pathetic. Romney attacking a negro has gotten more coverage than the special ops raid.
You still lied, now stfu
Apparently, you think you posess magical powers to shut people up and indeed I can vividly imagine you as an ugly old gnarly witch, but even so, you posess no so powers. More electro-shock therapy for you, perhaps....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

There isn't a sane person on this entire board thay doesn't think you're a snivling little
FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
Ha ha, fail!

This thread is typical of the left....lies, lies, lies and when confronted they sit there wondering why they are laughed at

Aside from the personal attacks assy, you really cannot argue with FOX trying to low ball the Special Ops raid. They are an embarrassment to real journalist worldwide and you drink their poison 24/7.

Dude, get over your pitiful self already. You lied and are now paying the price

You are hilarious! FOX finally puts it at the top of their web page and they are untouchable. About time! Now, let's see how they have found a way to say Obama screwed up.

It's been on Fox's webpage since this morning....sigh another lie :)
BTW, the staged "match" between Romney and Holyfield that little nutz hates so much, raised more than a million dollars for charity in one night.

But all that little nutz and jimh52 could see, was that Holyfield's skin was black. It's what liberals do.
So I turn on CNN this morning and find our brave military has taken out a major ISIS figure. I watch for some time and then turn over to FOX to get their coverage> They are reporting on wasted pork in DC.


I guess we can't expect more from a new channel run by an Australian....
Fox isn't a 'news channel,' it's entertainment for conservatives.

But as we saw with the operation that killed OBL, most on the right are afraid that such successful operations will reflect positively on the president, so they attempt to ignore these successful military operations, or contrive and seek to propagate lies about a particular operation in an effort to undermine its success.

For most conservatives it's business as usual: everything's partisan, all the time.
Still only one 4 minute segment in the 1P hour.

FNC is not covering this all. They are only covering nonsense. No wonder FNC lemmings are so low info...they think they are getting news and all they are getting is nonsense news that doesn't address actual current events that matter.

But they are teasing the hell out of a dog story.
You still lied, now stfu
Apparently, you think you posess magical powers to shut people up and indeed I can vividly imagine you as an ugly old gnarly witch, but even so, you posess no so powers. More electro-shock therapy for you, perhaps....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

There isn't a sane person on this entire board thay doesn't think you're a snivling little
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.
Ha ha, fail!

This thread is typical of the left....lies, lies, lies and when confronted they sit there wondering why they are laughed at

Aside from the personal attacks assy, you really cannot argue with FOX trying to low ball the Special Ops raid. They are an embarrassment to real journalist worldwide and you drink their poison 24/7.

1. I can and do deny it. Because it is a lie.
2. FOX is no worse than any news outlet today and certainly a lot better and more honest than NBC and CBS. You are a worthless hypocrit if you try to claim otherwise.
They are spending more time on Jeb than the special ops raid.
Dog tease! No Special Ops coverage. What a joke of a 'news' station.

Admit it teapers, you are low info because your news source is nonsense.
Apparently, you think you posess magical powers to shut people up and indeed I can vividly imagine you as an ugly old gnarly witch, but even so, you posess no so powers. More electro-shock therapy for you, perhaps....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

There isn't a sane person on this entire board thay doesn't think you're a snivling little
Ha ha, fail!

This thread is typical of the left....lies, lies, lies and when confronted they sit there wondering why they are laughed at

Aside from the personal attacks assy, you really cannot argue with FOX trying to low ball the Special Ops raid. They are an embarrassment to real journalist worldwide and you drink their poison 24/7.

Dude, get over your pitiful self already. You lied and are now paying the price

You are hilarious! FOX finally puts it at the top of their web page and they are untouchable. About time! Now, let's see how they have found a way to say Obama screwed up.

It's been on Fox's webpage since this morning....sigh another lie :)

Meh, he's a left wing nut job. Lying is their stock and trade.
Was there some sort of US SPecial Ops Mission?

I am watching FNC... can't seem to get any information.
OMG...they are spending more time covering a man breaking a window to 'supposedly' save a dog. Sheesh....I guess the Specal Ops raid is a vast left wing conspiracy and not newsworthy.

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