France, A Country Without Hope And No Future: MP


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Palash Ghosh, on December 14 2013 12:56 PM

A member of France’s National Assembly has issued a grave warning about the state of his countrymen and what they think of the future, given a worsening climate of unemployment, government austerity and racial hostility. Jean Lassalle, who represents the Pyrénées-Atlantiques region in the southwestern corner of France, has spent the last eight months walking the length and breadth of the nation in order to gauge the mood of the people. Having traversed some 6,000 kilometers (3,730 miles) of terrain, he says his countrymen are “without hope.”

How many other European nations share the same problems that are being kept from the general public? It's not just a demand by Muslims for Sharia but a socialization where people find depending upon government more inviting than actually getting their hands dirty. Many immigrants were brought in to perform medial jobs and that doesn't help things either.

Read the full story @ France, A Country Without Hope And No Future: MP

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