

Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

France’s New Burqa-Friendly Government

May 21st, 2012 by Daniel Greenfield

Francois Hollande may be the first Muslim-elected president of France. With an estimated 93 percent of Muslim voters casting their ballots for Hollande, in a close election, their numbers may have made the difference between victory and defeat. The makeup of France’s new government reflects the debt that Hollande owes to his Muslim voters.

Hollande had said during the campaign that he would uphold the law on the burqa ban, with the caveat that he would apply it in the best ways possible—a statement which leaves plenty of wriggle room for minimizing enforcement. And his appointment of Christiane Taubira as Justice Minister suggests that soon enough Mademoiselle Liberty will don the burqa.

Taubira, a Guyanese radical leftist, who despite being appointed Justice Minister has no law degree, voted against the law banning hijabs in schools– one of only a handful of members of the National Assembly to do so. She did not cast a vote at all on the 2010 Burqa ban, but this year she signed on to an MTE petition on behalf of “veiled mothers” which denounced the “endless series of offenses” against Muslims, a list which included the “anti-headscarf law” and “anti-niqab legislation”.


Francois Hollande: the first Muslim president of France

Thursday, May 17, 2012
By Martin Barillas

According to the French website, La Vie, the final tally for the poll showed that Hollande won by only 1.13 million votes. Since an estimated 2 million Muslims voted, the Socialist obviously owes that community a great favor. Photographs found at the French website ‘Observatoire de l’Islamisation’ shows Muslims waving the flags of their native countries and jubilant over the defeat of Sarkozy.

Hollande’s victory can be attributed to the growing good relations between elements of the Socialist Party and other leftist groupings with the Muslim community, even with those segments associated with the notorious Muslim brotherhood. That warming trend has come at a cost to French taxpayers: in 2009, Jean-Marc Ayrault – who represents the Socialist Party in the National Assembly for the city of Nantes – voted in favor of subsidizing a cultural center and mosque in the city in the amount of 200,000 euros. Other cities subsidizing Muslim cultural centers and mosques include Clichy, Créteil, Poitiers, Nantes, Lille, Les Ulis, Roissy-en-Brie, Saint-Etienne in Metz, Rochefort, Angouleme, and La Rochelle. In some cases, land was donated by local government for the purpose of building these cultural centres and mosques.

The Islamic Association of Western France financed the construction of the mosque and cultural center at Nantes in the amount of 4.4 million euros, while the city government kicked in 200,000 euros. So far, the Muslim community has raised 1.5 million euros to pay for the main structure but more donations are expected to flow. Featured at the laying of the cornerstone were Tariq Ramadan, a controversial academic and defender of Iran, as well as the mayor of Nantes, Pascal Bolo.

Francois Hollande: the first Muslim president of France
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I'm wondering why someone who has never been to France, does not speak French and knows very few French people who think they know enough to post on this topic?
Anti-Jewish attacks in France reach epidemic proportions

June 4, 2012 By Leo Rennert

Last Saturday, 10 men wielding iron rods and hammers attacked three young Jews wearing skullcaps in a town near Lyon, sending two of the victims to the hospital, one with head injuries and the other with neck wounds. The attackers are said to be a gang of North African Muslims, who punctuated their vicious assaults with cries of "dirty Jews."

Last March 19, a Muslim radical, Mohammed Merah, killed three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in Toulouse.

Bad as these brutal attacks against Jews are, they are but the tip of what has become an all-too evident pattern of ever more frequent attacks against Jews in France. And not too put too fine a point on them, many of these attacks are perpetrated by Muslim hoodlums.

According to a report issued Monday by the French Jewish community protection service, the March massacre in Toulouse "triggered an explosion" of anti-Semitic attacks. In the 10 days following the deadly massacre, there were no fewer than 90 anti-Semitic incidents.

Data compiled by the French Interior Ministry show that there were 148 anti-Semitic incidents in March and April, including 43 classified as violent -- a huge jump over the 14 violent attacks recorded in the same period last year.


Articles: Anti-Jewish attacks in France reach epidemic proportions
No doubt anyday now, AJ will start a brutal series of threads on Swaziland.
I'm wondering why someone who has never been to France, does not speak French and knows very few French people who think they know enough to post on this topic?

Why does any of this matter? All of that can be true, and you can still closely follow French politics and news.
I'm wondering why someone who has never been to France, does not speak French and knows very few French people who think they know enough to post on this topic?

Why does any of this matter? All of that can be true, and you can still closely follow French politics and news.

Can you really?

And how many experts on US politiics do you know who have never been to America?

What AJ is posting here is just gossip and hearsay - which is why I see little point in addressing them.
I'm wondering why someone who has never been to France, does not speak French and knows very few French people who think they know enough to post on this topic?

Why does any of this matter? All of that can be true, and you can still closely follow French politics and news.

Can you really?

And how many experts on US politiics do you know who have never been to America?

What AJ is posting here is just gossip and hearsay - which is why I see little point in addressing them.

Now I'm certainly not an expert, but I've got a pretty decent knowledge of UK politics despite never having been there and follow it pretty closely.
Kevin -

I think the US is easier because there is a common language, and to some extent a shared culture.

Even so, understanding a country is about so much more than knowing who is in power, and what policies they pursue.

Understanding the US is also about seeing the racial mix on the streets, understanding the role of everything from drugs to baseball, shockjock radio to heavy metal music, Baptists to the NRA.

Most cultures are complex, difficult things - and you don't pick up a lot about street life in Paris without going there.
Kevin -

I think the US is easier because there is a common language, and to some extent a shared culture.

Even so, understanding a country is about so much more than knowing who is in power, and what policies they pursue.

Understanding the US is also about seeing the racial mix on the streets, understanding the role of everything from drugs to baseball, shockjock radio to heavy metal music, Baptists to the NRA.

Most cultures are complex, difficult things - and you don't pick up a lot about street life in Paris without going there.

I don't buy it. I see no reason why somebody can't intelligently discuss the politics or current events in a country just because they've never been there.
Kevin -

Well, fair enough - to each his own. But I never discuss the politics of a country I've never been to personally. I just don't feel I have that insight.
Afghans, Pakistanis training Islamists in Mali: Niger

07 June 2012

Jihadi fighters from Afghanistan and Pakistan are training Islamist groups in northern Mali, Niger's President Mahamadou Issoufou, pictured in April 2012, told France 24 television on Thursday.

Afghans, Pakistanis training Islamists in Mali: Niger - FRANCE 24

French soldiers killed, wounded in Afghanistan

By Jon Stephenson and Ali Safi
Saturday, Jun. 9, 2012 - 8:11

KABUL, Afghanistan — Four French soldiers were killed and five wounded on Saturday in the eastern province of Kapisa, the French government said.
The deaths are likely to increase the pressure on France’s newly-elected president François Hollande to fulfil his promise to withdraw his country’s combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year.
Hollande’s office said in a statement Saturday that three of the wounded soldiers were in a serious condition and an investigation into the attack had begun, but offered few other details about the incident.
However, Afghan officials said a suicide bomber on foot had attacked a French patrol in the village of Jorghal in Nijrab district, wounding three Afghan civilians as well as the soldiers.

Read more here: French soldiers killed, wounded in Afghanistan - Wire Lifestyle - The Sacramento Bee
Kevin -

Well, fair enough - to each his own. But I never discuss the politics of a country I've never been to personally. I just don't feel I have that insight.

I agree. It's four years since I moved here from England, and I know that I now have only a top line understanding of the issues there, and even more limited knowledge of the undercurrent of emotions that inform policy and voter intentions.

Very tough to pick that up from the media.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Paris: "On the Koran, We're Going to Kill you, Bunch of Peds!"

09:09. | Posted by Cheradenine Zakalwe. | Edit Post .

Alexandre Marcel, vice-president of the Comité Idaho, an NGO that organises the international day against homophobia and transphobia, confirmed that he had filed a complaint against X on Saturday, following an attack on Friday night while he was in "Cud", a gay club in the Marais district of Paris.

"At 2:30 in the morning I came out of a bar to smoke a cigarette with my companion when five guys arrived and started hitting the bouncers. They said: "On the Koran, we're going to kill you, bunch of peds!", he recalls. "I wanted to go back into the club. One of the bouncers, who was bleeding badly, told me to call the police," he goes on. "One of the attackers saw me calling, and sprayed me with tear-gas on the face," he added.


Islam versus Europe: Paris: "On the Koran, We're Going to Kill you, Bunch of Peds!"
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Paris: "On the Koran, We're Going to Kill you, Bunch of Peds!"

09:09. | Posted by Cheradenine Zakalwe. | Edit Post .

Alexandre Marcel, vice-president of the Comité Idaho, an NGO that organises the international day against homophobia and transphobia, confirmed that he had filed a complaint against X on Saturday, following an attack on Friday night while he was in "Cud", a gay club in the Marais district of Paris.

"At 2:30 in the morning I came out of a bar to smoke a cigarette with my companion when five guys arrived and started hitting the bouncers. They said: "On the Koran, we're going to kill you, bunch of peds!", he recalls. "I wanted to go back into the club. One of the bouncers, who was bleeding badly, told me to call the police," he goes on. "One of the attackers saw me calling, and sprayed me with tear-gas on the face," he added.


Islam versus Europe: Paris: "On the Koran, We're Going to Kill you, Bunch of Peds!"

Isn't this to be expected? Everyone knows, or should know, how islam treats homosexuals.
French Court Orders Release of Lebanese Terrorist Who Murdered US Lieutenant Colonel

January 10, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a Lebanese terrorist leader of one of the PFLP splinter groups, will be freed from prison, after 28 years in jail and deported to Lebanon, where he will no doubt receive a rousing welcome.

Abdallah converted from Christianity to Islam and his Communist terrorist group murdered an Israeli diplomat in Paris, Yacov Barsimentov and Lt. Col. Charles R. Ray, an assistant military attache. Ray was shot once in the back of the neck. His murder was the first murder officially designated as a terrorist attack by the Reagan Administration and the president said that;


French Court Orders Release of Lebanese Terrorist Who Murdered US Lieutenant Colonel
Granny says...

... "Dem Frenchies is always pokin' us inna eye...

... after we saved dey's butts inna both Big Ones.

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