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FOX News vs the State Run Media

"The Democratic Party has become the party of the Anti-Semites, Anti-Christians, Anti-Caucasians; home of the Racists, the Haters, the Elitists, the Homosexuals, the Pansexuals, the Illegal Aliens, the Ex-Cons, the Ex-Felons, pro Islamists , the Moral Relativists, the Bigots, the Pagans, the hate-America movement, the Marxists, the Communists, the Socialists and the Anarchists."
LMAO So fox is biased right.

The rest are biased left.

Kinda funny how some folks get all bent out of shape because ONE news organization is biased right. They say FOX tells nothing but lies but are all set to believe anything and everything their lefty organizations put out there. As I said. LMAO.

Guess their lefty bias is showing big time.

"The rest"? What "rest"? CNN is biased left? On what planet? Yes, MSNBC has a few shows by left leaning talking heads...and gives Joe Scarborough a 3 hour time slot. What "lefty" as a three hour time slot on Fox?

Survey says... turn off everything but NPR...

Fox News Viewers Worst-Informed, NPR Listeners Best-Informed
thank the gods for NPR.

FOX is not news. Its entertainment. To be specific, its feel good conservative media/echo chamber. However, I see nothing wrong if you like FOX news, just be prepared to not be dealing with a full deck when it comes to engaging in a intelligent political conversation.

RPC is a decent place to get ones daily political fix.
Examples? Just turn it to channel 35.

And...that last claim......ridiculous.

That's the problem, the left always claims that FOX lies, but when pressed, they can never come up with anything.

And the last claim is 100% true and provable.

No! It isn't that I cannot come up with something. It is that there is something every day. It isn't debatable. They do those things every day at FOX. The examples have been shown here ad nauseum.

There are blogs dedicated to this. You are either sheltered or you are willfully ignorant.

You can prove tha conservatives don't try to "marginalize" info that is cited from MSNBC? Really?

Well then you should be able to come up with at least one thing right?
State run media?
Just what is that?
ABC, NBC, CBS, etc?
How are they any more or less state ran than FOX?

Because the Obama Administration controls them to a certain degree, in some cases directly, in other cases simply by being the object of their worship.

FOX is Obama's enemy. They are the only outlet that will consistantly air something that reflects negatively on Obama.

Obama and the Democrat Party is the "state".

Do you understand why this comment makes you seem crazy?

Yes, because you are comfortable labeling opposing views "crazy" instead of actually debating them. It's the same exact thing that lefties do when they try to marginalize a point of view by claiming you got it on FOX. You cannot debate, so you marginalize.
That's the problem, the left always claims that FOX lies, but when pressed, they can never come up with anything.

And the last claim is 100% true and provable.

No! It isn't that I cannot come up with something. It is that there is something every day. It isn't debatable. They do those things every day at FOX. The examples have been shown here ad nauseum.

There are blogs dedicated to this. You are either sheltered or you are willfully ignorant.

You can prove tha conservatives don't try to "marginalize" info that is cited from MSNBC? Really?

Well then you should be able to come up with at least one thing right?

One thing? There's a whole website dedicated to it.

Fox News Lies
Republican News vs Liberal minded media.

Take your pick. But they are all biased. Some more batshit than the others.

No doubt. The State-Run Media leans left, and FOX, Beck, Hannity, Rush, etc., lean right.

It's just the attempted marginalizing of opposing viewpoints by the left, that I'm concerned with.
Once again, in a last aptain Ahab-like dying effort, a losing leftie lashed out in frustration with the claim that I get my information from FOX News. After I informed him that I don't watch FOX News, he attacked me for listening to Glenn Beck, which I informed him that I do not and I get my information from the Orlando Sentinel, USA Today, and the internet (mostly here). I have had this experience here on the USMB many times. The lefties use it as if it makes a point of some kind.

If that were true, you wouldn't be such an ass-clown idiot.

You watch fox news and repeat what you're told.

You're a mindless sheep-fuck.

We busted you.

Called you out.

And now you're a piss-poor liar, loser.

Said the 2nd biggest moron, after Truthmatters, on these boards. No surprise there.
Once again, in a last aptain Ahab-like dying effort, a losing leftie lashed out in frustration with the claim that I get my information from FOX News. After I informed him that I don't watch FOX News, he attacked me for listening to Glenn Beck, which I informed him that I do not and I get my information from the Orlando Sentinel, USA Today, and the internet (mostly here). I have had this experience here on the USMB many times. The lefties use it as if it makes a point of some kind.

I know that at least two of the Major outlets of the State-Run Media have had to apologise publically for lying or falsifying information that they claim was news, but has FOX?

I have on occasion listened to Rush, and Neal Boortz, and Sean Hannity but it is rare because I'm usually at work during the times they are on, and although I have heard them omit details sometimes when they are making statements, I have never heard them lie.

So, I started this thread to discuss why FOX is so demonized by the left (I have my opinons on the matter) and to get to the bottom of the question of whether being accused of listening to FOX or Rush or Hannity, or Beck, is something to be concerned about or if the lefties are just trying to marginalize them because they don't like to hear the truth.

THe state doesn't run any media you retard.

Go away, you'll overload the only two functioning synapses you have left.
So, I started this thread to discuss why FOX is so demonized by the left (I have my opinons on the matter) and to get to the bottom of the question of whether being accused of listening to FOX or Rush or Hannity, or Beck, is something to be concerned about or if the lefties are just trying to marginalize them because they don't like to hear the truth.

The theory is that FOX pushes the rightwing agenda uncritically, without providing a deep analysis of both sides of the argument. Here are the things that FOX preaches in a way that lacks journalistic rigor:
  • Low taxes.
  • Deregulation.
  • An inability to explain why the postwar, high tax policies pursued by Nixon and Eisenhower were part of the most robust economic growth this country has ever seen.
  • Has an audience which knows nothing about Pinochet, or Iran's Mozzedeq, or (say) Reagan's Amnesty Bill. FOX cultivates an audience of historical illiteracy.
  • An unwillingness to acknowledge or appropriately value Government's role in the Hoover Dam, the Interstate System, the development of commercial aviation and the internet, or the great public university system and the whole modern industrial & civil infrastructure upon which commerce depends. The FOX viewer is lead to believe it's all just spending. The FOX viewer is not being educated or challenged to think about the other side of the story. The FOX viewer is simply being indoctrinated.
  • An unwillingness to talk about Reagan's foreign policy, specifically his relationship with Hussein, the Mujahideen, and Iran. This unwillingness is buffeted by a treatment of Reagan that borders on religious euphoria. It is literally unbelievable and completely divorced from the historical record.
  • An unwillingness to talk about the Iraq War in complex geopolitical terms. A failure to ever mention PNAC.
  • A deeply uncritical commitment to Ayn Rand, Hayek, and Friedman.
  • Does not draw theoretical distinctions between Marx and Keynes. (Literally, FOX makes it's money catering to under-educated revanchists who are seduced by paranoid fantasies about how an invisible network of socialists, illegals, muslims, liberals, and gays are destroying our traditions, borders, language and culture. Yet FOX never mentions the role the private sector plays by getting their labor from China and the global south. Meaning: FOX tells only one very familiar side of the story. If FOX says Saddam Hussein played a major role in 9/11, than its viewers believe it. This suggests a degree of control-over-audience that resembles the old Soviet Union)

Here is video which attempts to explain why FOX is so partisan. (I'm assuming that the OP is young and means well)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r75Vdk-ua6A]Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism - YouTube[/ame]

Thank you for an intelligent answer. I don't agree with much of your post. Low taxes for instance is a great thing, so is deregulation, etc., these things have been discussed at length in other threads. We disagree on these things, and both sides of the argument have points. However, using viewership of FOX as a way to marginalize and avoid debate is childish, ignorant and lazy. Your arguments on those points doesn't make FOX liars.

OTOH, ABC deliberately edited George Zimmerman's 9-11 call to make it appear that he was a racist. that is dispicable and not subject to debate. Though I don't do it, I would be more accurate to use viewership of that station to marginalize left wing points of view. Again, I don't because it's childish, ignorant, and lazy.
Our hometown Orlando Sentinel is kinda-sorta balanced except in the editorial department. Many of the writers are decidedly left as well.

you are full of shit good sir. The Slantnel sucks, its a shitty rag run my UofF douche bags. We have a serious lack of decent political rags in the Central FL area.

Seminole loser butthurt dismissed.
Once again, in a last aptain Ahab-like dying effort, a losing leftie lashed out in frustration with the claim that I get my information from FOX News. After I informed him that I don't watch FOX News, he attacked me for listening to Glenn Beck, which I informed him that I do not and I get my information from the Orlando Sentinel, USA Today, and the internet (mostly here). I have had this experience here on the USMB many times. The lefties use it as if it makes a point of some kind.

I know that at least two of the Major outlets of the State-Run Media have had to apologise publically for lying or falsifying information that they claim was news, but has FOX?

Seriously you ask this?? Is this a tactic to get people out of the way consumed with hours of amassing compendia of Fox Noise Fabrications?
Because you must know, that's already been done. It's like taking the census; you have to keep up or it grows to unmanageable proportions.

This is one of my faves -- make sure you click resize so you can see 'em all:

For the other part, did Fox apologize for all those? I doubt it. But of the ones they do, one of the better smackdowns, plus the apology, is summed up here:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS1NWYV1i_E]Sean Hannity Confesses Using Fake Footage: "Jon Stewart Was Right!" - YouTube[/ame]

BTW this should really be in the Media forum. I loooove me some Media forum.

In you opinion, a bunch of screenshots of things you disagree with is proof?

You're less intelligent that i previously thought.
LMAO So fox is biased right.

The rest are biased left.

Kinda funny how some folks get all bent out of shape because ONE news organization is biased right. They say FOX tells nothing but lies but are all set to believe anything and everything their lefty organizations put out there. As I said. LMAO.

Guess their lefty bias is showing big time.

"The rest"? What "rest"? CNN is biased left? On what planet? Yes, MSNBC has a few shows by left leaning talking heads...and gives Joe Scarborough a 3 hour time slot. What "lefty" as a three hour time slot on Fox?

Survey says... turn off everything but NPR...

Fox News Viewers Worst-Informed, NPR Listeners Best-Informed

Again LMAO.

NPR?? Oh the NPR that fired Juan Williams, a lefty, because he didn't tow their lefty line as good as he should have?? That NPR??

Oh brother. If you listen to NPR and think they are unbiased then your one blind dude.

Again. LMAO.
No! It isn't that I cannot come up with something. It is that there is something every day. It isn't debatable. They do those things every day at FOX. The examples have been shown here ad nauseum.

There are blogs dedicated to this. You are either sheltered or you are willfully ignorant.

You can prove tha conservatives don't try to "marginalize" info that is cited from MSNBC? Really?

Well then you should be able to come up with at least one thing right?

One thing? There's a whole website dedicated to it.

Fox News Lies

Left wing blogs simply disagree. That isn't proof of anything.
LMAO So fox is biased right.

The rest are biased left.

Kinda funny how some folks get all bent out of shape because ONE news organization is biased right. They say FOX tells nothing but lies but are all set to believe anything and everything their lefty organizations put out there. As I said. LMAO.

Guess their lefty bias is showing big time.

"The rest"? What "rest"? CNN is biased left? On what planet? Yes, MSNBC has a few shows by left leaning talking heads...and gives Joe Scarborough a 3 hour time slot. What "lefty" as a three hour time slot on Fox?

Survey says... turn off everything but NPR...

Fox News Viewers Worst-Informed, NPR Listeners Best-Informed

Again LMAO.

NPR?? Oh the NPR that fired Juan Williams, a lefty, because he didn't tow their lefty line as good as he should have?? That NPR??

Oh brother. If you listen to NPR and think they are unbiased then your one blind dude.

Again. LMAO.

The proof is in the pudding. The Williams fiasco has nothing to do with their reporting. Turn off Fox. It makes you less informed.
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Jane Akre

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Jane Akre is an American former journalist and current editor-in-chief of InjuryBoard.com. She is best known for the whistleblower lawsuit by herself and her former husband, Steve Wilson, against Fox Broadcasting Company station WTVT in Tampa, Florida. Akre and Wilson are featured in the 2003 documentary film The Corporation about the same lawsuit.
It's really quite silly IMO how lefty idiots continually demonize Fox, Rush, etc. and their audiences while folks on the left do the exact same thing from the opposite end of the political spectrum by watching MSNBC or listening to left leaning radio personalities, etc.

We're right and you're wrong is about how it boils down for such fools.

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