FOX News turned its back on Special Ops victory

Case in Point.....

This is the lead story on FOX News:

FBI will investigate report object struck train before Philly derailment

Ignoring the great Victory that our Special Ops just gave us. All because a Democratic Black President made the order. Fox is a hopeless Political Mouthpiece!

I thought that the right was overblowing the threat of ISIS, so what is the big deal?

Is ISIS really a big threat like the right said or is ISIS not a big threat?

If it is not a big threat, then it is really just another story.

Which is it?
Domestic terrorists (teapers) are more of a threat to the US than ISIS.

So the story isn't big news. Thanks for proving the point.

So you are jumping on the band wagon, just like FOX. Obama ordered a Special Ops raid into the very heart of ISIS controlled territory and you, like FOX, want to say....."So what?"

You and your associates and FOX are pathetic You make me sick....

Left turd there is no bandwagon to jump onto. It was a nice victory. I saw the story, it was on FOX, I turned it off. YOU have failed miserably because you are a simple leftist nutter.

You lefty nutters keep telling us ISIS isn't a big deal. You make up your mind and let us know.

I have not bought into that ISIS is a big threat. You now think they are a big fucking deal because some were killed, you Obama ass kissers are pathetic pieces of shit.
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.

They "may have had it on earlier"? The truth is, don't know one way or the other...but you ASSUMED they didn't because you didn't see it...and you know the old saying about people who ASSUME!
Teaper lemmings don't understand how news works.
I thought that the right was overblowing the threat of ISIS, so what is the big deal?

Is ISIS really a big threat like the right said or is ISIS not a big threat?

If it is not a big threat, then it is really just another story.

Which is it?
Domestic terrorists (teapers) are more of a threat to the US than ISIS.

So the story isn't big news. Thanks for proving the point.
Not big news to teapers. They don't want good news...they want dead Americans.

wait...they are covering it they are crticizing Obama for putting boots on the ground.

Lol! They aren't a threat, you claim TeaParty members are a bigger threat.

Make up your mind, and I am not watching the news until tonight, I got a life and not dependent on any network.
2 threats can't exist. You teaper folk are so simple is funny...sad, but funny!

Let's see, no teapers have killed anyone. Not seeing the threat. ISIS kills are in the Middle East, not in the US, not seeing the threat.

You are a sad conspiracy nutter.
You still lied, now stfu

Nope, they will bury a victory for Obama. Every other major news outlet was reporting about the raid. FOX was reporting Bulls and Bears and wasted pork. They should be ashamed to ignore a great victory for our armed forces.
Yep. Reminds me of when our proud, Democratic, African American, two-term President "got 'r done" after his Repub Predecessor dropped the ball, which has been the case for Repubs for some time.


Repub voters :laugh:

You know what's funny, Dottie! How so much of Barack Obama's legacy of "success" hinges on the killing of Osama Bin Laden. He's been a disaster with economic us the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. He's an even bigger disaster with foreign policy...with countries like Iran and Russia laughing at us while our own allies turn their backs on us and go it alone because they no longer trust us to do the hard things that need to be done.

George W. Bush correctly pointed out that killing one man wouldn't end this war against Islamic terrorists. You liberals assumed it did.
Domestic terrorists (teapers) are more of a threat to the US than ISIS.

So the story isn't big news. Thanks for proving the point.
Not big news to teapers. They don't want good news...they want dead Americans.

wait...they are covering it they are crticizing Obama for putting boots on the ground.

Lol! They aren't a threat, you claim TeaParty members are a bigger threat.

Make up your mind, and I am not watching the news until tonight, I got a life and not dependent on any network.
2 threats can't exist. You teaper folk are so simple is funny...sad, but funny!

Let's see, no teapers have killed anyone. Not seeing the threat. ISIS kills are in the Middle East, not in the US, not seeing the threat.

You are a sad conspiracy nutter.
Sure teapers have killed many...your ilk just ignore the facts.
So the story isn't big news. Thanks for proving the point.
Not big news to teapers. They don't want good news...they want dead Americans.

wait...they are covering it they are crticizing Obama for putting boots on the ground.

Lol! They aren't a threat, you claim TeaParty members are a bigger threat.

Make up your mind, and I am not watching the news until tonight, I got a life and not dependent on any network.
2 threats can't exist. You teaper folk are so simple is funny...sad, but funny!

Let's see, no teapers have killed anyone. Not seeing the threat. ISIS kills are in the Middle East, not in the US, not seeing the threat.

You are a sad conspiracy nutter.
Sure teapers have killed many...your ilk just ignore the facts.

What is my ilk? Please let me know, because I think you have no fucking clue.
Not big news to teapers. They don't want good news...they want dead Americans.

wait...they are covering it they are crticizing Obama for putting boots on the ground.

Lol! They aren't a threat, you claim TeaParty members are a bigger threat.

Make up your mind, and I am not watching the news until tonight, I got a life and not dependent on any network.
2 threats can't exist. You teaper folk are so simple is funny...sad, but funny!

Let's see, no teapers have killed anyone. Not seeing the threat. ISIS kills are in the Middle East, not in the US, not seeing the threat.

You are a sad conspiracy nutter.
Sure teapers have killed many...your ilk just ignore the facts.

What is my ilk? Please let me know, because I think you have no fucking clue.
Defend a teaper, you are a teaper.
Yeah, those Tea Party rallies were some DANGEROUS places to be all right!!!!

The OWS demonstrations were much nicer, rapes, drugs, theft, urinating in public, fights, shitting on cars. Those were a much nicer group.
Lol! They aren't a threat, you claim TeaParty members are a bigger threat.

Make up your mind, and I am not watching the news until tonight, I got a life and not dependent on any network.
2 threats can't exist. You teaper folk are so simple is funny...sad, but funny!

Let's see, no teapers have killed anyone. Not seeing the threat. ISIS kills are in the Middle East, not in the US, not seeing the threat.

You are a sad conspiracy nutter.
Sure teapers have killed many...your ilk just ignore the facts.

What is my ilk? Please let me know, because I think you have no fucking clue.
Defend a teaper, you are a teaper.

I defended teapers how? Please explain exactly how.
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.

They "may have had it on earlier"? The truth is, don't know one way or the other...but you ASSUMED they didn't because you didn't see it...and you know the old saying about people who ASSUME!

Oh....they are showing it in tiny segments, while every other news station have it as their top story. Everyone including the rabid, low information RWers know what they are doing.

The Australian said "BURY IT" so they have.
BS it was on Fox before we left the house around 8:30 AM. Lying only means you're lying

FOX will play it down as much as possible. They hate to see Obama even get a minor victory. They may have had it on earlier, but their reporting will be minimal. It is what FOX does.

They "may have had it on earlier"? The truth is, don't know one way or the other...but you ASSUMED they didn't because you didn't see it...and you know the old saying about people who ASSUME!

Oh....they are showing it in tiny segments, while every other news station have it as their top story. Everyone including the rabid, low information RWers know what they are doing.

The Australian said "BURY IT" so they have.

You ass has been handed to you. Give it up, you are looking really dumb right now.
Was there some sort of US SPecial Ops Mission?

I am watching FNC... can't seem to get any information.

Just stop moron. The thread is a fail, move on.

Nope, I think we have established the fact that FOX will even turn their back on the United States Army Special Forces in order to stick it to Obama. They have low balled the raid on ISIS in order to keep from making the black man look good.

You are pathetic, really..

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