FRAGILE Black Man CRIES RACISM Demanding Chick Fil A Teen BE FIRED For Writing Order Name As Monkey!


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
When is this blm nonsense going to end? Well said by black conservative perspective the demand for racism is far greater than the actual real examples of racism.

Why would the local news station give this Marquise Vanzego the time of day. My goodness the young kid at Chick-fil-A made a mistake. He was given the name Marquis for an order and accidentally typed in monkeys. Unbelievable. Maybe the Chick-fil-A worker used a voice app for the order and it came up as monkeys. It’ll be very very easy to make that mistake. This is a joke. Once again words cannot describe how stupid things are in America right now because of the media and Hollywood.

With as bad as things are in America, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chick-fil-A corporation pays this man out some kind of a settlement. All over something as innocent and ridiculous as this. That’s the state of affairs in America today. We got Homeless people in this country and this kind of crap is going on.
Vanzego Is the definition of a whiny brat. And this man which he shouldn’t even be called a man …he wants the teen fired from Chick-fil-A for making a honest innocent mistake. That is as bad as it gets.

Vanzego is suing Chick-fil-A. The guy is something that Jesus warned us about. He wants a bunch of free money and he’s willing to have a teenager(might be black btw) fired from what is probably his first job. All over an honest mistake.
When is this blm nonsense going to end? Well said by black conservative perspective the demand for racism is far greater than the actual real examples of racism.

Why would the local news station give this Marquise Vanzego the time of day. My goodness the young kid at Chick-fil-A made a mistake. He was given the name Marquis for an order and accidentally typed in monkeys. Unbelievable. Maybe the Chick-fil-A worker used a voice app for the order and it came up as monkeys. It’ll be very very easy to make that mistake. This is a joke. Once again words cannot describe how stupid things are in America right now because of the media and Hollywood.

With as bad as things are in America, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chick-fil-A corporation pays this man out some kind of a settlement. All over something as innocent and ridiculous as this. That’s the state of affairs in America today. We got Homeless people in this country and this kind of crap is going on.

A lot of people wallow in their own misery, not just blacks.

I come from cultures where that kind of thing is frowned on. I spent some of my childhood in Switzerland. There, they'll throw rotten cabbage at you if you complain too much. But in the Pacific islander heritage they'll actually stop you from marrying.

Neither of those cultures have any love for American blacks. African blacks they don't mind, because they're usually industrious business types. But they look "way" down at American blacks. Because of stuff like this.

Some people, on this board for example, see themselves in everything. They're self absorbed. Use the word "monkey" and they'll think you're talking about them.
Monkeys and Marquise may actually sound similar over the headphones…
These workers are rushed and may not have heard it correctly and just typed down what they heard... we need to toughen up people...
When is this blm nonsense going to end? Well said by black conservative perspective the demand for racism is far greater than the actual real examples of racism.

Why would the local news station give this Marquise Vanzego the time of day. My goodness the young kid at Chick-fil-A made a mistake. He was given the name Marquis for an order and accidentally typed in monkeys. Unbelievable. Maybe the Chick-fil-A worker used a voice app for the order and it came up as monkeys. It’ll be very very easy to make that mistake. This is a joke. Once again words cannot describe how stupid things are in America right now because of the media and Hollywood.

With as bad as things are in America, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chick-fil-A corporation pays this man out some kind of a settlement. All over something as innocent and ridiculous as this. That’s the state of affairs in America today. We got Homeless people in this country and this kind of crap is going on.

Your leader made hundreds of “mistakes” like this. I bet the employee is a proud buy.

Trump can’t spell either

They’re just getting acclamented,” Trump said. “You know what that means.”
“No,” Colbert fired back. “No, I don’t know what that means ― ’cuz that’s not a word!”
Colbert went back to the video to hear Trump’s attempt to define it.
“Acclamented. They’re getting used to a society that really goes too far,” Trump explained.

Markees would be acceptable mistake
Monkeys and Marquise may actually sound similar over the headphones…
These workers are rushed and may not have heard it correctly and just typed down what they heard... we need to toughen up people...
Electronic speech passband filters can do funny things sometimes. They are designed to make human speech more intelligible, but sometimes they do the opposite.
... we need to toughen up people...


What difference does it make what name they wrote on the receipt?

At Starbucks they ask for your name when you order a coffee, they NEVER get it right. Juan becomes John and vice versa. And that's when you're standing right in front of them talking to an actual live person.

That's why most places put numbers on the receipts, so you don't stand there for 5 minutes while your order's on the counter right in front of you.

What difference does it make what name they wrote on the receipt?

At Starbucks they ask for your name when you order a coffee, they NEVER get it right. Juan becomes John and vice versa. And that's when you're standing right in front of them talking to an actual live person.

That's why most places put numbers on the receipts, so you don't stand there for 5 minutes while your order's on the counter right in front of you.
I hope the person who wrote monkey gets fired.
If s/he does s/he can sue for wrongful termination.

I know a hundred lawyers who'd take that case in a heartbeat.
At will employment. And even if not. You would lose. If I forward an email to a customer and in the email we are making fun of them, my boss can fire me for that “mistake” and it was truly a mistake. His mistake may have been intentional. And stupid.

Sorry, it’s their image with customers. No one wants a Nazi barista representing them.
If s/he does s/he can sue for wrongful termination.

I know a hundred lawyers who'd take that case in a heartbeat.
I know one

At will employment. And even if not. You would lose. If I forward an email to a customer and in the email we are making fun of them, my boss can fire me for that “mistake” and it was truly a mistake. His mistake may have been intentional. And stupid.

Sorry, it’s their image with customers. No one wants a Nazi barista representing them.
Nope. Any good lawyer will find the company at fault. It's the company's responsibility to provide the employees with working technology. If the technology fails it's the company's fault. Easy case. The lawyers will claim that's exactly what came out of the speaker, and find an audio expert to prove it.
Nope. Any good lawyer will find the company at fault. It's the company's responsibility to provide the employees with working technology. If the technology fails it's the company's fault. Easy case. The lawyers will claim that's exactly what came out of the speaker, and find an audio expert to prove it.
Doesn’t matter what the lawyer finds. Bet the lawyer will ask for payment win or lose.
Nope. Any good lawyer will find the company at fault. It's the company's responsibility to provide the employees with working technology. If the technology fails it's the company's fault. Easy case. The lawyers will claim that's exactly what came out of the speaker, and find an audio expert to prove it.
All that for a $10 hr job? Lol
Jewish kids are being slammed against walls, spit on, threatened with death, not able to attend the college classes they paid for…

….and we have a black man crying about racism because the worker misspelled his name.

There really needs to be some perspective.
I also don't really understand why anyone ever watches these kinds of YouTube video's.

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