France's Top Weatherman: Global Warming a Fraud, Gets Yanked

One of France's top climate scientist and a meteorologist (this guy has nice credentials), is sacked because he isn't toeing the socialist/UN party line right before the Paris conclave of the faithful....

:blowup: :blowup::blowup:
This is going to backfire on them. Sales for his book are skyrocketing.. The controversy they created is bringing his position and scientific evidence to light and not the way they wanted it to be buried..

Thank God for the internet.. the truth is getting out!
certainly not the first to lose his job for making skeptical observations, wont be the last either.
Science is being used to shape the way we look at everything. It is THE primary vehicle for conditioning the public's thinking towards where we are going. A very high % of people have no clue this is going on. In the field I work in, it is known as the "desensitization process" win the publics support for innovative things in health and technology via a slow methodical process. Stuff is dropped out there in dribbles on sites like Yahoo News, Drudge etc.........shit like "driverless cars", "brain implants", "drone innovation"..........most idiots out there just take this information and say, "Wow!!"

The fact is......the technology we possess is 50 years ahead of what the public thinks it is, as it has been for a long, long time. Dang..............Kissinger spoke of the internet publically in 1974!!! duh

Outstanding site here which enables people to see what the cutting edge of technology is and where governments want to take it >>>

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