FOX should be ashamed

To an un-American scumbag like you I'm sure that patriotism is really funny. You are just a joke of another kind.

Tell me just what did your remembering accomplish?

When you can understand the answer to that you'll be half as much of a fucking douchebag as you are right now. You'll still be a fucking douchebag, but progress is progress.

So in other words it does nothing for the people who actually fought, were maimed or for the families of those who died.

You people disgust me. You delude yourselves into thinking your inaction is action.

You do nothing for those whose lives and bravery were wasted by the government.

So go say a prayer and remember all you want but at least realize that those things don't accomplish anything.
FOX should always be ashamed fr their terrible "news channel", the conservative propaganda machine.

why, You all don't seem to have problem with Pmsnbc or are ashamed they are the DNC propaganda machine
and what's funny, you never see the libs on the post on their lies, dirty tricks with editing tapes, and the fairy tales, etc
I can't figure that out...
I think we need a new case for psychiatry..... fox news obsession

so you all can get some treatment
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Tell me just what did your remembering accomplish?

When you can understand the answer to that you'll be half as much of a fucking douchebag as you are right now. You'll still be a fucking douchebag, but progress is progress.

So in other words it does nothing for the people who actually fought, were maimed or for the families of those who died.

It does something very important, but you are too much of a sub-human, mouth-breathing animal to understand it and you are too much of an anti-American asswipe to want to.

Look, we get it , ok? You have no interest in being an American and you are one of those dime-a-dozen frightened little atheists who think declaring your inability to understand the human condition will take away your fear. It won't, and you don't deserve to be in my country. So, STFU and GTFO.
FOX should always be ashamed fr their terrible "news channel", the conservative propaganda machine.

why, You all don't seem to have problem with Pmsnbc or are ashamed they are the DNC propaganda machine
and what's funny, you never see the libs on the post on their lies, dirty tricks with editing tapes, and the fairy tales, etc
I can't figure that out...
I think we need a new case for psychiatry..... fox news obsession

so you all can get some treatment

This is going to surprise you, but I agree that MSNBC also screws up some, which is why I don't pay much attention to MSNBC, either. MSNBC also doctors tapes now and then, and it is just as bad as when FOX does it.

Only, it sure seems to happen a lot more often on MSNBC.

I want news, the pure news and nothing but the news.
I want news, the pure news and nothing but the news.

You're never going to get it. Critical thinking will always be required of a consumer of news from any source.

I think the thing "critical thinking" has left a lot people..Especially if look at a lot on the Democrat/liberal/side

they believe everyone who watches Fox news just take everything they AS THE GOSPEL TURHT...
Tell me just what did your remembering accomplish?

When you can understand the answer to that you'll be half as much of a fucking douchebag as you are right now. You'll still be a fucking douchebag, but progress is progress.

So in other words it does nothing for the people who actually fought, were maimed or for the families of those who died.

You people disgust me. You delude yourselves into thinking your inaction is action.

You do nothing for those whose lives and bravery were wasted by the government.

So go say a prayer and remember all you want but at least realize that those things don't accomplish anything.

If memory serves -- weren't these same people mocking hashtag campaigns?

Seems a little inconsistent to me...
I want news, the pure news and nothing but the news.

You're never going to get it. Critical thinking will always be required of a consumer of news from any source.

I think the thing "critical thinking" has left a lot people..Especially if look at a lot on the Democrat/liberal/side

they believe everyone who watches Fox news just take everything they AS THE GOSPEL TURHT...



Deceleration alert!!



Now, Stephanie, what were you saying, again???

Leave her alone ya big meanie. She's got a turthache.

Make her show her turth certificate. :thup:
FOX should always be ashamed fr their terrible "news channel", the conservative propaganda machine.

why, You all don't seem to have problem with Pmsnbc or are ashamed they are the DNC propaganda machine

and what's funny, you never see the libs on the post on their lies, dirty tricks with editing tapes, and the fairy tales, etc

I can't figure that out...

I think we need a new case for psychiatry..... fox news obsession

so you all can get some treatment

I also don't like leftist propaganda machines ( I am libertarian, not liberal). The thing is that FOX is so obviously propaganda, I don't know MSBNC.
I just want true news, not right-wing, nor left-wing propaganda.
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When you can understand the answer to that you'll be half as much of a fucking douchebag as you are right now. You'll still be a fucking douchebag, but progress is progress.

So in other words it does nothing for the people who actually fought, were maimed or for the families of those who died.

It does something very important, but you are too much of a sub-human, mouth-breathing animal to understand it and you are too much of an anti-American asswipe to want to.

Look, we get it , ok? You have no interest in being an American and you are one of those dime-a-dozen frightened little atheists who think declaring your inability to understand the human condition will take away your fear. It won't, and you don't deserve to be in my country. So, STFU and GTFO.

Says the do nothing poser.
Get over it.

It was 70 years ago and really doesn't matter anymore.

Tell the Jewish family of survivors that. You are waster of oxygen.

How do you know they didn't have on it at another time? You want to control things so you can act all smug and judgmental, go take your money and purchase your OWN Television station and play whatever your little heart desires

I swear this obsession over Fox is a damn mental disorder...It's just too frikken weird

You're the one who should be can't get any more petty and shallow

You are defending a comment that D Day doesn't matter? Really?
Yeah right, the radical left worries about Fox coverage of D-Day while the Dept of Education makes sure that most college students don't even know who George Washington was.

Link White, or is this another Repub lie?
Get over it.

It was 70 years ago and really doesn't matter anymore.

Yes it does.

Just because an ignorant kid like you doesn't care doesn't mean adults shouldn't or don't.

But that's not the point of this thread and you know it.

No it doesn't

Tell me are you upset that we don't have long winded remembrances aired over the battle of Lexington Concord?
How many of those soldiers are still living?
Fox owners Australian born Rupert Murdoch and Arabian Prince al Talaal represent the Republican Party like no others ever will. 15 of the 16 came from Arabia. No wonder Republicans let Bin Laden go.

republicans let bin laden go?


and you claim you don't lie....TFF
Fox owners Australian born Rupert Murdoch and Arabian Prince al Talaal represent the Republican Party like no others ever will. 15 of the 16 came from Arabia. No wonder Republicans let Bin Laden go.

republicans let bin laden go?


and you claim you don't lie....TFF

I thought that was Clinton? I think he was too busy playing golf to care.

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