France's Overstretched Law Enforcement

What you're saying is disgraceful.

I call what the French are doing idiotic, not brave.

If this were China....heads would be rolling. They'd lock down the borders and those terrorist assholes would be hiding in their homes waiting for their doors to be kicked in.
The French are standing by their principles despite being under attack by others taking advantage of those principles.
That's bravery.
That's not what they're doing.

They're currently profiling mosques all over France....closing them down.

So spare me the lecture, dipshit.
They're investigating and shutting down centres of insurrection and hate, which is what any country concerned with their internal security would do.
They're also continuing to admit refugees because they recognise that refugees and terrorism are not the same thing...not falling prey to kneejerk right-wing xenophobic fear-mongering while under attack is true leadership.

You are a total shithead. Mohammed himself is said to, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. When a muslim tells you they believe in peace, whether or not they are refugees, they are LYING to you. It's like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. It isn't the violent muslims who are extremists. It is the ones who aren't. Because they are going against what their political religion is all about. Empathy knee-jerk and politically correct monger your way out of that one.
So, let me sum up your position.
I'm a total shithead because France are moving against terrorists and criminals in their own country.
1.6 billion people are automatically violent extremists because...why?...because their Bible has violent bits.
At least 10% of 1.3 billion are radicals. Many of the rest are sympathetic to terrorism.
I would say half of all Muslims feel that anyone who dies from an act of terror deserves it because they feel it's just Allah's will.
Islam teaches Muslims to do things that aren't acceptable in most Western societies. You are considered unclean and barely better than one of their goats. Women have almost no rights and are essentially slaves to their husbands. Why you support their religion...I cannot fathom, unless you just do it because Democrats tell you it's the right thing to do. Problem is, Democrats are busy selling us out, so why you trust them....well, it simply reflects on your character....or the lack thereof. Maybe you feel that kissing Islamic ass makes you a better person than someone like myself.
The French are standing by their principles despite being under attack by others taking advantage of those principles.
That's bravery.

It isn't bravery. It is the ultimate in stupidity. Their principles mean absolutely nothing to muslim scum. If you bend over ans spread your butt cheeks apart, it isn't the muslims fault if he sticks his dick up your ass. Winning or losing is the only thing that matters in life. It doesn't matter if you are an amoeba or a human. That is just how life works. And Europe not expelling all muslims is the path to losing.

For example, I will include a picture of a muslim child that Europe allowed to emigrate into their countries. It shows him making a beheading gesture to TV cameras. How sick in the fucking head are people to let those into their country that show their gratitude like that. And I have news for you, you moron. That beheading gesture was aimed at people like you. That is, assuming you are White.

View attachment 56150
The Republic of France was built on noble was the US.
It's nothing short of admirable that France is demonstrating that their principles are truly meaningful.

Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?
The French are standing by their principles despite being under attack by others taking advantage of those principles.
That's bravery.
That's not what they're doing.

They're currently profiling mosques all over France....closing them down.

So spare me the lecture, dipshit.
They're investigating and shutting down centres of insurrection and hate, which is what any country concerned with their internal security would do.
They're also continuing to admit refugees because they recognise that refugees and terrorism are not the same thing...not falling prey to kneejerk right-wing xenophobic fear-mongering while under attack is true leadership.

You are a total shithead. Mohammed himself is said to, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. When a muslim tells you they believe in peace, whether or not they are refugees, they are LYING to you. It's like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. It isn't the violent muslims who are extremists. It is the ones who aren't. Because they are going against what their political religion is all about. Empathy knee-jerk and politically correct monger your way out of that one.
So, let me sum up your position.
I'm a total shithead because France are moving against terrorists and criminals in their own country.
1.6 billion people are automatically violent extremists because...why?...because their Bible has violent bits.
At least 10% of 1.3 billion are radicals. Many of the rest are sympathetic to terrorism.
I would say half of all Muslims feel that anyone who dies from an act of terror deserves it because they feel it's just Allah's will.
Islam teaches Muslims to do things that aren't acceptable in most Western societies. You are considered unclean and barely better than one of their goats. Women have almost no rights and are essentially slaves to their husbands. Why you support their religion...I cannot fathom, unless you just do it because Democrats tell you it's the right thing to do. Problem is, Democrats are busy selling us out, so why you trust them....well, it simply reflects on your character....or the lack thereof. Maybe you feel that kissing Islamic ass makes you a better person than someone like myself.
Wow...your unverified numbers are compelling!
You just need to look at the fiasco faced by the British when the neo Marxist Labour party held power. Tens of thousands of 12 and 13 year old schoolgirls groomed and raped by muslim men, who then racially abused them before selling them to their friends. What did the left wing politicians do about this crime wave, they threatened the parents with arrest, prison and having the rest of their children put into care homes

I don't know what in the hell you're talking about. I think you're just making that shit up. I doubt if tens of thousands of English schoolgires were being raped by muslims. And that you left out school boys shows that your story is bullshit. Also, to be "groomed" by people, you have to be under their care. I am willing to bet that these schoolgirls were under the care of their parents.

Do you then look here one small Northern town in Britain that had a major scandal

Rotherham sex abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye

Now multiply that by 1000 other small northern towns with a neo Marxist political body running them and you have tens of thousands of underage girls groomed and raped by muslims.

Child sex grooming: the Asian question

Britain: "Rape Jihad" Against Children

'Imams promote grooming rings', Muslim leader claims

Just some of the reports on the cases. Now the authorities reaction to the child rapes

UK Police Arrested Parents Trying to Stop Muslims from Raping their Children

Oxford grooming gang: We will regret ignoring Asian thugs who target white girls

Maybe what you say is true. But I find it unlikely. Though I didn't view it, especially the one about parents being arrested for keeping muslims from raping their children. Having the right and duty to protect your children is a universal law of decency that probably even Pygmies follow.

Though what you say isn't completely without merit. One time years ago I used to live next door to some monkey negros. One of them was near my apartment and talking to a group of about seven White female choldren. Who couldn't have been any older than ten years old. I knew that fucking chimp wasn't no Brownie den mother. I wanted to go over there and kick his ass. But I knew that if I did, I would no doubt have been thrown in jail for a hate crime. So I didn't do anything. But if I believed in god, I would thank GOD that there are heros like Dylann Roof around.

It was a major scandal in the UK and led to the demise of the Labour government. Since then the numbers of muslims arrested and charged with child sex crimes has escalated and they all claim the arrests are "racist" They should be branded and deported when their prison sentences are over, and all their property confiscated as well. See how their fellow muslims like those apples.

There are those out there who would say that the muslims in Europe shouldn't be expelled. But rather impaled like Vlad the Impaler used to do. Arresting a few here and there isn't going to accomplish anything.

It has to be a blanket ban on islam and the muslims, and they need to be removed as you would remove a cancer. There will be casualties as in any operation but they are better than having the cancer take over and kill everyone
It isn't bravery. It is the ultimate in stupidity. Their principles mean absolutely nothing to muslim scum. If you bend over ans spread your butt cheeks apart, it isn't the muslims fault if he sticks his dick up your ass. Winning or losing is the only thing that matters in life. It doesn't matter if you are an amoeba or a human. That is just how life works. And Europe not expelling all muslims is the path to losing.

For example, I will include a picture of a muslim child that Europe allowed to emigrate into their countries. It shows him making a beheading gesture to TV cameras. How sick in the fucking head are people to let those into their country that show their gratitude like that. And I have news for you, you moron. That beheading gesture was aimed at people like you. That is, assuming you are White.

View attachment 56150
The Republic of France was built on noble was the US.
It's nothing short of admirable that France is demonstrating that their principles are truly meaningful.

Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty
The Republic of France was built on noble was the US.
It's nothing short of admirable that France is demonstrating that their principles are truly meaningful.

Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty
Autocorrect strikes again.
The rest of your response makes no sense.
The Republic of France was built on noble was the US.
It's nothing short of admirable that France is demonstrating that their principles are truly meaningful.

Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty

Evict them to where? Muslimland?

I'm not sure that the French Muslims, born and bred in France, would be so keen on being evicted to a foreign country!
I don't know what in the hell you're talking about. I think you're just making that shit up. I doubt if tens of thousands of English schoolgires were being raped by muslims. And that you left out school boys shows that your story is bullshit. Also, to be "groomed" by people, you have to be under their care. I am willing to bet that these schoolgirls were under the care of their parents.

Do you then look here one small Northern town in Britain that had a major scandal

Rotherham sex abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye

Now multiply that by 1000 other small northern towns with a neo Marxist political body running them and you have tens of thousands of underage girls groomed and raped by muslims.

Child sex grooming: the Asian question

Britain: "Rape Jihad" Against Children

'Imams promote grooming rings', Muslim leader claims

Just some of the reports on the cases. Now the authorities reaction to the child rapes

UK Police Arrested Parents Trying to Stop Muslims from Raping their Children

Oxford grooming gang: We will regret ignoring Asian thugs who target white girls

Maybe what you say is true. But I find it unlikely. Though I didn't view it, especially the one about parents being arrested for keeping muslims from raping their children. Having the right and duty to protect your children is a universal law of decency that probably even Pygmies follow.

Though what you say isn't completely without merit. One time years ago I used to live next door to some monkey negros. One of them was near my apartment and talking to a group of about seven White female choldren. Who couldn't have been any older than ten years old. I knew that fucking chimp wasn't no Brownie den mother. I wanted to go over there and kick his ass. But I knew that if I did, I would no doubt have been thrown in jail for a hate crime. So I didn't do anything. But if I believed in god, I would thank GOD that there are heros like Dylann Roof around.

It was a major scandal in the UK and led to the demise of the Labour government. Since then the numbers of muslims arrested and charged with child sex crimes has escalated and they all claim the arrests are "racist" They should be branded and deported when their prison sentences are over, and all their property confiscated as well. See how their fellow muslims like those apples.

There are those out there who would say that the muslims in Europe shouldn't be expelled. But rather impaled like Vlad the Impaler used to do. Arresting a few here and there isn't going to accomplish anything.

It has to be a blanket ban on islam and the muslims, and they need to be removed as you would remove a cancer. There will be casualties as in any operation but they are better than having the cancer take over and kill everyone

Ah yes, fascism strikes again!
Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty
Autocorrect strikes again.
The rest of your response makes no sense.

translate the literal meaning into and it does as it applies to then people of France only and not to illegal immigrants.
Do you then look here one small Northern town in Britain that had a major scandal

Rotherham sex abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye

Now multiply that by 1000 other small northern towns with a neo Marxist political body running them and you have tens of thousands of underage girls groomed and raped by muslims.

Child sex grooming: the Asian question

Britain: "Rape Jihad" Against Children

'Imams promote grooming rings', Muslim leader claims

Just some of the reports on the cases. Now the authorities reaction to the child rapes

UK Police Arrested Parents Trying to Stop Muslims from Raping their Children

Oxford grooming gang: We will regret ignoring Asian thugs who target white girls

Maybe what you say is true. But I find it unlikely. Though I didn't view it, especially the one about parents being arrested for keeping muslims from raping their children. Having the right and duty to protect your children is a universal law of decency that probably even Pygmies follow.

Though what you say isn't completely without merit. One time years ago I used to live next door to some monkey negros. One of them was near my apartment and talking to a group of about seven White female choldren. Who couldn't have been any older than ten years old. I knew that fucking chimp wasn't no Brownie den mother. I wanted to go over there and kick his ass. But I knew that if I did, I would no doubt have been thrown in jail for a hate crime. So I didn't do anything. But if I believed in god, I would thank GOD that there are heros like Dylann Roof around.

It was a major scandal in the UK and led to the demise of the Labour government. Since then the numbers of muslims arrested and charged with child sex crimes has escalated and they all claim the arrests are "racist" They should be branded and deported when their prison sentences are over, and all their property confiscated as well. See how their fellow muslims like those apples.

There are those out there who would say that the muslims in Europe shouldn't be expelled. But rather impaled like Vlad the Impaler used to do. Arresting a few here and there isn't going to accomplish anything.

It has to be a blanket ban on islam and the muslims, and they need to be removed as you would remove a cancer. There will be casualties as in any operation but they are better than having the cancer take over and kill everyone

Ah yes, fascism strikes again!

No common sense safety, but then you neo Nazi's don't understand that do you as you think the recent migrants have more rights than the indigenous
Maybe what you say is true. But I find it unlikely. Though I didn't view it, especially the one about parents being arrested for keeping muslims from raping their children. Having the right and duty to protect your children is a universal law of decency that probably even Pygmies follow.

Though what you say isn't completely without merit. One time years ago I used to live next door to some monkey negros. One of them was near my apartment and talking to a group of about seven White female choldren. Who couldn't have been any older than ten years old. I knew that fucking chimp wasn't no Brownie den mother. I wanted to go over there and kick his ass. But I knew that if I did, I would no doubt have been thrown in jail for a hate crime. So I didn't do anything. But if I believed in god, I would thank GOD that there are heros like Dylann Roof around.

It was a major scandal in the UK and led to the demise of the Labour government. Since then the numbers of muslims arrested and charged with child sex crimes has escalated and they all claim the arrests are "racist" They should be branded and deported when their prison sentences are over, and all their property confiscated as well. See how their fellow muslims like those apples.

There are those out there who would say that the muslims in Europe shouldn't be expelled. But rather impaled like Vlad the Impaler used to do. Arresting a few here and there isn't going to accomplish anything.

It has to be a blanket ban on islam and the muslims, and they need to be removed as you would remove a cancer. There will be casualties as in any operation but they are better than having the cancer take over and kill everyone

Ah yes, fascism strikes again!

No common sense safety, but then you neo Nazi's don't understand that do you as you think the recent migrants have more rights than the indigenous

Strange that, NO, I don't think that refugees have more rights than the indigenous population...

You oxymoronic inclusion of "neo Nazi" is hilarious beyond belief.... Show's your sub intellect racism... If only you truly understood what you write!

Your fascist belief that a blanket ban on Islam and Muslims will "remove a cancer" when MOST Muslims are peace loving and, well, just like me...

Your bitter, fascist hatred...? Well, fortunately, MOST Muslims are not like that at all!
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty
Autocorrect strikes again.
The rest of your response makes no sense.

translate the literal meaning into and it does as it applies to then people of France only and not to illegal immigrants.
Who's talking about illegal immigrants?
The French are admitting refugees into the country...they are legal.

I think I see the've become so conditioned that you can't say the word 'immigrant' without putting 'illegal' in front of it.
Last edited:
What you're saying is disgraceful.

I call what the French are doing idiotic, not brave.

If this were China....heads would be rolling. They'd lock down the borders and those terrorist assholes would be hiding in their homes waiting for their doors to be kicked in.
The French are standing by their principles despite being under attack by others taking advantage of those principles.
That's bravery.
That's not what they're doing.

They're currently profiling mosques all over France....closing them down.

So spare me the lecture, dipshit.
They're investigating and shutting down centres of insurrection and hate, which is what any country concerned with their internal security would do.
They're also continuing to admit refugees because they recognise that refugees and terrorism are not the same thing...not falling prey to kneejerk right-wing xenophobic fear-mongering while under attack is true leadership.

You are a total shithead. Mohammed himself is said to, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. When a muslim tells you they believe in peace, whether or not they are refugees, they are LYING to you. It's like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. It isn't the violent muslims who are extremists. It is the ones who aren't. Because they are going against what their political religion is all about. Empathy knee-jerk and politically correct monger your way out of that one.
So, let me sum up your position.
I'm a total shithead because France are moving against terrorists and criminals in their own country.
1.6 billion people are automatically violent extremists because...why?...because their Bible has violent bits.

No. You are a total shithead, for one reason, you didn't read the title of my thread. Frances ability to keep track of muslim "extremists" is overstretched. They can't do it. The last thing they need to be doing is letting more of the things into their country. Also, if they didn't have to worry about moving against terrorists in their country, they would be more able to move against the criminals. Muslims just aren't worth the lack of security. There are many who would say that it would be better if they were all dead.

Next, I told you why muslims are violent extremists. What part of it didn't you understand. There is a documentary out there that you need to see. It's called, "Islam: What the west needs to know." Also, muslims are FUCKING LIARS!!!! When it comes to dealing with infidels, they consider it to be a god dammed motherfucking cock sucking VIRTUE!!!!! Mohammed himself condoned it. In the koran it even says that allah is the greatest deceiver.

As for the koran having violent bits in it, it does. But as I said before, Mohammed himself is said to cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. You know. The person who is so holy to muslims that it is offensive to muslims to even show a picture of him. That wasn't anything in some book. That is something that he actually did. There are those out there who would say that all muslims need to be guillotined. It may not be as bloodthirsty as muslims like to do such things. But it would work well enough.
It was a major scandal in the UK and led to the demise of the Labour government. Since then the numbers of muslims arrested and charged with child sex crimes has escalated and they all claim the arrests are "racist" They should be branded and deported when their prison sentences are over, and all their property confiscated as well. See how their fellow muslims like those apples.

There are those out there who would say that the muslims in Europe shouldn't be expelled. But rather impaled like Vlad the Impaler used to do. Arresting a few here and there isn't going to accomplish anything.

It has to be a blanket ban on islam and the muslims, and they need to be removed as you would remove a cancer. There will be casualties as in any operation but they are better than having the cancer take over and kill everyone

Ah yes, fascism strikes again!

No common sense safety, but then you neo Nazi's don't understand that do you as you think the recent migrants have more rights than the indigenous

Strange that, NO, I don't think that refugees have more rights than the indigenous population...

You oxymoronic inclusion of "neo Nazi" is hilarious beyond belief.... Show's your sub intellect racism... If only you truly understood what you write!

Your fascist belief that a blanket ban on Islam and Muslims will "remove a cancer" when MOST Muslims are peace loving and, well, just like me...

Your bitter, fascist hatred...? Well, fortunately, MOST Muslims are not like that at all!

You are a total shithead. And if you are a muslim, a liar to boot. Go tell your bullshit lies to someone else. They don't work on me.
That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty
Autocorrect strikes again.
The rest of your response makes no sense.

translate the literal meaning into and it does as it applies to then people of France only and not to illegal immigrants.
Who's talking about illegal immigrants?
The French are admitting refugees into the country...they are legal.

I think I see the've become so conditioned that you can't say the word 'immigrant' without putting 'illegal' in front of it.

Who gives a shit if anybody calls them legal. No muslims should be in Europe, period. No doubt you would like to call the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum coming into the U.S. from either over or under the U.S.-Mexico border legal as well. Maybe it would even give you a boner if the U.S. shared a land bridge with places like China, India, Pakistan or Somolia. You absolutely disgust me beyond the ability of words to communicate. A necrophile is a god compared to you.
The French are standing by their principles despite being under attack by others taking advantage of those principles.
That's bravery.
That's not what they're doing.

They're currently profiling mosques all over France....closing them down.

So spare me the lecture, dipshit.
They're investigating and shutting down centres of insurrection and hate, which is what any country concerned with their internal security would do.
They're also continuing to admit refugees because they recognise that refugees and terrorism are not the same thing...not falling prey to kneejerk right-wing xenophobic fear-mongering while under attack is true leadership.

You are a total shithead. Mohammed himself is said to, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. When a muslim tells you they believe in peace, whether or not they are refugees, they are LYING to you. It's like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. It isn't the violent muslims who are extremists. It is the ones who aren't. Because they are going against what their political religion is all about. Empathy knee-jerk and politically correct monger your way out of that one.
So, let me sum up your position.
I'm a total shithead because France are moving against terrorists and criminals in their own country.
1.6 billion people are automatically violent extremists because...why?...because their Bible has violent bits.

No. You are a total shithead, for one reason, you didn't read the title of my thread. Frances ability to keep track of muslim "extremists" is overstretched. They can't do it. The last thing they need to be doing is letting more of the things into their country. Also, if they didn't have to worry about moving against terrorists in their country, they would be more able to move against the criminals. Muslims just aren't worth the lack of security. There are many who would say that it would be better if they were all dead.

Next, I told you why muslims are violent extremists. What part of it didn't you understand. There is a documentary out there that you need to see. It's called, "Islam: What the west needs to know." Also, muslims are FUCKING LIARS!!!! When it comes to dealing with infidels, they consider it to be a god dammed motherfucking cock sucking VIRTUE!!!!! Mohammed himself condoned it. In the koran it even says that allah is the greatest deceiver.

As for the koran having violent bits in it, it does. But as I said before, Mohammed himself is said to cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. You know. The person who is so holy to muslims that it is offensive to muslims to even show a picture of him. That wasn't anything in some book. That is something that he actually did. There are those out there who would say that all muslims need to be guillotined. It may not be as bloodthirsty as muslims like to do such things. But it would work well enough.
Well, that's a bit longer than my summing up but you've said pretty much the same things...except to add your own bit of bigotry I suppose.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty
Autocorrect strikes again.
The rest of your response makes no sense.

translate the literal meaning into and it does as it applies to then people of France only and not to illegal immigrants.
Who's talking about illegal immigrants?
The French are admitting refugees into the country...they are legal.

I think I see the've become so conditioned that you can't say the word 'immigrant' without putting 'illegal' in front of it.

Who gives a shit if anybody calls them legal. No muslims should be in Europe, period. No doubt you would like to call the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum coming into the U.S. from either over or under the U.S.-Mexico border legal as well. Maybe it would even give you a boner if the U.S. shared a land bridge with places like China, India, Pakistan or Somolia. You absolutely disgust me beyond the ability of words to communicate. A necrophile is a god compared to you., you really feel quite strongly about this then?
It isn't bravery. It is the ultimate in stupidity. Their principles mean absolutely nothing to muslim scum. If you bend over ans spread your butt cheeks apart, it isn't the muslims fault if he sticks his dick up your ass. Winning or losing is the only thing that matters in life. It doesn't matter if you are an amoeba or a human. That is just how life works. And Europe not expelling all muslims is the path to losing.

For example, I will include a picture of a muslim child that Europe allowed to emigrate into their countries. It shows him making a beheading gesture to TV cameras. How sick in the fucking head are people to let those into their country that show their gratitude like that. And I have news for you, you moron. That beheading gesture was aimed at people like you. That is, assuming you are White.

View attachment 56150
The Republic of France was built on noble was the US.
It's nothing short of admirable that France is demonstrating that their principles are truly meaningful.

Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

No they aren't. They're just bullshit words used to pull the wool over people's eyes. And they definately shouldn't apply to people from other countries. Especially if they're psycho scum enemies like the muslims. Also, in the eighteenth century a French person said something that held a lot more weight in many ways than "liberate, egalite, fraternite." He basically said, "The more that things change, the more they stay the same."
That's not what they're doing.

They're currently profiling mosques all over France....closing them down.

So spare me the lecture, dipshit.
They're investigating and shutting down centres of insurrection and hate, which is what any country concerned with their internal security would do.
They're also continuing to admit refugees because they recognise that refugees and terrorism are not the same thing...not falling prey to kneejerk right-wing xenophobic fear-mongering while under attack is true leadership.

You are a total shithead. Mohammed himself is said to, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. When a muslim tells you they believe in peace, whether or not they are refugees, they are LYING to you. It's like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. It isn't the violent muslims who are extremists. It is the ones who aren't. Because they are going against what their political religion is all about. Empathy knee-jerk and politically correct monger your way out of that one.
So, let me sum up your position.
I'm a total shithead because France are moving against terrorists and criminals in their own country.
1.6 billion people are automatically violent extremists because...why?...because their Bible has violent bits.
At least 10% of 1.3 billion are radicals. Many of the rest are sympathetic to terrorism.
I would say half of all Muslims feel that anyone who dies from an act of terror deserves it because they feel it's just Allah's will.
Islam teaches Muslims to do things that aren't acceptable in most Western societies. You are considered unclean and barely better than one of their goats. Women have almost no rights and are essentially slaves to their husbands. Why you support their religion...I cannot fathom, unless you just do it because Democrats tell you it's the right thing to do. Problem is, Democrats are busy selling us out, so why you trust them....well, it simply reflects on your character....or the lack thereof. Maybe you feel that kissing Islamic ass makes you a better person than someone like myself.
Wow...your unverified numbers are compelling!

I think they're complete bullshit. ALL muslims are murderous scum. Every single last one of them who calls himself a muslim. Because believing otherwise goes against what their political religion is all about. As I said, it's like trying to find a Christian who is opposed to Jesus.
I don't know what in the hell you're talking about. I think you're just making that shit up. I doubt if tens of thousands of English schoolgires were being raped by muslims. And that you left out school boys shows that your story is bullshit. Also, to be "groomed" by people, you have to be under their care. I am willing to bet that these schoolgirls were under the care of their parents.

Do you then look here one small Northern town in Britain that had a major scandal

Rotherham sex abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye

Now multiply that by 1000 other small northern towns with a neo Marxist political body running them and you have tens of thousands of underage girls groomed and raped by muslims.

Child sex grooming: the Asian question

Britain: "Rape Jihad" Against Children

'Imams promote grooming rings', Muslim leader claims

Just some of the reports on the cases. Now the authorities reaction to the child rapes

UK Police Arrested Parents Trying to Stop Muslims from Raping their Children

Oxford grooming gang: We will regret ignoring Asian thugs who target white girls

Maybe what you say is true. But I find it unlikely. Though I didn't view it, especially the one about parents being arrested for keeping muslims from raping their children. Having the right and duty to protect your children is a universal law of decency that probably even Pygmies follow.

Though what you say isn't completely without merit. One time years ago I used to live next door to some monkey negros. One of them was near my apartment and talking to a group of about seven White female choldren. Who couldn't have been any older than ten years old. I knew that fucking chimp wasn't no Brownie den mother. I wanted to go over there and kick his ass. But I knew that if I did, I would no doubt have been thrown in jail for a hate crime. So I didn't do anything. But if I believed in god, I would thank GOD that there are heros like Dylann Roof around.

It was a major scandal in the UK and led to the demise of the Labour government. Since then the numbers of muslims arrested and charged with child sex crimes has escalated and they all claim the arrests are "racist" They should be branded and deported when their prison sentences are over, and all their property confiscated as well. See how their fellow muslims like those apples.

There are those out there who would say that the muslims in Europe shouldn't be expelled. But rather impaled like Vlad the Impaler used to do. Arresting a few here and there isn't going to accomplish anything.

It has to be a blanket ban on islam and the muslims, and they need to be removed as you would remove a cancer. There will be casualties as in any operation but they are better than having the cancer take over and kill everyone

Some would say that they should all be executed. Maybe even be turned into pet or fish food. Where they would actually have some use. But I could go along with your plan of just deporting them all.

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