FOX Turning Left


Sep 23, 2010
Hard left is not much different than 25 degrees left rudder:

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty

FOX was always a network dominated by off-camera liberals. On-camera FOX phonies hid behind “Fair & Balanced.” Here’s a brief example of how it worked before FOX came out of the closet. Notice that:


quickly becomes liberalism’s opinion on an important issue:

Krauthammer invoking Elian Gonzalez was a real sneaky way of implying that a majority of illegal aliens are children scheduled for deportation.

In truth, the way Gonzalez was picked up does not mean Americans oppose deporting tens of millions of illegal aliens already here —— not the 11 million media mouths always claim. If you believe 11 million, you have to believe that not one illegal alien came to this country since 2008.

NOTE: The Clintons did not want to offend Communists in Cuba over one child. Taqiyya the Liar and John Kerry went Clinton one better —— they sucked up to Communist Cubans.

Krauthammer’s “Most Americans” would applaud any president who deports illegal aliens incrementally. It is not that hard to accomplish with a few adjustments:

1. A presidential executive order can give local police the authority to detain illegal aliens for any reason when they discover them in the course of normal police duties just as easily as the Chicago sewer rat did the opposite. Local police will get tips from average Americans just as they do in other areas of crime. The program might be overwhelmed at first, but it will not take long for it to level off until the job is completed.

2. After illegal aliens are in custody the federal government deports them posthaste.

3. Repeal the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008:

4. Pass one simple law that says the Rights in the US Constitution are not available to anybody in this country illegally irrespective of age. Supreme Court liberals would object, but even if they win it will only take a presidential executive to overturn the decision —— keep right on doing it every time another case works it way up to the Court. Sooner or later 5 justices will do the right thing. By then the problem might no longer exist.

5. Any employer hiring an illegal alien pays a fine equal to the amount of arrest and deportation costs.

When defending America’s sovereignty becomes the first priority in immigration the process of deporting millions would speedup immensely after the welfare state is dismantled requiring Americans to take available jobs instead of getting more for not working.

Incidentally, liberals whine that the American people will not tolerate deporting millions of illegal aliens, yet you never hear a media mouth defend the things the American people are being forced to accept in addition to the illegal immigration mess. The whining I enjoy hearing the most is the one that says deporting anchor babies “Is not the kind of country we are.”

Were it not for the last stronghold for the Fairness Doctrine on FOX, the Democrat party’s collectivist message would be heard by less than two percent of Americans who take the time to stay informed. I cannot see that number improving because FOX liberals moved up to the top of the pecking order.

Two events in recent days proved to me that FOX went hard left.

First: They all got the memo. Even if Saint Megyn covered Donald Trump’s take on illegal aliens, she would have repeated Krauthammer and O’Reilly:

Donald Trump relaunched his bitter war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly Monday night, blasting her return to the air after an unexpected hiatus.​

“I liked The Kelly File much better without @megynkelly,” Trump tweeted. “Perhaps she could take another eleven day unscheduled vacation!”


“@megynkelly must have had a terrible vacation, she is really off her game,” Trump lamented. “Was afraid to confront Dr. Cornel West. No clue on immigration!”

Donald Trump is back to bashing Megyn Kelly
By Joe Tacopino
August 25, 2015 | 2:18am

Donald Trump is back to bashing Megyn Kelly

Second: Channel serfing stunned me when I saw Juan Williams pop up more than usual. I’m outta there whenever I see him, but his demeanor in a few seconds told me that those few legitimate journalists on panels have to treat him with the same respect liberals get on the alphabet networks.

Just to be fair, Williams never hid his loyalty to the Democrat party’s agenda. Williams always turned my stomach, but to other conservatives he has to be worse than the other FOX liberals because he is the most well-known.

Take my word for this: I have decades of experience analyzing media lies and liars going all the way back to Walter Cronkite’s years as CBS anchor. I never had another reason to watch television; so I feel more than qualified to offer a bit of advice.

Ask yourself why liberals defend the media? Before you answer be certain that you did not believe anything you heard about the Administration and FOX engaged in a struggle to the death. If you believe that lie you must also believe that FOX turned hard left because FOX is losing to a president a majority of Americans despise. The best way to handle the lie is to despise both.

Finally, networks never did defend America’s sovereignty; nor did media mouths ever report anything that exposes the New World Order’s activities on behalf of a global government administered by the United Nations. Every single story that puts Socialism’s/Communism’s global agenda in jeopardy is either ignored or twisted beyond recognition. Immigration is a classic media misdirection:

1. Open-borders must not be closed because ending illegal immigration challenges the global government agenda.

2. Media mouths will never say why the borders must remain open, they have only to talk about a path to citizenship as though that is the right thing to do.

Media’s defense of everything Americans detest works so well because networks can report story after story that poses no threat to the global government, etc. Reporting “safe stories” whitewashes the filth they hide. Hell, safe stories like murder, race rioters, a shooting, plane crashes, natural disasters, and so on, makes media mouths look like they love an independent America to pieces.
Donald Trump is back to bashing Megyn Kelly
By Joe Tacopino
August 25, 2015 | 2:18am

Donald Trump is back to bashing Megyn Kelly
NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News chief Roger Ailes said Tuesday that Donald Trump owes the network's Megyn Kelly an apology for an unprovoked Twitter attack that "is as unacceptable as it is disturbing."

Fox News chief: Donald Trump owes Megyn Kelly an apology
Aug 25th 2015 2:25PM

Fox News chief: Donald Trump owes Megyn Kelly an apology

Somebody should tell Roger Ailes that this does not apply to television:

Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel. Mark Twain

The Donald is winning on the Internet where everybody buys their own ink.
It doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to recognize a conspiracy, and as the Kelly File proved last night, it only takes a single television show.

One night after immigration opportunist/Univision ‘reporter’ Jorge Ramos broke the queue taking over the mic at Donald Trump’s Dubuque, Iowa event, Megyn Kelly gave him the floor on her Kelly File—the same way she gave DNC motor mouth Debbie Wasserman-Schultz rant time as her first guest after the mainly Fox-touted ‘Great Debate’.

In short, Ramos who was given the bum’s rush from the Iowa event, got to make a comeback on last night’s Kelly File.​

Move Over, Megyn Kelly, America is Calling
By Judi McLeod
August 27, 2015

Move Over, Megyn Kelly, America is Calling

Saint Megyn was on vacation; so she can be forgiven for not knowing that:

The Donald is winning on the Internet where everybody buys their own ink.
I haven't tuned into FOX since the debate debacle.
I wonder how big a hit their ratings have taken lately?
It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
52 percent of who? People who belong to the radicalized left?

There is NO FAR right in this country.
It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
Yeah, if you enjoy eating shit. The Democrats haven't moved left and aren't extreme? BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAA.

It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
Yeah, if you enjoy eating shit. The Democrats haven't moved left and aren't extreme? BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAA.


Reality a little tough on you?
Here are the numbers:
GOP favorable 32% unfavorable 60% extreme 52%
Dems favorable 48% unfavorable 47% extreme 35%
Pew Research July 23,2015

Right wing Town hall reported the results of Pew's polls
poll and took the results seriously. I'm guessing the USMB's far right posters won't follow Townhall's lead. For some odd reason, they think that they are in the Mainstream of America, which they really aren't.

You shouldn't think the GOP is so popular based on the results of the last election. The last election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years. Low voter turnout historically is good for the GOP. High voter turnout is historically good for the Dems. That's a fact.
Last edited:
It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
Yeah, if you enjoy eating shit. The Democrats haven't moved left and aren't extreme? BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAA.


Reality a little tough on you?
Here are the numbers:
GOP favorable 32% unfavorable 60% extreme 52%
Dems favorable 48% unfavorable 47% extreme 35%
Pew Research July 23,2015

Right wing Town hall reported the results of Pew's polls
poll and took the results seriously. I'm guessing the USMB's far right posters won't follow Townhall's lead. For some odd reason, they think that they are in the Mainstream of America, which they really aren't.

You shouldn't think the GOP is so popular based on the results of the last election. The last election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years. Low voter turnout historically is good for the GOP. High voter turnout is historically good for the Dems. That's a fact.
Golly, a people's press poll. Slam dunk dude!

How does that prove Democrats haven't moved left? Are there any fiscal conservative democrats anymore? Social?

And we are supposed to ignore the fact that Democrats were so discouraged they couldn't be bothered voting?
It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
Yeah, if you enjoy eating shit. The Democrats haven't moved left and aren't extreme? BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAA.


Reality a little tough on you?
Here are the numbers:
GOP favorable 32% unfavorable 60% extreme 52%
Dems favorable 48% unfavorable 47% extreme 35%
Pew Research July 23,2015

Right wing Town hall reported the results of Pew's polls
poll and took the results seriously. I'm guessing the USMB's far right posters won't follow Townhall's lead. For some odd reason, they think that they are in the Mainstream of America, which they really aren't.

You shouldn't think the GOP is so popular based on the results of the last election. The last election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years. Low voter turnout historically is good for the GOP. High voter turnout is historically good for the Dems. That's a fact.
Golly, a people's press poll. Slam dunk dude!

How does that prove Democrats haven't moved left? Are there any fiscal conservative democrats anymore? Social?

And we are supposed to ignore the fact that Democrats were so discouraged they couldn't be bothered voting?

I predicted your response correctly didn't I? You refuse to accept reality.
As I mentioned, the poll was by Pew Research. As I posted, Town hall took the poll very seriously. ( do a search and see for yourself)
As I posted, folks like you, would go into the denial mode. This proves you willingly drink the kool-aid and reality is way too tough on easily manipulated folks like yourself.
It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
Yeah, if you enjoy eating shit. The Democrats haven't moved left and aren't extreme? BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAA.


Reality a little tough on you?
Here are the numbers:
GOP favorable 32% unfavorable 60% extreme 52%
Dems favorable 48% unfavorable 47% extreme 35%
Pew Research July 23,2015

Right wing Town hall reported the results of Pew's polls
poll and took the results seriously. I'm guessing the USMB's far right posters won't follow Townhall's lead. For some odd reason, they think that they are in the Mainstream of America, which they really aren't.

You shouldn't think the GOP is so popular based on the results of the last election. The last election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years. Low voter turnout historically is good for the GOP. High voter turnout is historically good for the Dems. That's a fact.
Golly, a people's press poll. Slam dunk dude!

How does that prove Democrats haven't moved left? Are there any fiscal conservative democrats anymore? Social?

And we are supposed to ignore the fact that Democrats were so discouraged they couldn't be bothered voting?

I predicted your response correctly didn't I? You refuse to accept reality.
As I mentioned, the poll was by Pew Research. As I posted, Town hall took the poll very seriously. ( do a search and see for yourself)
As I posted, folks like you, would go into the denial mode. This proves you willingly drink the kool-aid and reality is way too tough on easily manipulated folks like yourself.
Pollings don't prove the Democrats haven't gone WAY left. Of course it looks like the right moved right when you are paddling in unchartered waters. Just a presidential cycle ago Dims were running against gay marriage.
Check this story out if you doubt media’s left-leaning proclivities. There should be a group picture showing every press baron and their stooges instead of these three only:


Ban, Turner, Goofy​

A CNN story blared, “The American stock market has surrendered a stunning $2.1 trillion of value in just the last six days of market chaos.” The ups and downs of the stock market have been seized upon by those leading a global campaign to steal trillions of dollars from the American people in the name of “sustainable development.”

One aspect of the campaign is a so-called “financial transaction tax,” endorsed by socialist and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT), which would even affect the stock trades of small investors. The proposal has a global component.

However, the odds are that you will only be treated to positive coverage of this unfolding scheme to “redistribute the wealth” on a global basis. George Russell of Fox News broke the story of how a branch of media giant Thomson Reuters and the United Nations Foundation are training journalists and paying for stories to “popularize” the U.N.-sponsored Sustainable Development Goals and make them attractive to news consumers.

Paying the Media for Pro-U.N. Coverage
By Cliff Kincaid
August 28, 2015

Paying the Media for Pro-U.N. Coverage
It's not Fox News is one tilting leftward, it's just that the GOP has moved so far to the right.
In a recent poll by Pew Research, 52% of those polled thought the GOP is extreme.
Food for thought.
Yeah, if you enjoy eating shit. The Democrats haven't moved left and aren't extreme? BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAA.


Reality a little tough on you?
Here are the numbers:
GOP favorable 32% unfavorable 60% extreme 52%
Dems favorable 48% unfavorable 47% extreme 35%
Pew Research July 23,2015

Right wing Town hall reported the results of Pew's polls
poll and took the results seriously. I'm guessing the USMB's far right posters won't follow Townhall's lead. For some odd reason, they think that they are in the Mainstream of America, which they really aren't.

You shouldn't think the GOP is so popular based on the results of the last election. The last election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years. Low voter turnout historically is good for the GOP. High voter turnout is historically good for the Dems. That's a fact.
Golly, a people's press poll. Slam dunk dude!

How does that prove Democrats haven't moved left? Are there any fiscal conservative democrats anymore? Social?

And we are supposed to ignore the fact that Democrats were so discouraged they couldn't be bothered voting?

I predicted your response correctly didn't I? You refuse to accept reality.
As I mentioned, the poll was by Pew Research. As I posted, Town hall took the poll very seriously. ( do a search and see for yourself)
As I posted, folks like you, would go into the denial mode. This proves you willingly drink the kool-aid and reality is way too tough on easily manipulated folks like yourself.
Pollings don't prove the Democrats haven't gone WAY left. Of course it looks like the right moved right when you are paddling in unchartered waters. Just a presidential cycle ago Dims were running against gay marriage.

And that's why right wing Townhall was alarmed. I remember not too long ago, Pew's polls were being flaunted by that right. Now that there new polling came up with bad news for you guys, they don't matter. :2up:
You can bash the left/Dems all day and I could care less. I have consistently stated that both parties suck as both are extreme and don't represent the largest voting bloc out there, the center. I do however believe like most Americans, that the GOP is the more extreme. They are also the the party that is the less concerned about the center and the middle class. Funny how the GOP campaigned so hard that they were going to boost the middle class but the only group they helped was the wealthiest of the wealthiest.
FOX cannot let go:


Ailes said when asked about Trump. “I did call him after the first go-round and I said, ‘What the hell is wrong with you? The United States is at war with every g-ddamn country in the Middle East and you’re at war with Megyn Kelly and you think that looks good? It doesn’t look good.’”

Fox News chief to Trump: 'What the hell is wrong with you?'
Posted By Douglas Ernst On 11/30/2015 @ 8:24 pm In

Fox News chief to Trump: ‘What the hell is wrong with you?’

What the hell is wrong with Roger Ailes? The Donald responding to Miss Clairol might have been trivial but so what! Real people spend 99.9999 percent of their time engaging in pursuits that can hardly be called world events. Everybody employed in doing big doings probably spend more time in trivial pursuits than they spend saving the human race from Armageddon. If Ailes really thinks the Chicago sewer rat watching a movie in the White House screening room is big doings, Ailes must believe that Bill Clinton getting blow jobs in the Oval Office makes Bubba the best president the country ever had.

Perhaps Ailes and his brethren should stick to reporting the news, or change “We Report, You Decide” to “We Brainwash, You believe”. Reporting the facts surrounding an event is news. Editorializing the reason behind the event is propaganda. Manipulating the things public figures say is brainwashing.

The word has not been invented to cover how television interprets polling results. Every time I serf into FOX they are talking about the latest poll. I do not watch enough to post accurate numbers, but my gut instinct tells me that polls get more coverage on FOX news shows than any other topic.

Parenthetically, if Roger Ailes likes serious stuff how come FOX continues to honor the promise print press gave to bankers long before subscription TV was invented? Admittedly, Ailes & Company might truly believe that committing treason to establish a global government is too trivial to report:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, Bilderberg meeting 1991

BBC's Disinfo Piece: "Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?"

Let’s take a look at television’s serious stuff.

The electronic press is an instrument of propaganda; so is the print press when it leans one way or the other. A free press is supposed to keep us informed so that we may protect ourselves from the incremental evils of oppressive government. It was during the 1960 presidential campaigns that both print and electronic abandoned their reason for living. Print press and television conspired to defeat Richard Nixon. Guys like Walter Cronkite took it foreign declaring the war in Vietnam was lost when it wasn’t.

Print press and television repeated warned us about the Right's attack on our individual liberties, while they promoted, and continue to promote, a more destructive attack from the Left. That specific free press corruption was smoothed by trivializing it as a harmless left-leaning bias.

The Fifth Estate —— TELEVISION —— is the fifth branch of government. (Whether or not print press leans Left or Right it still encourages bigger government and more control over private sector citizens.)

Electronic news and entertainment clearly promote bigger government. Just analyze the content of lawyer, cop, courtroom, doctor shows etc., and you'll see what I mean.

As far as electronic news organizations go: I need not cite examples. They are all a joke told by well-paid liars reading a script —— if you want to be accurate about it the lies are told by extremely well-paid propagandists.

Here are a few ways that laymen can tell that the electronic press does not have First Amendment protection:

1. The government can and did ban tobacco ads on TV and radio but could not touch the print press. Tobacco products are still advertised in print. If the general public's health is the government's reason for banning electronic tobacco ads, I have to conclude that the health of Americans who read newspapers and magazines are not included in the government's concerns.

2. Anti-tobacco forces went to court trying to restrict print press tobacco ads to black and white only. There was no photography or color when the Constitution was written. Political cartoons have more First Amendment protection than does photography which has no protection at all when push comes to shove. Political cartoons were the only "pictures" being published at the time the Constitution was written. I do not recall how much coverage FOX gave to that case.

3. Campaign finance reform laws did not touch print press before Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, nor will it should Citizens United be repealed. Those in government know that TV is infinitely more influential than print. No matter how Citizens United goes in the future, the government can live with print press rather than create a constitutional crisis. At the same time, the federal government is acquiring even more control over the electronic press than they now exercise through the Ministry of Propaganda (FCC). You will note that both print and the majority electronic press advocate the Democrat party’s position on campaign finance laws for reasons of their own. The electronic press does as the Democrats tell them to do.

4. When a congressional committee summons network heads to testify, they show up on bended knee. If a congressional committee summoned publishers, they would tell that committee where to go in hurry. The fact is that networks and newspaper rely upon tax deductible advertising dollars. However, newspaper publishers must defend their First Amendment Right in order to keep the government from diminishing that Right as it surely will given the opportunity. Publishers must also defend their First Amendment Right in order to protect themselves from the government's anger. Network parasites only have to protect their tax code incomes.

All things considered, there is more wrong with Ailes than there is with Donald Trump.
#1 – Roger Ailes

Somebody is jerking-off Mediaite —— or they are trying to jerk-off conservatives:

Undisputed top dog for our list? Roger Ailes. Again. The Chairman and CEO oversees the Fox News machine that continues to dominate cable news viewership and has remained arguably the most important channel for conservative viewers.

Mediaite’s 25 Most Influential in Political News Media 2015
by Mediaite | 4:47 pm, December 29th, 2015

Mediaite’s 25 Most Influential in Political News Media 2015
Please God —— GIVE ME A BREAK.

FOX is still getting milage out of the Trump/Kelly flap! I believe that she got a new do to go with the same old FOX crapola:


GOP frontrunner Donald Trump argues that Fox News’s Megyn Kelly shouldn’t moderate the upcoming debate on January 28 in Iowa, three days before the Iowa caucus.​

Throwdown: Donald Trump Says Megyn Kelly Should Not Be Allowed to Moderate Debate, Fox News Thanks Trump

Throwdown: Donald Trump Says Megyn Kelly Should Not Be Allowed to Moderate Debate, Fox News Thanks Trump - Breitbart

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