Fox's Judge Napolitano: Trump committed a crime in Ukraine talks


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Fox's conservative Judge Napolitano said:

Judge Andrew Napolitano told Fox News host Shepard Smith on Tuesday that the president effectively confessed to a crime when he admitted he asked Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.
Napolitano, a Fox News senior judicial analyst, had framed President Trump's earlier statement as an admission that he tried to "solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government."

Jufge Napo to be thrown under the bus in 3... 2 ...1
Judge Napolitano: Trump has admitted committing crime in talks with Ukraine
Fox's conservative Judge Napolitano said:

Judge Andrew Napolitano told Fox News host Shepard Smith on Tuesday that the president effectively confessed to a crime when he admitted he asked Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.
Napolitano, a Fox News senior judicial analyst, had framed President Trump's earlier statement as an admission that he tried to "solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government."

Jufge Napo to be thrown under the bus in 3... 2 ...1
Judge Napolitano: Trump has admitted committing crime in talks with Ukraine

the one thing napo has wrong is that the presidents first responsibility is to protect the country/constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic,,,

so with that fact being known the election is irrelevant because running for office doesnt protect you from prosecution,,,
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He hates Trump and Trump supporters...I hear he lost it at FOX off stage over being criticized by Levin....
I like the judge.

If Trump committed a crime.....get after him.

Impeachment ? Don't know.

But if they do......Pence takes over and abortion will be illegal.

good job.
Napolitano is Anti-Trump. I have heard him bash Trump numerous times and he only changes tunes when he is cornered with facts.

You want a fair opinion, then you ask Harvard Law Professor and Democrat Alan Dershowitz who thinks this whole thing is silly, and a huge strategic error for The Democrat Party. He said there was no impeachable conduct in the transcripts or phone call. So did the new president of The Ukraine say the same thing.

And no one who actually listened in to the call or created the transcripts reported anything out of the ordinary.
I used to like Judge Napolitano but he changed when he did not get the supreme court nomination like he thought he would. Since then he has become a true Trump hater.
Old news

This forum isn't called "news". It's called politics. Don't make me link to crap that you liked that wasn't news.
Your story has already been posted numbnuts. That is what I ment by OLD news.

And lol at you counting down to throwing him under the bus. The man hasn't been liked by many for a long time and that has nothing to do with your old news thread.

PS. Opinion=/=Fact
Considering that Nappy -whom I still like- hasn't been right about jack shit over the last three years, he can safely STFU.
The aqua net Napolitano has been wrong for the past 2 years. Didn't he and the other Trump haters claim he colluded with Russia? Wrong!
Fox's conservative Judge Napolitano said:

Judge Andrew Napolitano told Fox News host Shepard Smith on Tuesday that the president effectively confessed to a crime when he admitted he asked Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.
Napolitano, a Fox News senior judicial analyst, had framed President Trump's earlier statement as an admission that he tried to "solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government."

Jufge Napo to be thrown under the bus in 3... 2 ...1
Judge Napolitano: Trump has admitted committing crime in talks with Ukraine

  • Trump never solicited aid with his campaign! Show me where he ever asked that?
  • He never asked for help against a politician opponent.
Trump is investigating a crime. Joe just happens to be running for office. That doesn't remove him from potential criminal investigation just as it doesn't remove Hillary and the DNC from investigation when they solicited Ukraine for help in the Steele Dossier!

Quit trying to blow smoke up our asses. The only crime that has occurred here is as usual, by the very people making the accusations hoping to deflect from themselves.
Joe Biden actually said he would hold up billions if they don’t fire the guy investigating his sons company ..

Trump asks about it and he’s the bad guy? Lol

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