Foxnews obamacare lies.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The American people oppose Obama’s “Affordable” Healthcare Act and it will hurt him. Obama’s not hurting in any area. Major of the people oppose the “mandate” but support the rest. Americans support the “donut hole.” (me and most seniors) Insurance companies cannot deny “pre-existing” coverage. Children can stay on their parents insurance until age 26. (my three grandchildren in college) Yearly physical exams. (me) my entire family is benefiting already from obamacare and Obama will get their vote. All my family is working. Obama is not failing. Most of those that oppose Obamacare mandate still prefer Obama over Romney. He got OBL. Ended the Iraq war. Passed Affordable Healthcare Act. Securing the border more then ever. Deportations as a historical high. Illegal crossings down. Economy is in recovery. Jobs growth three year growth. Hispanics overwhelmingly support him. Don’t sound like Obama is hurting by anything. He looks better today than yesterday.
Those that oppose Obama opposed him in 2008 and even some of them are “crossing over” to support the “worse president ever.” Obama is kicking a** in all areas. Economy, healthcare, foreign policies and immigration enforcement and homeland security.
I have an entire file on FOXNEW and GOP lies about Obama.
Most people that oppose obamacare mandate already have healthcare coverage.

Fox News Lies; An Elderly Woman Dies | Crooks and Liars
O'Reilly Completely Busted on Fox News Obamacare Lies
"Corrupt": Fox News Launches Fact-Free Attack On Health Care ...
When Fox News Lies, Actual People Die
Sorry but obamacare is opposed by a huge majority of Americans and no amount of lying by the left is going to change that.
What about the future Seniors, who will not be able to find Doctor's or Hospitals that will accept Medicare patients?
What about the Medicare part A that is going broke in 2016?

The American people oppose Obama’s “Affordable” Healthcare Act and it will hurt him. Obama’s not hurting in any area. Major of the people oppose the “mandate” but support the rest. Americans support the “donut hole.” (me and most seniors) Insurance companies cannot deny “pre-existing” coverage. Children can stay on their parents insurance until age 26. (my three grandchildren in college) Yearly physical exams. (me) my entire family is benefiting already from obamacare and Obama will get their vote. All my family is working. Obama is not failing. Most of those that oppose Obamacare mandate still prefer Obama over Romney. He got OBL. Ended the Iraq war. Passed Affordable Healthcare Act. Securing the border more then ever. Deportations as a historical high. Illegal crossings down. Economy is in recovery. Jobs growth three year growth. Hispanics overwhelmingly support him. Don’t sound like Obama is hurting by anything. He looks better today than yesterday.
Those that oppose Obama opposed him in 2008 and even some of them are “crossing over” to support the “worse president ever.” Obama is kicking a** in all areas. Economy, healthcare, foreign policies and immigration enforcement and homeland security.
I have an entire file on FOXNEW and GOP lies about Obama.
Most people that oppose obamacare mandate already have healthcare coverage.

Fox News Lies; An Elderly Woman Dies | Crooks and Liars
O'Reilly Completely Busted on Fox News Obamacare Lies
"Corrupt": Fox News Launches Fact-Free Attack On Health Care ...
When Fox News Lies, Actual People Die

"Are Democrats abandoning ObamaCare?
Two retiring Democrats are publicly second-guessing Obama's decision to spend so much political capital on the controversial — and imperiled — health-care law.

But it's not just Republicans lashing out. Some of the most stinging rebukes are coming from high-profile, retiring Democrats, including Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts and Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia. The complaints echo Republican criticism —..."
Are Democrats abandoning ObamaCare? - The Week
Democrats are convinced of their own propaganda. Doctors will all be government employees and hospiitals all owned by the government. People will enter the medical field, not for money, but because they work for the greater good. Once we are all responsible for one another, that is.

The American people oppose Obama’s “Affordable” Healthcare Act and it will hurt him. Obama’s not hurting in any area. Major of the people oppose the “mandate” but support the rest. Americans support the “donut hole.” (me and most seniors) Insurance companies cannot deny “pre-existing” coverage. Children can stay on their parents insurance until age 26. (my three grandchildren in college) Yearly physical exams. (me) my entire family is benefiting already from obamacare and Obama will get their vote. All my family is working. Obama is not failing. Most of those that oppose Obamacare mandate still prefer Obama over Romney. He got OBL. Ended the Iraq war. Passed Affordable Healthcare Act. Securing the border more then ever. Deportations as a historical high. Illegal crossings down. Economy is in recovery. Jobs growth three year growth. Hispanics overwhelmingly support him. Don’t sound like Obama is hurting by anything. He looks better today than yesterday.
Those that oppose Obama opposed him in 2008 and even some of them are “crossing over” to support the “worse president ever.” Obama is kicking a** in all areas. Economy, healthcare, foreign policies and immigration enforcement and homeland security.
I have an entire file on FOXNEW and GOP lies about Obama.
Most people that oppose obamacare mandate already have healthcare coverage.

Fox News Lies; An Elderly Woman Dies | Crooks and Liars
O'Reilly Completely Busted on Fox News Obamacare Lies
"Corrupt": Fox News Launches Fact-Free Attack On Health Care ...
When Fox News Lies, Actual People Die

We understand your support.

You are not paying for it.
What about the future Seniors, who will not be able to find Doctor's or Hospitals that will accept Medicare patients?
What about the Medicare part A that is going broke in 2016?

You mean senoirs with Medicare who doctors accept more then those with private insurance
Government controlled Healthcare: The efficiency of the DMV with the warmth of the IRS.

and the efficiency of China before they switched to capitalism!! Case closed. A liberal will simply lack the IQ to understand capitalism

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