FOX should be ashamed

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation| Latest News Videos | Fox News

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another dishonest jim thread

6 minute video

will jim recant?
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I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


Did you really come on here to whine about some coverage of some news channel?
do you not have anything better to do?
get help or a life
you people and your obsession with Fox, it needs to be named some sort of mental disorder

It's been done. It's called liberalism.
Neither MSNBC or CNN interlaced reports about Bergdahl during the ceremony. But FOX did.

My dad was a WWII veteran and served in combat as his tank battalion fought their way into Germany. I am ashamed for him that, while we should have been giving full reverence to the D Day ceremony, a so-called news agency such as FOX uses the opportunity to politicize the event. That is sad....
Oh, fuck stick, now you've changed your story from Fox not covering it to they interlaced their coverage. Duly noted.

You know that FOX covered the ceremony. You ain't too smart are you. It is one thing to cover the ceremony and give due respect to the veterans. but it is another to take advantage of the coverage in interlace their political points.

Like you're taking advantage of the day to try to score political points painting Fox in a negative light. I get that, oh far superior smart one. I'm sure your daddy's proud.
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


Yeah they should have covered the whole Obammy let's pass the torch so we can quit coming here speech.
D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation| Latest News Videos | Fox News

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>


another dishonest jim thread

6 minute video

will jim recant?

This video not front-paged on until after 4 PM EST. No article on the front page about it. at all It was all over the front page on this day in 2004 when Bush was president. So, Jim is right and the jist of his OP is right on target. Learn to actually concentrate on the content of an OP, you stupid little fuckbag.
Personally IDGAF about Normandy.

It's old news and therefore not news. Do a quick spot on it and get to the stuff that matters.

One of you RW knee jerkers had a little nervous breakdown about Google's lack of coverage of Memorial Day but when faux snubs our vets, you make excuses for them.

I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.


"What difference does it make" Hillary?

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation| Latest News Videos | Fox News

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>


another dishonest jim thread

6 minute video

will jim recant?

luddley of course ignores the truth as usual

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation| Latest News Videos | Fox News

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>


another dishonest jim thread

6 minute video

will jim recant?

Recant what? I turn on FOX thinking that they would be covering the ceremonies in Normandy and I am bombarded with some crazy woman telling me that the exchange will help Taliban recruitment. You know, sort of like McCain's release which included a number of communist in Vietnam also helped their cause. But that was a different time wasn't it.

You people are such frigin HYPOCRITES!
You are a Slug.

Get over it.

It was 70 years ago and really doesn't matter anymore.

Tell the Jewish family of survivors that. You are waster of oxygen.

How do you know they didn't have on it at another time? You want to control things so you can act all smug and judgmental, go take your money and purchase your OWN Television station and play whatever your little heart desires

I swear this obsession over Fox is a damn mental disorder...It's just too frikken weird

You're the one who should be can't get any more petty and shallow
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Get over it.

It was 70 years ago and really doesn't matter anymore.

Tell the Jewish family of survivors that. You are waster of oxygen.

How do you know they didn't have on it at another time? You want to control things so you can act all smug and judgmental, go take your money and purchase your OWN Television station and play whatever your little heart desires

I swear this obsession over Fox is a damn mental disorder...It's just too frikken weird

You're the one who should be can't get any more petty and shallow

You flatter me go take your meds and go to bed.
Tell the Jewish family of survivors that. You are waster of oxygen.

How do you know they didn't have on it at another time? You want to control things so you can act all smug and judgmental, go take your money and purchase your OWN Television station and play whatever your little heart desires

I swear this obsession over Fox is a damn mental disorder...It's just too frikken weird

You're the one who should be can't get any more petty and shallow

You flatter me go take your meds and go to bed.

You on left just can't be happy unless you're bitching about something, no matter HOW IRRELEVANT it is..I've never seen anything like it...a damn Television station...we have four threads by lefties going on the board right now about FOX does that give you a clue...

you people have mental problems

it's not fun to watch either
Yeah right, the radical left worries about Fox coverage of D-Day while the Dept of Education makes sure that most college students don't even know who George Washington was.
Personally IDGAF about Normandy.

It's old news and therefore not news. Do a quick spot on it and get to the stuff that matters.

One of you RW knee jerkers had a little nervous breakdown about Google's lack of coverage of Memorial Day but when faux snubs our vets, you make excuses for them.


I don't care about Google.

I don't watch news on the idiot box because it's not news anymore it's 99% opinion

And not airing a piece about a battle from 70 years ago is not snubbing vets.

D day should be relegated to the history channel

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