France Knows How to Throw a 'Military' Parade

We live in science fiction days

In the Book of Jasher. It says that the men didn't wanted the women to lose their figures. And they has created an elixir for them to drink so that they will not become pregnant. Which it explains why God gave the women certain laws to follow. And it also mentions that they were genetically modifying the animals. Which that take some intelligence to be able know these things. And why would God tell the people to not mix the seeds, unless they are aware of it. These laws were to prevent the people of those times to not go back doing the things that they were doing before the flood. After everything that God has created. He stated after each creation," That it was good". Like He was telling the people not to alter what He has created. To leave them in their original form.
And Jesus said when He comes back. That it will be like how it was in the days of Noah.

Matthew 24:37
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.


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