FOX should be ashamed

your BBC link did not blame bush idiot.

You can't say "Bush idiot". You have to specify which one by first name or initials.

So you're one-a them conspiratorials who believe Al Gore won the 2000 election and was a secret president for 8 years?
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


They don't give a damn about our veterans, dead or alive.

All they care about is getting the niggrah out of the White House.
not sure, but bill clinton was a despicable democrat, and he refused to interrupt his golf game to give those who could, the permission to capture bin laden when they had the chance.

don't know about that, but i never have understood golf. god what a colossal waste of time.


Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


One moment in time!

It takes a total asshole to condemn a TV channel for not featuring the the same news item at the same time as other TV channels at the convenience of JimH52.

FNC covered the events at Normandy, probably better than any of the other channels.

FOX and MSNBC politicize everything. even a ceremony which should be beyond politics. All they need is the call from the Australian and they are off and running. Instead of covering aging veterans and the heroic stories from theie D Day days, FOX launched into one of their "let's take moment to slam Obama" segments. Tasteless and Classless...but it is FOX.
It's a question as to which party GWB belonged to. But you sure tora bora-ing hole in it, din cha?

I'm gonna have to conclude Bush was neither a Federalist nor a Whig, but a Know-Nothing:

not a word about bush.

thanks for proving you are a liar like rdean.

It was in the video.

Thanks for proving that you are a stupid old pissant bleating-like-a-goat fuckbag who doesn't know how to work a youtube video.

Now, back to the OP:

FOX should be ashamed

I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


I believe JimH52 is referring specifically to the D-Day commemorative ceremonies on June 6th, 2014....

Exactly! I was referring to their coverage of the D-Day Ceremony. I could give a flip what they do all the other times that are making stories up and fabricating Australian lies.
FOX should always be ashamed fr their terrible "news channel", the conservative propaganda machine.

why, You all don't seem to have problem with Pmsnbc or are ashamed they are the DNC propaganda machine

and what's funny, you never see the libs on the post on their lies, dirty tricks with editing tapes, and the fairy tales, etc

I can't figure that out...

I think we need a new case for psychiatry..... fox news obsession

so you all can get some treatment

I also don't like leftist propaganda machines ( I am libertarian, not liberal). The thing is that FOX is so obviously propaganda, I don't know MSBNC.
I just want true news, not right-wing, nor left-wing propaganda.

No news outlet is objective, ya dope.

I want news, the pure news and nothing but the news.

You're never going to get it. Critical thinking will always be required of a consumer of news from any source.
So in other words it does nothing for the people who actually fought, were maimed or for the families of those who died.

It does something very important, but you are too much of a sub-human, mouth-breathing animal to understand it and you are too much of an anti-American asswipe to want to.

Look, we get it , ok? You have no interest in being an American and you are one of those dime-a-dozen frightened little atheists who think declaring your inability to understand the human condition will take away your fear. It won't, and you don't deserve to be in my country. So, STFU and GTFO.

Says the do nothing poser.

Maybe if you wish real hard, someday you'll become a real human!

...probably not...
I think the thing "critical thinking" has left a lot people..Especially if look at a lot on the Democrat/liberal/side

they believe everyone who watches Fox news just take everything they AS THE GOSPEL TURHT...



Deceleration alert!!



Now, Stephanie, what were you saying, again???


Seriously early on a Sunday to be that hammered!


well you got me in a typo error, now all your good buds who are as shallow as you are, can tell you how You're man and slap you on the ass...
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


One moment in time!

It takes a total asshole to condemn a TV channel for not featuring the the same news item at the same time as other TV channels at the convenience of JimH52.

FNC covered the events at Normandy, probably better than any of the other channels.

FOX and MSNBC politicize everything. even a ceremony which should be beyond politics. All they need is the call from the Australian and they are off and running. Instead of covering aging veterans and the heroic stories from theie D Day days, FOX launched into one of their "let's take moment to slam Obama" segments. Tasteless and Classless...but it is FOX.

Somebody has to, all the other channels are kissing his ass.


Deceleration alert!!



Now, Stephanie, what were you saying, again???


Seriously early on a Sunday to be that hammered!


well you got me in a typo error, now all your good buds who are as shallow as you are, can tell you how You're man and slap you on the ass...

Turth is a word!

"I bin there turth ree times".

nobody cares bout this except the hyperpartisan k00ks.

Really? So when I tuned into FOX to see a reverent ceremony concerning D-Day, where Americans died trying to liberate Europe, I should have been prepared to listen to a political diatribe about a soldier's release? FOX removed the reverence and solemnness of this for hundreds of living D-Day veterans and reinforced the feelings of many. That they are just a media mouthpiece for the Repub Party.
nobody cares bout this except the hyperpartisan k00ks.

Really? So when I tuned into FOX to see a reverent ceremony concerning D-Day, where Americans died trying to liberate Europe, I should have been prepared to listen to a political diatribe about a soldier's release? FOX removed the reverence and solemnness of this for hundreds of living D-Day veterans and reinforced the feelings of many. That they are just a media mouthpiece for the Repub Party.

nobody cares bout this except the hyperpartisan k00ks.

Really? So when I tuned into FOX to see a reverent ceremony concerning D-Day, where Americans died trying to liberate Europe, I should have been prepared to listen to a political diatribe about a soldier's release? FOX removed the reverence and solemnness of this for hundreds of living D-Day veterans and reinforced the feelings of many. That they are just a media mouthpiece for the Repub Party.

oh for crying out loud, the dramatics were touching
you have 100 of station's to watch yet you pick out fox
you're a real petty and shalow piece of work who need to get a life
damn I feel sorry for the people who has around you in REAL LIFE
that fxxking fox they fxxking didn't have the fxxxking show when I fxxking wanted to watch it
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