France regime: State of emergency is now permanent normality thanks to new "anti-terror law"


Nov 14, 2012
With the exception that house searches will need a judge´s order and that the law cannot be used against protesters, France´s state of emergency has been transferred into permanent law.

This includes:
- Limit people´s freedom of movement without a court´s decision
- Conduct large scale police checks
- Check people´s identity without any reason (for example a residence near a border is enough to make you a suspect)
- Closure of religious facilities without any hints
- Harsh measures against officers and soldiers who have "radicalized"
- Unlimited monitoring of computers and smartphones

While measures against Islamism are justified indeed they would first and foremost comprise of the deportation of Islamists to their places of origin. The previous Hollande terror regime has used the state of emergency against protesters. The state of emergency lasts since the 2015 terror attack and has been prolonged six times. It ends with its transforming to normal law.
The new law could easily be used against the own population under the pretext of fighting terror.

Source (German):
Frankreich beschließt Anti-Terror-Gesetz
well , ok with me , 'french' allowed the problem into 'france' i guess BPreister .
Macron gave his speech today to the police and gendarmes.
What does not change is the proximity police that had been taking over by Nicolas Sarkozy is subsequently handed over by Hollande 10,000 more policemen after November 15, 2015.
But policemen and gendarmes are short of staff, especially local police
Macron gave his speech today to the police and gendarmes.
What does not change is the proximity police that had been taking over by Nicolas Sarkozy is subsequently handed over by Hollande 10,000 more policemen after November 15, 2015.
But policemen and gendarmes are short of staff, especially local police
Yes the are. France is only replacing half of the outgoing officers by agenda. That includes also teachers. They are totally hell-bent on self-destruction.
Macron asks everyone to tighten their belts except the rich. he was the former Banker of Rothschild

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